Attention seeking games


Don Juan
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
My girlfriend of 10 months, lately, has been playing these games with me and she ***** tests me alot.

The first one is taht she critisizes me alot. Like, i never wanna hang out with her friends, i should help my parents with this and that and then go on this moral high horse on how she cleans the house and stuff. If i reply with something C+F she doesnt buy it and will move away and not let me hug her etc.

Touching etc is almost becomming on her terms (but not sex). We have sex all the time, and i initiate it 99% of the time nad shes all good with that, but shes lost her affection at other times for me. At first it was a 'hard to get game' she used to play (and it still does look like shes playing).. but its got to the point where its like "ok the joke is over now why arnt u kissing me?"

Other times shes all over me, giving me massages, sitting on my knee etc.

I know these things are just ***** tests but i dunno how to handle it.

Today at my place i suggested a bunch of ideas for us to do, and she said she wanted to study, so i said "ok im going swimming, u coming?".. she said no and i went swimming and came back and sat on the computer.. Then she told me she wnated to go home and she was almost crying or something. Then in the car it was silent, i asked her whats up and she said "Im just in a bad mood, i think its the pill" .. .She just went on the pill 2 weeks ago... after being off it for 2 weeks... She also was a little moody i remember last time she wnet on it.

Also before last night i asked her to do something and she said she wanted to meet her friend but she wasnt home i just said "ok cya at 8" and she was reluctant but agreed.

So this **** has only really been going on for 2 weeks,... i mean it COULD be the pill or maybe shes sick of me, or i dunno..

I know the fact that i just wrote all this on this forum means something is up.. cos usually i dont ask questions on here and i cna handle stuff. But maybe im just rusty with Game cos of my LTR...

How would you guys handle this??

Boner da Stoner

Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2005
Reaction score
Iqaluit Nunavut
Maybe she's being legit... she's treating you harsh because your being a lazy arse who doesn't help anybody...


Don Juan
May 12, 2004
Reaction score
that aint it. She dont say that stuff often. I pick her up from her house 40 mins away and drive back all the time. I take her out, i suggest takin her out to like 9999 places, and shes the one who said, today, "im lazy today i dont wana spend any money.. i think im just gona study" .. then lays down on my bedroom floor and reads a book.