Sarging this thursday and wildbills... bring your A game.
This Thursday myself and a few others are headed to WildBills to
sarge. I assume your first question is who am I? Well I am a
sarge-oholic by nature, I'm constantly working game and working to
further my game. I've been studying independently and field testing
hundreds of different things with a handful of wings over the last
year and a half. For the most part I've not really visited the forums
of the community much, I've spent most of my time in the field
constantly trying new ideas and ironing out my game. Most of my
expertise is in MysteryMethod and RealSocialDynamics. I tend to go out
every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I'm currently seeking another
wing that is quite similarly experience (must go out a lot). I'm not
the shy type by a long shot, I have no hesitation in walking into a
large set, I actually find a lot of entertainment in taking over the
larger groups. Well that's enough about me..... Here is some contact
information to contact me by if you can make it.
Name: Chistian aka Tone
email: stormvault@...
aim: Vertflux
phone: 678-429-1444 (yes actually call me, don't be shy)
ps. Alot of us meet up at steak&shake around 9:30 off of pleasent hill near wild bills.