It's not normal for a woman to sleep with a lot of men and is an indicator of some sort of issues, as this goes well away from natural biological programming. Prior to birth control, if a woman was having sex she'd eventually get pregnant within a relatively short time frame, assuming there is nothing wrong with her or the man/men on a reproductive level. For a woman to sleep with a lot of men casually puts her in a position where she'd end up pregnant with literally no clue who the father is. On a biological level, a woman is trying to find a man who has good genetics who will also be capable of providing for her while she is pregnant and also be able to take care of her and the young child. Very few men are comfortable or open with the idea of raising a child that is not of their bloodline, so this would put her and the child in a very poor position for survival.
From what I've seen, most women that are highly promiscuous often have issues related to men, particularly a father figure, and behave in a way that we could now consider as being an "attention *****". They want as much male attention as possible and are willing to behave in anyway in order to attain this. This could be as simple as just being overly flirtatious with men, including those they aren't even interested in. However, on a more extreme level this could involve being incredibly loose and have lots of sex with many different men. Everyone who went to a good sized high school can cite at least one example of a girl they knew that behaved like this. I've heard tons of stories from men of all generations about women that literally would have a train going, with literally one guy after the next, or getting involved with gang bangs, etc. This is not normal behavior for the vast majority of women, sure some may have a fantasy about it at one point but they aren't really comfortable or open to actually following through with it. Again, women that do behave in this manner aren't purely doing this for sex but they also highly like the attention they are getting from men, getting ****ed by a man is literally the apex of the type of attention she can gain from that man in the point in time.
I've also noticed that most of the women that are like this are often not very attractive or even unattractive. Hot or attractive women do not have to behave like this in order to get attention from men, they get it by simply existing lol. An unattractive woman will have to put in way more work in order to gain attention from men and one of the strategies they can use to acquire this is to be extremely loose and easy sexually. A lot of guys are willing to go through hoops or wait a good amount of time in order to have sex with a woman they find attractive, in fact the more attracted they are to the woman the more they are willing to put up with. On the flip side, most men would quickly next a much less attractive woman if she behaved like this. A lot of guys are totally open to having sex with a fat or unattractive woman that is providing little to no real resistance, in fact they even go out of their way to interact with these women because they see it as easy. A lot of unattractive and fat women are also very insecure about themselves, behaving in this manner gives them male attention that boosts their ego.
Thanks for taking the time out to really articulate yourself.. I appreciate it. But, in my own experience, I've met super promiscuous women who had all their s.hit together, were mentally stable, healthy lifestyles, etc.. and I've also met super promiscuous women who were a trainwreck emotionally and mentally.. It's easy to just generalize everyone into one category but that's just not how life works. Sex isn't as big of a deal as alot of men these days make it. I don't think men used to be this way before and most didn't care if a girl was a slut or not.. we just recognized it but we weren't ready to burn her at stake like dudes are these days.. I remember growin gup, if a girl was a slut, everyone just thought she was more easier and we'd try to bang her.. But theres a HUGGGEEE diffeence between an ugly girl being a slut or an average girl being a slut and a dime piece being slutty.. A dime piece isnt just going to bang anyone.. the average girl is. The dime piece will get around but she'll mainly bang dudes who fit the criteria of handsome, tall, builty, big , etc
I think its important for men to start socializing more and meeting more women and befriending some of these women.. women can be a great asset.. I learned more from having women as friends than I did from years of just being a player. Sure, i've banged alot of my friends too but.. that doesn't change the fact that we have these friendships where we can talk about whatever.
Overall, we discount how advanced humans are and how much we've evolved. Sexually promiscuous women have been around forever.. some of them ran entire nations like Cleopatra.. It's easy to just categorize and generalize but I think if you met enough of these women you'd quickly realize .. its not so cut and dry / black and white. Having slept with many different guys over the course of a span of 5-15 years of dating history doesnt mean someone automatically starts losing emotional intelligence. Infact, the more experienced women are, some become far more emotionally intelligent. Thats the big difference I noticed between women who are sexually active and those who are not getting enough The ones who are sexually active can almost read a guy/ understand a guys emotions and where his head is at by his behaviors actions and words way better than the girl whos not sexually active.
The thing you are really leaving out of the entire equation is.. HUNDREDS of OTHER VARIABLES.. that go into whether a woman is capable of being healthy, capable, intelligent, loving, etc. Some of it has to do with upbringing, parenting, family life, some has to do with social upbringing and what their friends were like, how much love they received from the world around them, what type of morals they learned, whether or not they involved themselves with drugs or partying, whether they were influenced by good rolemodels in the world or whether they were influenced by bad rolemodels in women, what type of education level they have, what type of work ethic they have developed, etc
The bigger thing is men need to look at all these diff variables and not just perceive women with a high bodycount as a threat.. Because , here's the deal. most beautiful women these days are going to hav ea high bodycount.. It comes with the society and culture of today. and the thing is, you'll never know what their bodycount is.. of course its easy to judge pornstars.. But real men dont burn women at stake because they were pornstar or they are sexually active..