Hi fellas,
I've been posting on my other thread in the main forum but I should probably just post on this one from now on. Again I might as well be totally honest even though I'm going to get flak for it, just because otherwise what's the point?
So after my 'speed date' (i.e. on Adderall) on Friday, I was feeling so bad on Saturday I had to neck a few benzos on Saturday just to feel ok. I slept then was fully intent on going for a run and beginning my detox week. Only then I was online and a smoking hot Persian lawyer hit me up. I had nowhere near the discipline not to try and see her that Saturday evening so we arranged to meet in a bar. On the way I told myself I would have a glass of wine or two and keep things very civil. I ended up drinking about a bottle and a half (she had the other half), heavy kissing, feeling her up, etc, missing the last train and having to take a taxi home, actually smashed (a bottle and a half isn't that much but I think I still had a lot of clonazepam in my system). Got home and necked more benzos for no particular reason. Woke up early this morning feeling fine.
Have a date tonight with an Irish girl then, bizarrely one tomorrow with a model who comes from money who is genuinely completely out of my league (I know, I know, that's not the way we think on here but I mean this is not the sort of girl that would normally date me, she'd be with a guy with a yacht or a coke dealer at least, not some standardly well off corporate lawyer). I think she'll flake.
At this point I'm on the road to having a substance abuse problem, there is no doubt about it. And I've gone from being very fit to not very fit just because I'm not exercising with all the drinking I'm doing. At least I haven't started smoking again.
Clearly the thing to do at this point is to stop dating and focus on stopping drinking completely, knocking off the benzos (and certainly never going near Adderall again which I am convinced is evil darkness in a pill), working out, etc. But knowing myself, this is going to run its course. I'm smart enough to know how stupid this is but as some posters have said I missed out on this in uni by being clueless. Then straight after uni I got into a very long relationship, so this is pretty new for me.
I wish I could say I'm smoothly picking women up in bars or on the street with some best bud wingman but all the friends I have here have either now got kids or have done all the stuff I'm doing now years ago and living a more sedate lifestyle. I see them but they wouldn't be up for this. So all of this is online dating, 100% of it. Not particularly proud of that and want to expand. Am starting to feel very confident though, not so much that women will like me but just that I'm so used to talking and escalating with them now that it's not a big deal. Not ONE F-close yet though.
My last relationship was with about as quality a girl as you can find She ticked all the boxes that people on this sight mark in a quality girl. No history of being a slut, good family, great job, loving, supportive, didn't withhold sex, affectionate, traditional, etc. But I got bored and stopped wanting to sleep with her. She was pretty as well. Hot when I met her and still attractive at 35. But she wanted to move to marriage and kids and I didn't and every time I saw a hot new piece of ass on the street I felt this pang of regret at knowing if I stuck with my girl I would never get a shot at new pvssy again.
Which leads me to where I am. I still do think that, as some of the posters above have demonstrated, this lifestyle could be good but it's unstable at the moment mainly because of the drinking. And unsatisfying because of lack of sex.
Cordoncordon I know you have a very happy relationship and totally hear what you're saying about this becoming old. The problem is EVERYTHING becomes old for me and I'm sure I'm not going to meet a girl I don't get bored with. Just my personality. Doomed to perpetual dissatisfaction and ennui. But I do enjoy last night's kind of sudden, random meeting very much.
Will update again after the Irish date. The date with the model will be intriguing if it happens. We spent half an hour discussing Nietzche and The Birth of Tragedy a couple of days ago. She'll flake, almost guaranteed.
So, now I'm looking at a new detox from Monday/Tuesday but have some dates lined up next week, one with a 21 year old opera singing cokehead.
I'm glad I can write about this on this forum. I'm not that proud of any of it but when I hear about my friends dealing constantly with their sick kids, the stresses of having to be a provider, etc, I can't say I envy them (although I hope they're happy and best of luck to them).
Will keep updating. Hoping this is at least semi entertaining even if it is bound to become slightly car crash entertainment.
Continuing to burn through cash that I could be saving. Not sure what I could be saving it for though and money just isn't an issue (which is part of the problem).