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avoiding fight in a club


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
I went to a club with two female friends of mine an some other people.
We were dancing etc but there was this group of drunk people that was bouncing and moving like crazy, so they pushed us several times. It was getting really annoying, and the place was crowded.

One of this people was this douchebag that was really drunk and clumsy.
At some point when one of they guys from the group hit me with his forearm (for the 20th time) I pushed him away a bit and this ass-hole I just mentioned faced me and told me not to push his friends, blah blah. I said ok, but he insisted, he kept facing me and he pushed me two times, all this because he wanted to hear me say: "you're right, I should not push your friends" (eventhough they were annoying and pushing everyone around them).

I was getting enough when some of my female friends started yelling at him, pushing him away etc, and another girl hugged me trying to make herself some kind of armor for me lol.

I just basically replied to him a few times: "yeah, ok dude, take it easy, alright, got it..." but he kept repeating:
"you dont push my friends, ok? ok? you dont push them, ok??"

This took around 4 minutes and once this douchebag realised he was embarrasing himself in front of my female friends he came to me and said:
him: "I am telling your girl friends that everything is right"
me: "yes... ok".

And then he returned to his group, and kept moving like crazy while hitting, and pushing the people around them.

I have to say that this idiot was 20 lbs heavier than me but that was not the issue. I was calmed but I had all these thoughts in my head: is he gonna hit me? if he does he will regret it. I should hit him first. No, I dont want any problems. Stupid douchebag he's gonna screw our night. I should agree with him so he leaves us. No, I am not obeying this assh-ole. Etc, etc.

So my question is, in this case he wanted me to say: "yes I should not push your friends", but what if he wanted something else I dont want to do? you understand what I mean? what if this drunk stupid douchebag wanted...me to go away, or some other stupid demand I dont want to do?
On the right hand I knew that agreing with him and doing what he demanded would probably end the issue, but on the left hand I did not want to do obey him and look like a wuss.
In the end, thanks to my female friends it didn't end up bad.

Similar experiences? opinions?


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Yep yep yep yep yep yep yep listen to the guy above me.

Clubs are specifficaly created to bring out the worst in everyone.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
I can't go to these places because I tend to attract AMOGs. I do ok with the ladies but I'm a short, skinny guy so I get challenged too often for me to be comfortable. Hell, my own friends have c-blocked me before.

Take it as a compliment of sorts as well. When other guys feel threatened by you they AMOG you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
After you were getting bumped into repeatedly, I would have grabbed your group and moved to another section of the dance floor away from the idiots if possible. If the dance floor is small and that's not possible, go to the bar area and drink or just leave the club.

Challenging or pushing back against one of these azzholes just opens a can of worms. Saying the line he wanted you to say probably wouldn't have made him stop. He will find other ways to humiliate you and/or escalate things into a fight. Appeasement NEVER works. Back in the day, I tried the "Ok everything's cool," and it makes the guy MORE pissed. Say nothing and leave.

But yeah, like the others said, most clubs suck.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
Reaction score
I give people one warning and I never let anyone Invade my personal space. Once you are within striking distance its good bet that you will get hit!:nono: I would rather strike first than risk getting hurt, knocked unconcious etc.
And I go where I please! I don't avoid going out to have a good time simply because other people can't hold their liqueur or being an assh0le. One other thing experience has taught me is that people know who not to fukk with most guys can look at me and tell that I dont mind getting my hands dirty I have been in at least 20 fist fights in my life so it is what it is. Not saying im the toughest guy by any means but I carry myself in a way that makes people second guess themselves. Your mileage may vary lol!:rockon:

Ray S

Don Juan
Mar 31, 2014
Reaction score
If you don't want to fight best to move away


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
avoid altercations at all costs but of someone is aggro on you...respond equally.
Feb 8, 2015
Reaction score
go to a real club not one of these sucky clubs, my club has a 300 monthly fee just to get in, and free choclates and coca cola and peanuts and orange juice and even lobster.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
Ray S said:
If you don't want to fight best to move away
Yeah, but it's a really great feeling, when a more muscular guy tries to bully you and you knock him out with one straight punch. Imagine him laying there on the ground knocked out and all the girls looking at you standing there like a real Alpha. I can't describe that feeling of power, unless you have done it yourself.

And by the way, more muscular doesn't equate to punching power. I, myself being an amateur boxer have knocked out much bigger guys than myself with ease. Most of the bodybuilder types don't know how to throw a punch anyway, so don't be afraid if you know how to punch.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2014
Reaction score
NEVER get into fights ...
the absolute best way to diffuse a fight !

