Attitude & Insecurities


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2007
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How do you get rid of insecurities of not being good enough and negative thoughts of yourself? how do u change ur perception and attitude in living every day confidently and happy n not giving a fok wat people think n say except yourself?


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2007
Reaction score
Man that has got to be the best advice ive ever heard. no trying to console, jus straight to the point. thanks man. ****. that is sum mind blowing stuff. i wish i had u around here to show me the ropes. South Africa is abit far tho lol. but i will definately start changing my perception. **** the world.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2007
Reaction score
Petehog, the EXACT thing happend to me:
I joined the community 6 months ago, i trimbled when i approached and i was still insecure deep inside. One day, i understood something:
When i tried to get a girl she would not be attracted to me but all the other girls were. I Realized that in all this time i would allways respond and not lead.

I looked for IOI's all the time and played:"She likes me, she likes me not".
And that made me lose.

I said: **** THIS, i don;t give a **** what people think about me because as far as i know they are all in my imagination (like the matrix) and like Steve.P says :"Live in your own reality". I don't look for IOI's, i don't care if she likes me or not. I offer her a chance of a life time to join my reality if she says "no" her loss.

Yesterday i sat on the sofa and said: I am going to do my first cold approach in school. When i went to bed i said "I am going to do this, to prove to MYSELF that i can". tommrow came, and i did 7 cold apparoaches. I didn't give a **** about the outcome i just proved to myself that I CAN.


Don Juan
Feb 24, 2007
Reaction score
Hey Killa, that post should be a new post in the TIPS section. The jealously and cheating part was really something that was plaguing me. At times it wasnt so bad, because I refuse to let it bother me, at times it was really bad. I couldnt put my finger down on to what exactly it was that made me jealous. Your post nailed it! It something that I knew subconciously at the back of my head, but you put it very well. I'm not the cheating type, not because of my fidelty to my significant other, but because that is the standard I've set for MYSELF. I'm above it. I just thought she'd cheat partly because of all these posts on the forum about good girls cheating. But if you look at it like its a test for her to prove herself, the burden is off your back. On a side note, it also means you're putting yourself at higher level, because it is the GIRL that has to prove her worth not the other way around. You're the prize.