BackPacking / Travelling - Do The Rules Change?


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2011
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When backpacking and travelling do the rules of the game change?

Seems you arrive at a new place, meet people then they or you move on elsewhere often within a short period of time (a day or two).

The process of meeting a girl and bedding her seems to be speedied up and the rules change- eg the wait a few days before calling thing goes out of the window they'll have moved on by then! I am figuring the direct approach is the only way to achieve results.

There are lots of single women travelling but many often pair up with other women on their way.

I am finding it hard to isolate one of these paired women who are giving me indicators of interest. Any tips on this?

If I go after a girl who is travelling with someone else, that someone else could well try and block me from progressing with her, seeing me as a threat in case she changes her itinenary and wants to join me on my travels or is jealous that her friend could be getting some action.

I travel alone, I have no wingman.

I just feel there is a sense of urgency to the whole thing, to not ***** foot around and get in there fast.

Any tips on approaching girls/rules of the game whilst backpacking much appreciated. It's the paired girls or those in the group I am having the most difficulty with in terms of approach. Maybe I am reading too much into it and if they initially came out travelling on their own, their new female travelling buddy/ies would not put up much resistance if they decide to spend more time with me.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2011
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The rules change because you say so and believe so. The rules stay the same if you say so and believe so. There are no rules if you say so and believe so.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2011
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Thanks for the reply. I am hoping for responses from people who have been in this situation and can share how they changed tactics or their approach.

Just feels like there is an urgency to it when you are on the road and need some tips or pointers, particular on how to isolate without a wingman.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 25, 2011
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to isolate is not a big deal ... build a lil attraction and confort and grab her hand and say : 'hey i wanna show you something'
then you isolate her once your face to face you kiss her or something else
ive been practicing the game like all that mystery stuff and how to isolate with all the canned routine and sh!t
until one time i tried this 'i wanna show you something' and its work very well ...
for the travelling i wasnt in a situation like that but i believe hisstory right !


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2011
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Ok good point - I'll think of something appropriate to the situation to get her to one side for a moment and will be direct!

One thing I did last week was to show a girl in a bar my travel pics... she was already isolated, and the pics gave a good topic of conversation, was easy to inject humor into it. It worked; she invited me back to hers after closing time.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
Well I disagree with the whole wait 2 days b4 calling thing anyway~ its too formulaic and cookie-cutter.

But with that said, yes, when you're back-packing, its game on. Str8 up, there is no pretence about her having to maintain an image of not being a slut. Chicks travel precisely because they can get d!cked by strangers and not have to worry about it getting back to their social circle.

My friend has just been in Thailand, and for him it was "fvck-land". He is really rascist as well, he won't sleep with asians, but the amount of hot british, european, american, canadian and australian backpackers there and its just game on, no inhibitions, no piddling around, just pair up n fvck.

Good luck on your travels man~ have fun.


Don Juan
Feb 1, 2011
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haha that's just what I wanted to read. I'm gonna be very direct, it has to be the only way to progress, can't see it being any other way and glad I've heard it from someone else. :eek:


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2011
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Montreal, PQ
I heard it's pretty easy in Asia when you're a white man. You just have to be a little bit bolder than usual.

And, yes, other travelers are a good source, too.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2011
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I'd say that you're targets should in general be the ones travelling by themselves as those women tend to be the more adventerous and have less inhibitions to start with. Whenever I met a women travelling on her own during my journeys it was mad respect to her as i know it's not an easy thing to do. Oddly enough this are the ones I generally tend to be more attracted due to their independence and adventurous nature.

For the ones pairing up with other birds don't forget that often times they are very sick of each other and usually on the verge of, or just getting over, a giant fight or rift. This is particularly true for the ones who've been travelling for more then a month. You can use this to your advantage by suggestiing a day time activity that will allow you to isolate. Also if you're in a hostel then finding temporary wingmen should be pretty easy. Just make sure you don't end up with the *****y one! Lol.

EA Gold

Senior Don Juan
Feb 26, 2009
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If your american, you are definitely going to stick out like a sore thumb. I would consider your safety more then anything. Better watch out for the communist and islamic guerrillas.


