Attention Wh0re


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2003
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I keep seeing the term "Attention Wh0re" used in different situations...

I am curious what everyone defines it as...


Don Juan
Jul 4, 2003
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attention wh0re=drama queen=princess= any woman that needs to be the center of the universe because they are the prettiest/classiest/best bj giver/or any other characteristic, and that fact should be ridiculously obvious to any one, especially guys, that they come into contact with.
a lot of them probably have some serious insecurities.


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Attention whor es. You know that type of girl.

1. Lots of guy friends
2. Very few attractive girl friends
3. Fat/unnattractive female friends
4. Catty, jealous, center of attention girl
5. Loud in public situations
6. Often attractive. Attention whor es have low self esteem, so they equate self worth with their looks. They often work hard(and accomplish) on their looks.
7. Female who posts on a male website about attracting men
8. narcissistic personality
9. difficulty maintaining relationships. Often had rocky or no solid relationship with father. Without the solid foundation of parenting from a solid father figure, they seek approval from other father figure types (other men).


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2003
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The last one I hooked up with ended up being Histrionic. They are the worst. This chick was crazy. She would break up and comeback break up and come back. Justice is served in the end though as there looks fade and so many relationships deteriate there self esteem hits rock bottom. My ex has never lost contact with me for longer than three months.

She was a hottie but had four kids, faked high self esteem by flirting with guys at the bar and always telling me about it.

The last time she called she was depressed as could be, sounded like she had been run thru the mill and looked like crap. Nothing like I remembered. These girls pay the price in the long run.

When she lived with me the first time she split up I never let her move back in we just dated. She didn't have to work living with me. Now she has a factory job, four kids, numerous relationships lasting less than six months and has to be wore out.

The lose in the end.

Good luck


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2003
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I'm looking for something concise. A universal definition...


AW: A female who seeks any type of attention from a male source to boost her low self esteem.

Too broad?


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Reto
I'm looking for something concise. A universal definition...


AW: A female who seeks any type of attention from a male source to boost her low self esteem.

Too broad?
How about:
A female who seeks alot of attention from various male sources to boost her low self esteem. Thats a good general view/ :)

Always happy to elaborate :)


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
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New Zealand
Yes? What do you want?


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
I am so sick of $hit like this.

Originally posted by myfriendblu
Attention whor es. You know that type of girl.

1. Lots of guy friends
2. Very few attractive girl friends
3. Fat/unnattractive female friends
5. Loud in public situations
7. Female who posts on a male website about attracting men
9. difficulty maintaining relationships. Often had rocky or no solid relationship with father. Without the solid foundation of parenting from a solid father figure, they seek approval from other father figure types (other men).
As you can imagine, I have a serious problem with no. 7 (funny that.)
I have a serious problem with men on this site, who post stupid $hit about wanting to phuck me silly just so they can call me an attention w-hore when I respond. (NINJA THIS MEANS YOU.)
Don't bait traps boys. Simple.
I have a theory that we (us gals) scare you a little. It's easy to go out and put the mack on a half dressed girl(i.e a different kind of attention w-hore who is just as bad, if not worse than every girl on this site) in a club. They don't really realise what you are up to. But a girl like me, or Malibu would. And we'd either mack you back, or tell you to shut up and keep it real. Smart attention w-hores are the most deadly Blu.

I have a problem with no.9 I had no relationship with my mother, being raised by my Dad and all. We didn't have a great relationship, but we were cool. I have been raised with great values. (in other words I am a prude:rolleyes: ) I am tired of seeing this psyhchoanalytic bull$hit about how the choices I make in men are me trying so phucking desperately
:rolleyes: to seek Daddy's approval. Whatever.
1-Going back to no.9. I get on better with guys. I have trouble relating to women. Does not make me bad. I have girlfriends, and I'm getting better at reaching out to them.

Enough with the generalisations already.


Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Look at me look at me!!!

Pay attention to me!!!!

Me me me!!!

Look at me!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 22, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
Look at me look at me!!!

Pay attention to me!!!!

Me me me!!!

