Back and Forth with (Ex)-GF - What to do?


New Member
Jan 10, 2015
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I will try to keep it short:

GF and I broke up a few weeks ago because of a thing I did (hurt her feelings, very emotional, rough weeks afterwards), actually tried to keep us from breaking up but "fighting" for it like that (chasing her) never works I guess. We kept talking about our relationship and **** while broken up, very ****ing emotional messages. Met again, talked and made up, kissed. Next day we meet up and while everything starts out okay she suddenly becomes quiet and uncomfortable, says she needs to leave and texts me later that she's sorry but still can't really trust me and that she needs time. See each other the next day, spend new years together but I was too drunk to do much, brought her home though and kissed at her door.

Texted for a week like when we were together, weird situation though because we didn't see each other at all. Told her that this is situation is bull**** and agreed to meet the next day. Went over to her place, we basically "agreed" that it sucks and we can't continue like that. Talked and laughed a lot (we have great chemistry), she was very attached, laid her head in my lap, put her and in my crotch, hugged me, laid on my chest, always came close to my face and 'wanted" to kiss me, I touched her a lot too, lot's of teasing and kino, I played VERY hard to get and lot's of push-push-pull - hell, I didn't think I had anything to lose anymore. In hindsight I guess I was too distant and she gave up towards the end... I regret that right now.

I then laid her down, touched her belly, pulled down her pants and starting fingering her, I said "FWB isn't bad either", she said "... it doesn't work once you've been in a relationship". It continued, she said "sex without kissing?", I pulled her up, kissed her, then pushed her away saying "I don't want to kiss you", she said "I don't want to kiss you either". She blew me I ate out her blah blah she said "One last time..?" and we ****ed.

Afterwards we got dressed, kissed and hugged, basically saying goodbye for good. As I went to the door she grabbed my arm and kissed me again, hugged me again, we said good bye and then I left.

Later that night she texted me

"I thought that when you'd came over you'd make suggestions as to how we can work this out, but that was never on your mind right?"
(few minutes later) "I'm tired and maybe I'm thinking too much, maybe we should talk tomorrow"
I answered that I didn't have concrete intentions in one direction or another but that I knew that I would not continue like that

I answered "wat"

"I don't understand the content of your message"
I answered that I had worded it perfectly and that she must be pretty tired if she doesn't understand that

"How can you be so rational?"
"I can't"
I answered that I don't even find it rational but emotional instead, that I knew that I would not continue with us in that halfhearted and undecided back-and-forth way. Then I said "I'm tired, let's talk tomorrow. Sleep well"

She answered with four messages, several minutes apart.

"Why didn't you show me then that it isn't halfhearted for you"
"Why didn't you ever show me?"
"Why couldn't you understand how horrible everything was for me and at least try to make it up to me like you promised?"
"You kept me in the dark all the time, I bit my teeth out on you (it's a phrase, translation is something like "hard nut to crack"), until I didn't have the strength left to wait for something to come from you."
Answered the next day that I didn't keep her in the dark and that I told her that it was all or nothing for me, it was never halfhearted. That we have a chemistry like no one else but that this way we are not making anything out of it and that can't be it.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I would love to get back together with her - I really love this girl and we have great chemistry.

Not being a ***** worked great but I guess I overdid the hard to get thing, not sure though if her extreme physicalness was a test though. How can I make this happen?


New Member
Jan 10, 2015
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she can be a headache but she is a sweet and loving girl. we were together for 2 years


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
Why are you asking questions here then because it seems ss if you've already decided you want her regardless of her behaviour


New Member
Jan 10, 2015
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Because I don't know HOW to get her back... Desperation doesn't help


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
You want to get her back then keep your center.... right now it sounds like you are losing it. Women want a man that is in control. What did you do to cause the break up? This is important. If you were really at fault. Call her and apologize ONCE. but it's very important that when you apologize you have to acknowledge the way that what you did made her feel. MAKE HER tell you everything about how it made her feel.... you have to connect with her emotions. Do not just apologize for your action but also how it made her feel.

Again.... if you are at fault apologize one time and have her get the emotional crap off her chest. This is what she wanted when she thought you were going to talk this out. Until you let her vent emotionally this will always be on the back of her mind and will come up again.

DO NOT GROVEL OR BEG. Apologize one time... if you are wrong and you will not appear weak. If you really don't think you did anything wrong then you have to back off and make her come to you.


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2014
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Give it up, you tried to work it out and it's not happening. More fish in the sea to catch brother. No need to waste your time any further on her.

Firestar786 said:
You are the biggest pvssy I've ever come across and I'm saying that respectfully

Like I'm sure you're any better with women. No need to insult the lad when you can't measure up to greatness yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
I'm not desperate to hold onto one woman as if she's my world .

Just trying to get that across to the young lad who's clearly lost his mind.

You don't know me so don't comment on my abilities


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2014
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Firestar786 said:
I'm not desperate to hold onto one woman as if she's my world .

Just trying to get that across to the young lad who's clearly lost his mind.

You don't know me so don't comment on my abilities
But you would be desperate to have any woman at all.

No need to insult the lad with coarse language when he is on the same path to learning such a yourself. Getting your message across can be done in a civilized manner without insulting the young lad.

I could very well call you a pvssy, but that wouldn't be very courteous of me now would it?

One can bet that your abilities are not substantial.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
The word hypocrite springs to mind 'bing'

Feel free to reply to this however it won't be reciprocated as I don't feel your worth the time.

Thanks .