Make sure that prenup is tight, son, whatever you own before you guys get hitched, is YOURS, understand me? Also, Panama, the Bahamas and switzerland have wonderful banking systems, get acquianted. Occasionally leave money in your parents name in the eventuality the the prenup is thrown out. The divorce industry in the US and Canada is brutal, and I know you don't want to think about it now, but please do.
In modern divorce settlements, there is an inherent female bias, largely due to the aggressive lobbying of N.O.W and other feminist women's groups. The mother is automaticaly assumed to be a better parent, gets the kids most of the time, and is paid alimony payments because of 'what she's accostomed too.' If she so much as sheds a tear in that courtroom, or claims she was victimized in any way, you are fvcked, for no other reason than that you have a penis. Carefully review the divorce settlement laws in the state that you marry in, they vary.
Preparing for the possibility of divorce is like having to use a condom. In an ideal world, you shouldn't need to, but it is wise to do so. You're not being sleazy, just protecting yourself.