A lot,LOT of guys get this mixed up. The fact of the matter is this:Women are attracted to superior men. You have to walk,talk,act,behave,and give off an vibe of being superior. Whatever she is,you have to be more,or that is,she has to "feel" that you are more. If she's strong,you have to be stronger. If she's offensive,you have to be more offensive. She has to FEEL that you're somehow more,better,or higher than her.
If you'll notice,in my examples,even though you're complimenting her,the focus of the compliment centers around YOU,what YOU like,what YOU prefer,what YOU think looks good.
It's like you're giving her your approval of her appearnce.
So it's not "Your hot in that dress". It's,"I like the way you look in that dress". The focus is on what YOU like.
If you compliment her the other way,the "You're hot" way,you'll put all the focus on her,and instead of generating attraction in her,you just pump up her pride and ego. She'll get a snotty attitude of,"Well look at me,of course I'm hot". I'm sure you've ran into women who have their noses in the air as if the mere fact that they're attractive gives them the right to look down on people. And they act and behave like they're too good for any guy who approaches them. They have that attitude because they've been told their whole lives by guys that they're beautiful,hot,or sexy over and over again.
Their egos have been pumped up every since they were little,especially when they hit puberty.
Trust me,you'll be able to tell from wihch frame you compliment a women simply by her reaction to the compliment.