MAD DOUCHE : hey you just bump into me what is your problem !!!

YOU : I am sorry what kind of beer you drink ?!

you say this right away before people get all agitated and it will diffuse most conflict.

= Diffuse 90 % of fight

If this do not work you reiterate your offer

and if it does not work



Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
I fought many times with my buddies for several reasons. We all did boxing in our spare time, we thought we could handle anyone in combination with alcohol. We thought we were ''all that''. We protected our buddies or girls that were with us. We hit idiots who talked to the ladies that were with us.

My advice to you:

Don't get caught up in any fight ever. Always be smart and walk away. None of those girls are still around. We couldve f8cked them or had 'em as plates but we all moved on now. I even ended up in jail 3 times and once for 3 days with a fine of 1000euros for some stupid fight in a club.

Its NOT worth it. Only fight if some1 hits you and you have to defend otherwise always walk. In your case you handled it perfectly dont let your night get f8cked over by some random clowns. You want to f8ck up your 'name', it can even effect your carreer, fights always escalate quickly.

So WALK AWAY with your friends, with your girl to another club or another spot. Every1 will forget what happened 5 minutes later and you set a positive mood again by joking or getting drinks and dancing.

It's not worth fighting :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
One of the ironies of learning how to punch with power is that you now have the skill to very easily break your hand on the other guy's face.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
You will look back and wish you could have went all Kung Fu on them, but in the end, if you are not injured and they are not suing you and/or coming after you, you are better off.

You can only punch someone in self defense or in defense of your companions.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
Reaction score
I've been in my share of fights/arguments. A few in high school after class, some at college when I was drunk.

I regretted all of them, and wish I would have walked away. If you've ever been in one, the order of events goes like this:

1. Rage builds when someone pisses you off or threatens you. You want to take their head off. You argue, then someone makes the first move. You go into shock once that first move is made.

2. Once in the fight and it's a combination of fear/adrenaline/anger.

3. After the fight is over, it doesn't matter who wins, you feel completely EMBARRASSED by what you just did. You embarrassed and inconvenienced your friends who are with you, the girl you brought, and complete strangers who will see you as not a tough guy - but a completely uncool douche who can't control himself like a man would.

There are so many reasons NOT to fight.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 20, 2014
Reaction score
expos said:
After the fight is over, it doesn't matter who wins, you feel completely EMBARRASSED by what you just did.\
Not if you knocked the other person out. I didn't feel any embarrassment at all, not a single time.
The only time I did feel embarrassed was when I did throw a punch, but I missed his jaw, so I couldn't knock him out.
Apr 23, 2015
Reaction score
TheGambino said:
I fought many times with my buddies for several reasons. We all did boxing in our spare time, we thought we could handle anyone in combination with alcohol. We thought we were ''all that''. We protected our buddies or girls that were with us. We hit idiots who talked to the ladies that were with us.

My advice to you:

Don't get caught up in any fight ever. Always be smart and walk away. None of those girls are still around. We couldve f8cked them or had 'em as plates but we all moved on now. I even ended up in jail 3 times and once for 3 days with a fine of 1000euros for some stupid fight in a club.

Its NOT worth it. Only fight if some1 hits you and you have to defend otherwise always walk. In your case you handled it perfectly dont let your night get f8cked over by some random clowns. You want to f8ck up your 'name', it can even effect your carreer, fights always escalate quickly.

So WALK AWAY with your friends, with your girl to another club or another spot. Every1 will forget what happened 5 minutes later and you set a positive mood again by joking or getting drinks and dancing.

It's not worth fighting :)
SO you talked about fighting and jail time. What about fighting and weapons such as guns, knives, baseball bats, etc?


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
Reaction score
When I was 19 years old I was in a club and a guy who would have been at least 40 tried to start a fight with my 18 year old friend. I stepped in and tried telling the guy to take it easy so he punches me in the ear. I planted one flush on his chin and he went over. Bouncers threw me out and I was banned from one of my favorite clubs.

I NEVER go to town drunk or get drunk. It's full of aggro drunks trying to impress, at the end of the day every time you go to town there's a fair chance you are going to have to defend yourself. Better to be sober if you are going to have to check some douchebags chin.

Of course it's better to avoid a fight all together but if someones going to try and force the issue then I'll step up without a doubt.