Look at me!!
*runs through forum naked*

Who's the bigger attention w-hore now? :p



Master Don Juan
Jul 29, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by DJ Jr.
LOL Hook, Line and Sinker
Don't you mean Hooker, Line, and Sinker? ;)

One on One

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by myfriendblu
Attention whor es. You know that type of girl.

1. Lots of guy friends
2. Very few attractive girl friends
3. Fat/unnattractive female friends
4. Catty, jealous, center of attention girl
5. Loud in public situations
6. Often attractive. Attention whor es have low self esteem, so they equate self worth with their looks. They often work hard(and accomplish) on their looks.
7. Female who posts on a male website about attracting men
8. narcissistic personality
9. difficulty maintaining relationships. Often had rocky or no solid relationship with father. Without the solid foundation of parenting from a solid father figure, they seek approval from other father figure types (other men).
I was wondering if the girl I had been kinda seeing was an attention ***** and now I can confirm she is after she flaked on a one-on-one movie date with me. Turns out, she was dating the clubs, more or less.

1. Yep, lots of guy friends and makes sure to tell everyone about them.
2, 3. Yep, few girl friends and haven't seen an attractive one yet.
4. Not really catty or jealous, but always gets out there in the middle of the dance floor to get attention at the clubs.
5. Eh, not really. She gets off on dancing, not talking.
6. Very hot body IMO. And she spends a ton of time doing her nails every night, pampering herself, etc. She won't deny it.
7. Naw.
8. Don't know.
9. She's close to her father, actually.

This girl, I think, was a Sex and the City wannabe. I've never seen the show, but she is addicted to it. She is obsessed with the designer clothes and shoes they wear, loves to club like they do, and she's basically a professional dater. Oh well, I really can't hate on her trying to date a lot of guys since I'm trying to date a lot of girls.

DJ Jr.

Don Juan
Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
Don't you mean Hooker, Line, and Sinker? ;)
Just had to give you a LOL because you really did make me LOL :D


Senior Don Juan
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Re: I am so sick of $hit like this.

Originally posted by ShortyBrown
I have a theory that we (us gals) scare you a little.
I think it is mostly misogyny born of bitterness over past rejections. I don't mind "attention wh*res" because they are either eye candy or add spice to a forum. And it's all good.

But some guys go postal over it. It is not just this forum. I've seen it on body building forums where men outnumer women posters by a factor of 1000:1. A woman poster will show up, some of us will be a little flirty. She'll flirt back, and then the misogynist go off.


Don Juan
May 17, 2003
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia

A HB 8.5 invited me to have lunch with her after a tutorial class. Excited, I turn up at the college cafe and find i'm ****blocked by 6 other guys. Apprently they were her 'friends'. So it was 7 guys in a table with 1 gal. 5 min later I bailed saying I have a class. This chick has some very pretty friends, actually her whole social circle is full of good looking people. That is the only reason why Im still holding on to our LJBF relationship.

I would like to make another point, this chick, lets call her Jen, loves to flirt. Good eye contact, smiles, asks you questions etc but when it come to a "Just you and me" date she flakes. Biggest kock tease in the world.

This is the first 'true' attention ***** I've seen and ever since in university I've encountered more and more.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by dave134
I Turns out, she was dating the clubs, more or less.

Thinking back, I have known chicks that would only go to a certain place with me...


Senior Don Juan
Jan 21, 2003
Reaction score
Please women, get of this board.

Originally posted by ShortyBrown
As you can imagine, I have a serious problem with no. 7 (funny that.)
I have a serious problem with men on this site, who post stupid $hit about wanting to phuck me silly just so they can call me an attention w-hore when I respond. (NINJA THIS MEANS YOU.)
Don't bait traps boys. Simple.
I have a theory that we (us gals) scare you a little. It's easy to go out and put the mack on a half dressed girl(i.e a different kind of attention w-hore who is just as bad, if not worse than every girl on this site) in a club. They don't really realise what you are up to. But a girl like me, or Malibu would. And we'd either mack you back, or tell you to shut up and keep it real. Smart attention w-hores are the most deadly Blu.

