Avoid overwhelming women with your need to see/talk to them


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
I see this so much when people are posting stories online or even with my friends in person, so I figured I'd write about it. I'm sure it's been covered in the past. So many guys that see initial success with a woman get over-excited and want escalate things as quickly as possible by being around her/talking to her often.

Especially early on, this is important. However, it requires a very delicate balance to display your interest in her, while at the same time making her wonder what your true intentions are. This gets her thinking at you while you're not actually around, and thus builds her attraction towards you without you actually having to do anything. "I like this guy, I think he likes me too, but what is he REALLY thinking?"

I see guys go way out of their way to try and see or talk to girls, especially immediately after the initial meeting, when nothing has been solidified yet. Even if you are displaying to her through flirting and teasing that you're a man of high value, making these meetings/conversations too frequent early on can be bad.

The phone is your worst enemy.

Don't chat with her on the phone. If she calls and wants to chat for a while, or you call her and she wants to chat, don't do it. Set up a time and a place for you two to get together and do it there. There's no body language over the phone, no kino, just words and voice inflection. "Hey, I'm kind of busy right now, why don't we meet and get coffee later?" Then work your magic in person.

Don't let her rope you into texting back and forth all day. I personally hate texting, so I never have to worry about this. Avoid the idle chatting in text messaging. Don't feel obligated to respond to her if she texts you with random nothingness.

Chatting online is iffy. I've had mixed results with it. If she's big into the online scene, million friends on myspace or facebook or whatever, you should probably avoid it. There are tons of guys trying to get with her online, you don't need to use it as a crutch. However, if she's someone who maybe gets online in the evenings, only talks to a few of her friends online, then it may work for you. Just don't dive in and start IMing 5 seconds after she gets online. Wait a while, maybe you have something funny to show her, maybe you want to ask her out (I've asked girls out on first dates online with success, but I don't recommend it).

I have two male friends that I hang out with pretty often, usually just the three of us. One of them is very good with girls, one is very bad with girls. The one who is very good with girls has women calling him constantly. Sometimes he'll pick up, sometimes he won't. His phone conversations generally last only a couple minutes and usually end with, "let's get together soon." The other one sits there texting back and forth with one girl, and if he gets a phone call, he'll jump up and run out of the room and essentially disappear for the next 20 minutes. The former has slept with half of the girls on campus, the latter is a virgin.

Don't dive at every opportunity to talk to her. You WANT to be with her, you don't NEED to be with her. Avoid displaying neediness/clinginess through how often and by what means you get to know her at first.

(This is also my first writeup about anything regarding pick up. I've lurked around these communities for years and had my own experiences to back these up. Feel free to critique.)


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2007
Reaction score
I can attest to this. I can really build up a girls interest but damnit if I know when to stop. It's kinda like cooking. You throw in some ingredients (kino, make her laugh with some witty comments, etc.) and then let it simmer for a while. Not too long, but just long enough to start mixing it up again. That's a terrible analogy, but yeah.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 10, 2007
Reaction score
your right

but then each girl is different and you don't have to apply the same game to each girl.

I don't think chatting with a girl for a few is that big of a deal.BUt i do get ur point about rather meeting in person

ur friend is probably the best looking one also? He's obviously attracted all these girls somehow......with looks or what?


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
It's tough, but at the beginning, when the phone starts to ring and you notice it's her, sometimes you need to let it ring through. It adds an element of mystery as to what you're actually doing, and gives her a better feeling when she calls and you do pick up, or when you call her.

There's only so much attraction you can trigger in her. If you're doing it right, NOT talking to her for a few days can help you.


Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
moto said:
your right

but then each girl is different and you don't have to apply the same game to each girl.

I don't think chatting with a girl for a few is that big of a deal.BUt i do get ur point about rather meeting in person

ur friend is probably the best looking one also? He's obviously attracted all these girls somehow......with looks or what?
Okay, I may have worded myself wrong. A little bit of chatting is okay. "Oh hey, what's up, where are you right now, what are you doing later tonight..." but a good rule is that your phone conversations shouldn't be going beyond 5 minutes if you've only recently met the girl. Also, girls that aren't very popular, aren't getting asked out a lot, generally lacking in attention from guys...maybe invest a little more time into the phone.

He has confidence and he knows what he's doing. He's a big guy, a lot of muscle but a lot of fat too. His height works for him. He just talks to EVERYONE and is really good at showing his confidence to girls by teasing them rather than complimenting them.

Looks for when women are looking at men don't matter that much. Did you watch the show Pick Up Artist? I know that this board seems to hate Mystery Method, but there was one good episode that showed the discounting of the looks. They had a pool party, and all the guys were forced to go out in speedos and hit on the girls like that. The guy who did the best was the fat guy, despite there being a body builder and a former model in the group. Yeah, it'll boost your chances (and your confidence) if you're working out and watching what you eat, but you can always get girls looking the way you look.