bad feeling after approaching.. :( *SOOO SAAD*


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
yes, its true.. I get a bad feeeling after approaching.. eh someone will say *BAD FEEELING? you should be glad that you approached* but im not, im just getting depressed in a short of way.. ehlol^,^.. so to the topic..

After i have approached girls, i get this bad feeling inside me.. ( when she goes back to her friends/class/home wahtever.. i start to think "OH EMM JEEEE, im so NOT happy.. why didnt i say that?, why didnt i lead the conversation when she showed me alot of topics.. why in the hell didnt i use them?!!" Im trying trying to listen to her very closely(walk to the school/home, whatever) and i do.. but i dont LEAD the fking convo, i forget what she/they says.. i just saying.. "hehe, okey. oh hehe, hehe...)

her: hey
me: heyhey.. how ur doin?
her: fine, and you?
me: im fine.. (didnt know what to ask then..anytips what i could say after "how ur doin" question)

her: you know what?..
me: no <--- gahh "no" are sooo sad and lonly:( what more could i say than just no?
her: i was on party, saturday evning.., you know Micael?, he had a party..and his ipod and computer got stealed.. *haha* thats sucks
me: oh hehe, yeah thats sucks:( <---- OMG!! why did i just say that and nothing more? why didnt i ask her "how? what happend den?, who stealed it"
her: and they stealed my cellphone, i know who they are.. and i can get the number to those who stealed.. and im gonna say that, if they dont givme back my cellphone.. im gonna call his parents. and the worst thing is that i have to pay for the bill, i cant close my card..
me: hehe.. <-------- WTF? ehhe? i could add more !!! something like " yeah do that, or you can call the cops/ your cellphone? ah thats kinda boring tjat you have to pay for it..

why in the hell do i have that.. i could add SO MUCH in the convo, but i didnt..
"hehe, ahah, oh," how the fck do i get rid of this words.. and 1-2-3-4-word(s)-anwsare.. and add more?

offcorse im alittle happy when i approach too, but how can i stop it?
i have readed every conversationthreads in here.. it just that i forgot them when im talking.. i forget to lead the topic.. etc :(


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
her: hey
me: heyhey.. how ur doin?
her: fine, and you?
me: im fine.. (didnt know what to ask then..anytips what i could say after "how ur doin" question)
Tell a story, comment on her appearance...ask her a question

her: you know what?..
me: no <--- gahh "no" are sooo sad and lonly what more could i say than just no?
...It happens, it's a good answer though (normal good)
her: i was on party, saturday evning.., you know Micael?, he had a party..and his ipod and computer got stealed.. *haha* thats sucks
me: oh hehe, yeah thats sucks <---- OMG!! why did i just say that and nothing more? why didnt i ask her "how? what happend den?, who stealed it" could of asked that
her: and they stealed my cellphone, i know who they are.. and i can get the number to those who stealed.. and im gonna say that, if they dont givme back my cellphone.. im gonna call his parents. and the worst thing is that i have to pay for the bill, i cant close my card..
me: hehe.. <-------- WTF? ehhe? i could add more !!! something like " yeah do that, or you can call the cops/ your cellphone? ah thats kinda boring tjat you have to pay for it.. could of added, or gave her a OMG, that sucks hug...
Look in the bible for the Newbies Guide to Conversations..or whatever I named it as, it's by me and it's good.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
do it 100 times in a week and i promise u will feel more natural and better after getting PRACTICE


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
i found only these two threads of you

Docs - The Newbie's first step to the rest of their life. [Part I out of II]
Docs - The Newbie's first step to the rest of their life. [Part II out of II]

if im wrong.. plz correct me:)


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Hey doc.. i have readed ur post, and its amazing, but i continue to have this problem, emm i know i have to practice.. but how much practice?.. every day?
but if i stil struggle, how can i become good at it then?.. when im with girls i feel that im streesed orsomething,, cant find the right word to descripe it.

as i said,, im a good listner, but its something in the way that stops me to say it orsomething.. wierd--and im feeling that i just ask questions when im gonna answare her back can i do something other than just ask her question.,. fkes she leads me to a topic orsomething.. can i make that topic to not be a question?

isit any other threads about conversation that is not about how to lead(questions) but a emm answare.. yea hope you know what im trying to say.


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Sjakapai said:
yes, its true.. I get a bad feeeling after approaching.. eh someone will say *BAD FEEELING? you should be glad that you approached* but im not, im just getting depressed in a short of way.. ehlol^,^.. so to the topic..
I can totally understand where you are comming from. Getting shot down is not a good feeling. I had it happen and it took me down for awhile.
The important thing is to stop thinking about the bad aspects because your training your mind to "feel bad" every time your attempt it. So you have to try to think it in a more positive way. Look at it as only an exercise.
"Fake it till you make it"!


Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Kingston, Can-a-duh
Making a topic not a question is easy, just start talking about it. You know how one topic dies, fire up another one. "You what happened to me..."

If you have to try it with friends first, then by all means, go ahead


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
Freddy1 said:
I can totally understand where you are comming from. Getting shot down is not a good feeling. I had it happen and it took me down for awhile.
The important thing is to stop thinking about the bad aspects because your training your mind to "feel bad" every time your attempt it. So you have to try to think it in a more positive way. Look at it as only an exercise.
"Fake it till you make it"!

how long did you have it?.. I will do as you said:D thx

and for docs, how?.. ehe

"I was so tired that day, that i couldnt go to job"

what could i say here, without asking a question? orsomething?
maybe a bad settning.. to descirpe how:?


Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Sjakapai said:
me: no <--- gahh "no" are sooo sad and lonly:( what more could i say than just no?
I know lots of whats. The question is do you know what?


Don Juan
Oct 2, 2006
Reaction score
ah nice;) anyway, i feel that itgoes better and better now:D and that is a good thing isnt it? but im not fullely there, if someone have some other great tips.. pleas SPEAK out:)