Attitudes, mind-sets, and actions


Feb 16, 2005
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Well, my tire is fvcked up and nobody is open, so I ll be around the house most of today, so I have decided to read and study some of Pook s posts and some of the Anti Dump system.....but first................

This is what I am starting to understand. I see don juan as being more of a personality than a attitude, than a mind-set, than a outlook, or than an action. Read on....

A personality can be broken down to a reality. Agree? Now, a person, has his own thoughts, actions, ways, behaviors, emotions, whatever, already inside of him, and doesnt have to think them up or create them. Argee? Read on......

Nobody gets what they want all the time, but people who are ambitious, ALWAYS get what they want in the end, because they continue without quitting. Now, in order not to quit something that is difficult, the person must ENJOY what he is doing, Agree? That would mean that what he was doing, or going after, was APART OF HIM, agree? Now, in order for something to be apart of you, it must either be tattooed on your body, glued to your body, or inside your body or inside your soul, agree? Read on just a little more.............

So a don juan must be a person. Not an attitude, because attitudes change. You may be having a great attitude right now, but let me smash your car and I bet your positive attitude will change. So a don juan must be a person. Not a mindset, because I can change your focus in a heartbeat. Dont think so? If you were sitting around watching the Superbowl, and you were totally focused in on the game and said you were not going to let anything distract you, if I threw a million dollar check in front of you, I bet I would change your mindset in a heartbeat. So a don juan must be a person. Not an action, because actions change. Because I do something now, doesnt mean I can do something later. So I say **** the police around my boys, I probably wouldnt say that **** in front of the police. Agree? So a don juan must be a on.......

A don juan must be a person in reality, a personality. A personality has its own set of beliefs, thoughts and actions. A personality, believes and does things that it does, not because it is trying to, but it just naturally feels that way, just naturally acts that way.....example.....

I believe comedians are personalities. If you see a true comedian in the hallway or on the street just walking by, they should be able to say something funny about you off top of their heads without really having to prepare for it. You know why, because that is the person that they are. And since we are in reality, webster calls that, a personality. Agree? Read on just a little more....

I think gay and lesbian people are personalities, not birth defects or whatever. They think and believe a certain way, that why they are naturally attracted and go after the same sex, they dont try to think up some feeling or some stragety to talk with the opposite sex, they just naturally go after what they want, without really even thinking about it.

Like I believe a don juan is a personality, afcs are personalities too.......I ll let you guys comment on this before I go further, this thread is getting a little long.............


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2005
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Sounds like you're insinuating that an AFC will stay an AFC because it's a personality and unlike an attitude personality is not something that can be changed.

Can changing one's attitudes gradually lead to a change in personality? Can an AFC become a DJ? Is that like asking if a gay person can become straight?


Feb 16, 2005
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padrote thanks for the reply. I dont believe it was an attitude adjustment that changed me from an AFC to a don juan, or anyone else for that matter, because even though they say attitude is everything, I believe that attitude is just the frosting on the cake, but its not the cake.

when it comes to don juaning and women in general, it is the knowledge, the understanding, the lifestyle, your direction, that makes the cake, which can be translated into one word: personality. Positive and great attitudes are just extras, but not nesscary needed. I know this may be off topic, but Simon Cowell has the number one television show on t.v. right now, because of his knowledge, understanding, life direction, not because he is so positive or has a great attitude, everybody sees that every week! hehe.

but what I m saying, is that some don juans are better than others, but that does not make them don juans. Like some ball players are better than others, but the greatest ball player of all time, Michael Jordan, practiced and practiced, studied and learned, and gained all knowledge, and that is why he passed everybody. So that s why don juans come to a place like, to become better, and go out everyday and practice and practice.

I believe that what makes someone anyone, is their personality. Can a gay person be turned straight if their attitude was influenced, no. If the gay person discoverd knowledge and wisdom on why they are gay and understood their attractions, then their personalities would change and they would not be gay anymore.

Personality is a lifestlye, don juans get women, it is a habit and a lifestlye. Just like being an AFC is a lifestyle, and being afraid to get women
Success is birthed with a book, but matured and developed with practice. The only way to have success, is to practice it.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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So that s why don juans come to a place like, to become better, and go out everyday and practice and practice.

How good do you have to be to walk over and introduce yourself to a female? It doesn't take a physics degree just to get a date.

I think you guys are over complicating the simple. In many ways this site may be a deterent rather than a boon. Cause it gives many guys a place to complain about how bad women treated them.

It allows many who should be out there sarging to sit here all day reading and studying.

Studying? Endless learning? Just to find a girlfriend? This is a process that should of been done and learned in High School.

I realize that those that find there way here and take up residence on this forum are the guys in High School who for what ever reason didn't learn this.

