Please forgive the length of this reply
Yes. The attractive women who are not married by their late twenties are insecure, dumb, overly picky, weird or all four. Basically something is wrong with THEM. Women are very chaotic creatures. The average man can not even imagine how confused and emotionally chaotic a normal girl can be let alone a girl that has not settled down in their late twenties. Many women have all types of crazy going on in their head. Some are extremely insecure and others have weird fetishes etc etc. These women are controlled by their subconscious and the desires of their subconscious doesnt always make sense. The more rational women get married to a good man by 24. They can override the chaos of their subconcious. Dumb girls can not. Insecure girls can not.
This is why it is never a good idea to base your SMV on the opinion of any particular girl. Especially in this day and age when women are as confused as ever. Half didnt even grow up with a loving father in the house. Women these days will say they are lesbians and are not into men, yet have children by men in the past and they are currently dating a woman that looks like a man?! This is how confused the modern woman is. How can you take a girl like that seriously. Her opinion is based on chaos. The more objective measure of your SMV is what her parents would think of you. This is why the patriarchy was so great. Our ancestors knew that the best way to measure the worth of a man was to have him meet the father and mother. If the father (especially the father) approved then that guy was an alpha or at least a strong beta that would take care of his daughter. That is an opinion that i would take seriously (the fathers). That opinion is based on actual objective measures of worth. Like is he strong, does he make enough money, is he emotionally stable etc etc. Modern women make their vagina choices on the nebulous neurochemicals floating around in her brain at any given moment.
Women can sleep with a lame guy. Then months later wonder what she saw in him. Ive had women say that a guy is not her physical type at all, then go and sleep with him the next week. Ive had women sleep with me quickly, and then act like they are not attracted to me over
text then sleep with me again, just to ignore me forever. I had women tell me that if a guy is too confident they get more validation turning him down. Ive had a female friends say that she would date, fu**, and marry a certain guy if he wasnt white. But she wont because he is white and she is not attracted to white guys. Yet she is white and has dated white guys in the past......huh? I known women that will make out with me on the first date then say that we should be friends a week later over text. Ive had women sleep with one of my best friends then claim that she only slept with him quickly because she didnt like him. huh?
You get the point. Many women are random and are emotional messes.
The hardest part of dating is deprogramming yourself from taking the opinion of modern women too seriously. I struggle with this still. Our grandfathers knew not to take their opinion too seriously. But we have been raised on Disney and pop culture. They brainwashed us into thinking that women were good judges of character. Now dont take this too far. If NO girls ever like you then the problem is you. But if even 20% of the attractive girls fall in love with you, then you are probably a catch. The others are just to stupid and random to realize it.