Backpack Across Europe


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2003
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I'm from Europe myself (in germany so I'm right in the middle of things) and...a lot of times a flight is definetly the better option, even though I'm not opposed to travelling by train at all. But there's so many cheap flights here in companies like Ryanair..Airberlin(not quite sure about that one)...or even by Lufthansa (the german airline with the higehst reputation). For example if I have to decide whether I'm going to Paris by train or by flight, I'll take the flight any day, because it only takes one hour and costs 99 Euros (to Paris and back from Paris) - even if it's not a special offer ( i think right now one could get a flight for 30Euros or so)..same thing is true for Nice (South France) which is close to Monaco...or Italy...or Spain....if you wanna see every single country here in Europe one of those train passes might be the cheaper and thus better option, but I would take flights into consideration, too, especially if you dont feel the urge to feel every single country