Don Juan
May 13, 2010
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who here has travelled cause people say if you travel you get to ****?

i travel alot not to ****, to **** is a by product, but because i like to travel , see different culture and i have a true interest in history, languages, architecture etc

when ever i meet people on my journeys i always ask them what brought them here and 9 times out of 10 there response is *****

its funny the amount of aussies i've met especially from perth who travel for that sole reason and its even funnier when they tell me they travelled 10 months straight and they never scored

well i tell them if you cant get some at home what makes you think you can get some here
they spent a good £10,000 and for what?
it would have been cheaper to stay at home and get a pro or 2 that would cost £20-50

and no its not really as easy as everyone says, how many has seen a hot babe travel on there own... fat ones , ugly ones and average ones at best
but hot ones normally with bf, husband, group etc like in real life

so let me run this one time, what everyone seems to be saying
Travel girls are easy
travel girls are loose
travel girls will give it up straight away
travel girls are more susceptable to mumbo jumbo sex talk
travel girls are hot

well not really

certain girls are easy yes but then they are probably sluts, like the slut you get back at home, a slut is a slut is a slut wheather it be aussie land, russky land, hollywood land, eng land

now that i think about it , this is a afc thing to do
travelling to ****, but with no guarantees
its like paying for a hooker but not 100% sure you will get the trim

does the rule change, no imho


New Member
Mar 29, 2011
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Retro74 said:
When backpacking and travelling do the rules of the game change?
When backpacking you don't need game! Like many UK teenagers at 18, once I finished high school I went backpacking in SE Asia & Australia for a year. It was a complete meat market. Traveller hostels/bars/clubs/beaches ... total meat market. Like someone mentioned above, as soon as girls are overseas they release their inner slut & don't give a fvck & just want to enjoy themselves. Just look for the blonde Scandinavians ... always the easiest [& filthiest!].

[I hate to generalize but a lot of research has gone into this ... during my gap year me & my 3 buddies decided that Scandinavians are the easiest, especially the Swedish chicks. Subsequently, my 2 younger brothers have also taken gap years after high school/university & report the same findings!]


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
Well imho ChanceBoudreaux you're 100% wrong.

HEAPS of hot girls backpack, I mean heaps of young hot girls. And no, they are not alone, they'll usually be in pairs~ two hot girls backpacking in Nepal or something, its so common that its almost a cliche.

Or they'll be with a group of their friends from home, so what? They're still travelling, they're still up for fun, they're still less uptight than they would be at home.

Yes, some dudes from Perth with no game might be able to travel for 10 months w/out scoring, that would be becoz they're losers. No one travels solely for pvssy~ wot a stupid thing to do. But it is a side-benefit.

From my own personal experience, I think scoring when you're travelling is at least 10 times easier than when your at home stuck in a rut or a relationship or woteva/.

The rules definitatly change, for the better.


New Member
Mar 29, 2011
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d!ckmojo said:
two hot girls backpacking in Nepal or something, its so common that its almost a cliche.
A total cliche. I don't really know anyone who didn't take a year or two out after high school/university to go traveling SE Asia/Aus/NZ/South America. I do think it's more a European/Aussie/Kiwi/Saffa thing than a North American thing ... though when I took my gap year I met loads of Canadians in Thailand/Vietnam/Cambodia/Bali/Oz ... Strangely I didn't meet a single American until I landed at LAX on my way home to London.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
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YES the rules change! If on vacation, especially alone, girls will EEEASILY give it up! I was backpacking around New Zealand and met girls even from my own country (so foreigner bonus don't count) - and it was so easy I almost cried! The only difficulty was actually to arrange a bed for sex because often you sleep in dorms.

Especially if a girls travelling alone... none of her friends will judge her... she's abit lonely... she'll be leaving soon... here comes some random stranger(you)... she will say: why the hell not!?

And, backpacking gives lots of easy date opportunities. You're both new in town? Go explore! Walk the beach, go swimming, museum, anything. While on vacation, you basically have the same interests anyway.

P.S.: Groups of women: you need to counter with some guys, random dudes you meet. So it's a big loose group where the girls don't have the say. Have some fun time in the group, and then isolate. Start kino already in the group. You will also see that there's ALOT LESS c*ckblocking from friends, after you befriend them, because everybody knows that things happen on vacation... you know it's many girls' fantasy to meet a handsome stranger in the middle of nowhere, and have hot sex with no consequences! :)


Don Juan
May 13, 2010
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d!ckmojo said:
Well I disagree with the whole wait 2 days b4 calling thing anyway~ its too formulaic and cookie-cutter.

But with that said, yes, when you're back-packing, its game on. Str8 up, there is no pretence about her having to maintain an image of not being a slut. Chicks travel precisely because they can get d!cked by strangers and not have to worry about it getting back to their social circle.

My friend has just been in Thailand, and for him it was "fvck-land". He is really rascist as well, he won't sleep with asians, but the amount of hot british, european, american, canadian and australian backpackers there and its just game on, no inhibitions, no piddling around, just pair up n fvck.

Good luck on your travels man~ have fun.
which city in thailand?
which hotel, hostel etc
which clubs
which month

next time i'm travelling i may have to pass by


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
Just go have a good time. You're already getting anxious about how many lays you are supposed to get in country x in time period z. That's already a losing mentality.