here is a couple of tips to eliminates some of flakes. when you get phone#'s, make sure she puts your name and # in her phone as well. always make sure there's a reason you getting her # and not just "lets hang out sometime" i like to use "i'm going to x concert next week you should tag along" or anything else that is fun and cool that you are already doing. give her a nickname, use it later in a text or voicemail so she'll remember you. another thing i like to do is when exchanging #'s i'll call her # right there. when her voice mail picks up give her the phone, and tell her to tell her voice mail that she's just met this awesome guy named (your name) he's so awesome and i'm having so much fun and he's really hot! this should put her back into "club high" when she plays back the voice mail later, usually the next day or so. build up attraction, and give her something to remember you by. that should eliminate a good % of flakes from nightclubs. keep in mind some girls will get completely hammered drunk and will write off everything she did the night before regardless of how attracted she was to you. she'll be embarrased cause she cant remember what she did last night, that includes flirting with you. nothing you can do about those. these tactics are useful in all situations, but you'll need to use the in nightclubs for sure.
i mentioned before i'm not much of a nightclub guy. if i do go to a nightclub with friends, my focus is pulling a same night lay. i've copied and pasted a previous post about logistics you'll need to know for you to gameplan....
taking girls home from a night club is all about logistics. you need to find out the answers to 3 simple questions.
1. who is she here with? and who drove? are they all in one car? or did she drive seperate? if she's driving you have little to no chance, plus she is gonna be like the mother hen looking after all her chicks and much more difficult to game on. her attention will be on watching out for her friends. if she's riding with a friend your chances are a little better but not much. if she rode with the entire pack, its a little better. if she drove her self thats the best logistic. she's only responsible for herself.
2. how do they all know each other? which girl is her bff? if the entire pack are all bff's you'll have to win the entire groups approval before they will let you go home with her. the more bff's are there, the more difficult. also the more bff's she has there, the more girls are going to judge her, which hightens her anti-slut defense. you are looking for the target that either has one girl there as a bff, or none. they could be work associates, or girls that have just met, maybe they havent known each other that long. if none of those girls is a bff, she cares less if they think she's a slut for going home with you. the other girls are also less likely to ****block you.
3. does she have to get up early tomorrow? if she has something to do in the morning, work for example, less likely she is going home with you. she will always use that excuse regardless if it's true or not. but if she tells you flat out that she's not doing anything, take that as an ioi.
if you run into problems where the logistics dont match up, continue to game, get phone #'s, then move on to the next. just because she didnt go home with you that night does not mean she wont another night. always get the number.
another thing i like to do is this. send a text message to all the girls i got #'s from that night and say: "hey it's (your name) just wanted to let you know i got home safe." if they respond, continue convo, you can even invite them over. i've had girls that the friends that she rode with dropped her off at her house, then she drove over to my house. that way her friends dont know, and wont call her a slut the next day.
these are only guidelines, not laws. if you build enough attraction using game. she will break all the rules no matter what the logistics are. but if all you are looking for is a same night lay, i suggest talking to as many girls in the venue until you find one that falls into these good logistics. also you can find out the answers to all these questions within the first few mins, so your not wasting 30-40 mins gaming this chick, when you could have talked to 7-10 other girls looking for one that had better logistics.