But the learning that is needed is about you. You learn to overcome your fear and shyness. Not in learning some lame pick up lines. You learn to master your own ego, which is the real cause of your problems.


Feb 16, 2005
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MrHarris, I just read a post by Pook on Womaniverse! Please read it if you have not, I think it explains everything!

But to be honest, the topic of ladies should have be learned in elementary school! MrHarris, read Pook's post, I think it uncovers a lot of light. But MrHarris, please dont say those kind of things. Just like every baby doesnt learn to walk by the time they are two, doesnt mean they wont get it before they are three. Some people just learn slower than others, and honestly, man....just read Pook's post and tell me about it, I'm sorry, but I think that post just revealed everything dude. Get back at me, and remember..........

"Life aint hard, life is easy. It's just our choice to not live it, and live something else, which makes our reality hard."


Don Juan
Feb 17, 2005
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I think that reading the DJ Bible/Pook's articles can help a bit in terms of recognizing how women act in certain situations and may explain in general why they do the things they do and for us to react to those situations. However, cookie-cutting yourself like some DJs out there might not be a good idea. THe person who wrote that article might be a really dorky looking skinny person who gets action once a year or some really good looking person who gets action once a week.

You can read about learning how to drive a car or maintaining a car but doing it is a whole complete different experience.

Also, please stop smoking whatever you are doing to make you sound pseudo-philosophical.


Feb 16, 2005
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Drsosuave, like I told Mr.Harris, just dont say things like that.

Let me explain, by now, I am quite sure you have read all about the patterns, eliciting values, and other things like confidence, ****y and funny, all meant to raise a womans interest level. Pook explains in his womaniverse post, about why women are really attracted to us, and how they become that way, then I believe all the other stuff with the ****y and funny, and being a challenge can come into play.

Pook not only gives out rules or guidelines, he explains them, and I just like I am quite sure a lot of other people, perform better at things they understand and not just memorize.
When in school, in algebra, when you missed a question, usually you would ask the teacher to EXPLAIN, so you can UNDERSTAND, so you will know better NEXT TIME. See I believe all three must happen in that order. Someone explains why you missed the mark, but if you still dont understand, youll mess up again next time. Pook makes a person understand, and I dont even understand why someone could not see that.

And if he is a skinny dorky guy, if you have read anything about women in your life, you will understand, that looks really dont matter, it is how you make them feel. If being skinny or fat really mattered, trust me, my boys would get no action. hehe


Feb 16, 2005
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And far as me being all pumped up and happy....well, excuse me for having true inner joy and being a don juan. I thought, that is why we all are here, hehe


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
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Originally posted by PVSSY-EATER
MrHarris, I just read a post by Pook on Womaniverse! Please read it if you have not, I think it explains everything!

But to be honest, the topic of ladies should have be learned in elementary school! MrHarris, read Pook's post, I think it uncovers a lot of light. But MrHarris, please dont say those kind of things. Just like every baby doesnt learn to walk by the time they are two, doesnt mean they wont get it before they are three. Some people just learn slower than others, and honestly, man....just read Pook's post and tell me about it, I'm sorry, but I think that post just revealed everything dude. Get back at me, and remember..........

"Life aint hard, life is easy. It's just our choice to not live it, and live something else, which makes our reality hard."

I think this poster said it best :

Senior Don Juan

Registered: Feb 2005
Posts: 300
The Problem with Pook's posts
...damn I'm on a posting spree tonight.

There are a few writers like Pook and Krasus and Photo-1 who have written some incredibly good posts on this forum.

Personally, I like their posts. But there's a mjor problem with those posts: hardly anybody follows them.

Most of you read, get inspired for a day or two, maybe even a week, and then continue to do what you've always done. Just as most people know that there is NO SUCH THING as spot reduction, they will still do tons of crunches in order to get a six pack. Their knowledge and habits are not congruent. Just like what most of you are doing here.

Take for example, the "live like a child" post from Pook. I didn't really follow it after I first read it. I thought it was nice, and then I went looking for more openers, more porducts, etc.

Now, I'm starting to live like a child, but not because he said so, but because I enjoy it. I try to have fun every week, I'm not giving up on my dreams, as naive as they can be sometimes, and I'm incredibly mischeivous now... which is how I was as a child. Girls love it when I'm being mischeivous, it's a good way of being teasing, ****y and funny.

Although I dislike some of the idiots here who only come on here to whine and never do anything about their problems (simply being on this board will NOT solve your problems), I have some respect for those of you who are making an effort."

I'm not sure who Pook is, nor could I find the post you were reffering too. Does pook get lots of women? or is he in a good serious relationship?, from what I could find he looks like he is one of those great thinkers and writers, but is he a good doer?