Yeah, guys like Tyler Durden and Zan Perrion all say that a woman's gonna have a pedestal ANYWAY so there's no use trying to get all insecure and "knock her off" of it. It might make you look "try hard" because you're not already assuming high value for yourself!
INSTEAD they recommend that you make YOUR pedestal higher by maintaining a sense of mystery, being direct, seeing her as a potential partner in crime rather than an enemy, and revealing stuff a tiny bit at a time. Escalate with certainty, and you will trigger all her signs that she's with a high-value male. I'm serious, you don't need a bunch of DHV stories. I'm working on doing what I call "minimalist game" - that is, using as FEW scripted openers and canned attraction/rapport routines as possible, and focusing instead on situational humor, intelligence, statement game (which baits her to talk about herself more), and LOTS of smooth kino in specific places (no not the crotch you horndogs.... you gotta soften her up first!).
A lot of guys overcalibrate their kino because they don't trust their own experience. If you are ANYWHERE past the rAFC stage you have SOME experience, so don't be so damn indecisive and afraid of excalating your kino!
But yeah, back to the point of this thread, cute girls DO often take really bad dumps and fart.
Actually it's a lot less bad if they only fart. Sometimes it's cute lol. But if they take a REALLY MESSY SH!T IN YOUR BATHROOM, it suddenly makes sleeping with her a LOT less attractive for the next few hours.