Im currently 24 years old and ive been accepted in to a 12 month exchange placement in a USA college, one thing my advisor mentioned to me was in USA most people there will be alot younger than me (people ussually go straight to college after high school, where as here alot of people do that to but plenty of people opt to go early to mid 20's also).
Honestly, i never even thought about it, the university im at now there are alot of 18-21 year olds but its never really bothered me because there are still alot of people around my age. I guess im a little worried i go over there and i look out of place as im a few years older. I will be living on campus.
Honestly, i never even thought about it, the university im at now there are alot of 18-21 year olds but its never really bothered me because there are still alot of people around my age. I guess im a little worried i go over there and i look out of place as im a few years older. I will be living on campus.