Nachos Looks to the left.
Nachos sees that there are no pretty pictures.
Nachos looks up and thinks to himself "If i was a wonder god at women et-cetera, i'de enable avatars in the forums"
Nachos the wonders if there will be anyone as kind enough to answer him.
Time may be the elixour of the wise, but nachos is waiting for answers, answers that may have never existed in the first place.
Bok Choy.
Nachos sees that there are no pretty pictures.
Nachos looks up and thinks to himself "If i was a wonder god at women et-cetera, i'de enable avatars in the forums"
Nachos the wonders if there will be anyone as kind enough to answer him.
Time may be the elixour of the wise, but nachos is waiting for answers, answers that may have never existed in the first place.
Bok Choy.