Avoidant Personality Disorder


Juan Hitler

I used to be the same way...shy...paranoid...depressed. I never went to a shrink instead I spent tons of cash on self-help books. None of them worked until I found this gem.called:

The Ultimate Secrets of Total Self-Confidence


I truly beleive that this book saved my life as well as a couple friends lives (we were talkin group suicide....yuck)
The best part about it is there are no self-evaluation forms or questions (hate those), just read it once cover to cover then pick it up when you have a little time (bathroom visits ..lol) and read chapters that apply to you for 30 days (based on the theory it takes 30 days to reverse bad habits) and beleive it or not your outlook justs changes. NO B/S. NO WORK. Things just seem brighter...not as bad...It was too strange..you change for the better and don't even have to try. I really think this book should be mandatory reading for kids before entering High School. I would suggest everyone who has any self-esteem or confidence issues read this book. For $7 how can you go wrong?? The change is dramatic.
Best of Luck to all!!!!

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
WARNING: This thread is from 2003!

Re: Avoidant Personality Disorder

Originally posted by ADPGuy

A few weeks ago I was diagnosed as having Avoidant Personality Disorder traits. I do not think I have it severely, but its enough to make my life very miserable.

Basically, I try to avoid interaction with people because I am scared of what they will think. For example, I eat my meals in a large cafeteria. I have to walk down a big stair case to get to it and everybody looks at you when you walk down it. This scares me so I avoid going to eat when its busy. My senses get really sensitive when I'm around people. I can hear conversations going all around me, and I try and pick out comments that are about me. My problem is with my peers (I am 18); I know most adults like me.

It deserves a BUMP!

Anyway, this is interesting. This case reminds me some old friends I had. I don´t know if it´s AVPD or they were just "different".