tryst type said:
I'm really curious to hear about everyone's thoughts about these.
They claim to be a tidbit of what to expect, does this mean all the lessons of this site won't over power the stars and a relationship with someone outside your "astrological compatibility" will plummet?
All astrology, in my opinion, is based on cold reading; something a lot of so called psychics use to get more information out of you and make it seem like they know you better than you know yourself.
Sure, some people are more compatable with each others. But that's culture, upbringing, etc more than what stars were in what positions.
I'm close with one of my married female friends. Yep, I believe she's an aries. (Edit: No, actually she's a Taurus.) That's because we've treated each other really well, and love each other like family. She has similar ideals to me. I'm friends with her husband, too. He's a Libra, but we get along because THEY get along and have similar interests and ambitions. So of course we're friends.
You can say that's because well, Taurus and Aries or Libra and Aries are the most compatible signs. But I've known Taurus' that have acted horribly toward me. They're flakes. They're just jerks.
If your looking for a woman with your sign (or letters based on order of birth), you're probably more likely to find or search for those who believe in those things. And you're compatible. Not because you're the same sign, or compatable sign, but because you're both interested in astrology and readings.