I agree with Casanova,
If Brian had the skills of a DJ, he would have achieved a better result, which may or may not have landed the babe. I am not sure where Brian would land in a scale of 1 to 10 for a woman, but I think that most women would consider him around a 5 or maybe worse.
The "Hottie" guy had only one card in his sleeve; his looks. Most guys that are incredably vein (not to generalize) and model-good looking, have very little to offer. They spend most of the day in the gym and tending to themselves, they don't have other things to offer (personality, intelligence, wit, charm, money & power). The reason is the same for alot of hot women, they rely on their looks to achieve their means.
But in the long run, the Hot Babe will always beat out the Hot Guy because the Babe will alot of times settle down with a guy who is not a stud; she will settle down with a guy with more to offer (charm, intelligence, money & power). The Hot Guy who is a "mimbo" will be left in the dust most of the time as girls "outgrow" him. So like Casanova said, a "Hot Guy/Mimbo" will always ultimately live and die by the sword.
I think if a guy is a 5 and he wants to land a HB9-9.5, his game would have to be super tight, and the chemistry between him and the girl would have to be just right. She would have to be the kind of HB that doesn't consider looks a top priority in a man. I think she would have to have a history of being dumped and strung along by hot studmuffins as well to make her more humbled.
In this respect, I partially agree with Becker. Unless the match between the HB9-9.5 and the Dude of <=5 in looks is just right like I described above and the guy has super DJ skills, he has less of a chance than dudes >6. The further down the scale you go in a guy's looks, the better the match between the HB and the Dude has to be along with exponentially better DJ skills and more resources (money & power).
So in the end, I would say that the answer is not black & white. I don't believe in "leagues", but at the same time, there are probabilites which increase or decrease for a guy aiming for an HB, depending on certain variables:
1. If a guy is above average in looks (Dude 7 or more), his DJ skills would have to be good with alot to offer to land an HB.
2. If a guy is average, his DJ skills would have to be tight with alot to offer to land the HB.
3. If a guy is below average (ugly), his DJ skills would have to superb with ALOT to offer (money & power), or perhaps an HB with lower self-esteem/low consideration for a guy's looks, in order to land the HB.
What do you guys think? (BTW, I think the show is scripted anyway