I have a problem with no.9 I had no relationship with my mother, being raised by my Dad and all. We didn't have a great relationship, but we were cool. I have been raised with great values. (in other words I am a prude:rolleyes: ) I am tired of seeing this psyhchoanalytic bull$hit about how the choices I make in men are me trying so phucking desperately
:rolleyes: to seek Daddy's approval. Whatever.
1-Going back to no.9. I get on better with guys. I have trouble relating to women. Does not make me bad. I have girlfriends, and I'm getting better at reaching out to them.

Enough with the generalisations already.
Originally posted by Sexy_Malibu
Look at me look at me!!!

Pay attention to me!!!!

Me me me!!!

Look at me!!

Originally posted by ShortyBrown
*runs through forum naked*

Who's the bigger attention w-hore now? :p



Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Re: I am so sick of $hit like this.

Originally posted by ShortyBrown
. But a girl like me, or Malibu would. And we'd either mack you back, or tell you to shut up and keep it real. Smart attention w-hores are the most deadly Blu.

I have a problem with no.9 I had no relationship with my mother, being raised by my Dad and all. We didn't have a great relationship, but we were cool. I have been raised with great values. (in other words I am a prude:rolleyes: ) I am tired of seeing this psyhchoanalytic bull$hit about how the choices I make in men are me trying so phucking desperately
:rolleyes: to seek Daddy's approval. Whatever.
1-Going back to no.9. I get on better with guys. I have trouble relating to women. Does not make me bad. I have girlfriends, and I'm getting better at reaching out to them.

Enough with the generalisations already.
Generalizations exist because they are true for the most part, 9 times out of 10. thats why they become generalizations. Im not worried about attention *****s. I can spot you bitc hes a mile away. As far as someone like malibu "putting the mack back", well, LOL, the minute i find out a female is a single mommy i turn and run. Your lack of relationship with a prominent mother figure may very well have A LOT to do with your inability to socialize and befriend with peer groups of females. Perhaps you dislike psychoanalizations because you know deep down many of the flaws it exposes are in accordance with your personality and it is difficult and painfull to accept. Of course it doesn't make you a bad person and its good to see your trying to correct your flaws. were not all perfect. I personally feel that being prude or in charge of ones sexuality and sexually liberated has nothing to do with the values you were raised on. I also think the fact that malibu had to chime in on this discussion with something of no value to speak on only further illustrates my point.

also, many need to understand one CLEAR and IMPORTANT point, the most important point of the attention wh ore. They are NOT out to intentionally hurt anyone or destroy anything. Often attention whor es, in every case, don't even REALIZE they are attention whor es. Its there own psychological makeup. They behave in a such a way as to overcompensate for various personality and psychological shortcomings and self esteem flaws. there not intentionally bad people. Its a naturally occuring defense mechanism used to cope with control deep rooted feelings of lack of self worth, self esteem and confidence.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score

Originally posted by BobbDobbs
I think it is mostly misogyny born of bitterness over past rejections. I don't mind "attention wh*res" because they are either eye candy or add spice to a forum. And it's all good.

Bobb, I disagree. Why? becuase your 50 years old. Not a bad thing, I respect my elders and Im sure there are alot of things in life and experiences that your much more knowledgable and experienced than me. But this is why - 30 years ago, when you were the age of most people here, society and women were VASTLY different. the concept of an attention who re today was as foriegn concept in your time 30 years ago as a laptop was, LOL. Im sure there was a few around, but nowhere near the degree and magnitude as there are today. Its a different world today. Most girls 30 years ago in there early 20's were married/kids. Its a different society today and the personalities of females and there behavior is VASTLY changed. Maybe for the worse, maybe for the better. So your experinece as a young man 30 years ago and the girls you were around were VASTLY different than todays. Sure, you may say you still date and such, but not much with 20 year old girls. There are basically NO attention whor es your age group, 30's and up. why? Competition. As I have said before, its almost a prerequisite for an attention whor e to be VERY attractive and young. a girl in her 40's, heck a girl in her 30's can't compete for a mans attention the way a young nubile 20 year old can, thus eliminating her in the attention whor e competition. Sure, she may have the similar psychological flaws, but her ability to command attention in a large group of males is diminished and limited. :)