Assorted Facts About Women


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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1. They are like mirrors. If you don't like what you see, think about it.
2. There is such a thing as a high-class woman and a low-class woman. If you are a high-class man, don't go out with low-class women.
3. If a girl doesn't do everything in her power to look good for you, what makes you think she'll put effort into anything else?
4. If you believe men and women should have equal roles in a relationship, what you really believe is that the woman should walk all over the man, because in practice, that's exactly how it is when the man gives up his authority.
5. Swearing. Since when did girls start doing this all over the place? 2005? I don't like it and neither should you.
6. Dates. Am I a dinosaur, or what? When did a date become such a huge, solemn, big fvcking deal? I thought it was just a way to get to know a girl with no strings attached...but what do I know.
7. Facebook. Since when did it become attractive to post the most stupid pictures anyone could possibly come up with? I can't tell you how often I've completely lost interest in a girl after looking through her Facebook pictures. It's just a total deficiency in class.
8. Shallowness. They think you're unattractive one day, they flirt with you the next. They act like a b!tch one day and give you the silent treatment, and then next day they talk to you like nothing happened. It's as if they're all bipolar. Low class, I'm telling you.
9. No social skills. Self-explanatory-I'll try and start a conversation and they are short and terse. I know this is a generational problem because I get far, far different results from 40+.
10. But they're still women, and you have to love them when they do something right.

That's all I have. Feel free to supplement this with your own experience.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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You joined this site when you were 14?


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2014
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11. Total indecision whichever age they have, whatever they are deciding for even if its which color of pen to use or deciding what they want to do the rest of their life, they will never know for sure and will always second guess themselves. That's when a man will always be a man enters the scene.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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"9. No social skills. Self-explanatory-I'll try and start a conversation and they are short and terse. I know this is a generational problem because I get far, far different results from 40+."

This is probably my pet peeve. When you talk to women who are older, it's easy, natural and can even be fun to have conversations. But talking to most/many women in my age is like talking to a damned rock - you have to initiate, you have to put in all the effort, the rock gives nothing back, the rock really has no interest in and doesn't care about you nor is it able to show that it has interest even if it did because it doesn't have the social skills to do it, in fact it's better to talk to a rock because at least then you don't feel disappointed. You know what the funny thing is? even other women will say so. This is probably the most socially f*cked generation yet.


Don Juan
Sep 15, 2014
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AttackFormation said:
"9. No social skills. Self-explanatory-I'll try and start a conversation and they are short and terse. I know this is a generational problem because I get far, far different results from 40+."

This is probably my pet peeve. When you talk to women who are older, it's easy, natural and can even be fun to have conversations. But talking to most/many women in my age is like drawing blood out of a damned rock. You know what the funny thing is? even other women will say so. This is probably the most socially f*cked generation yet.
+1 to this,, pure sh** comes out of their mouth if any, they only know how to be sticked to their phones.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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Roni_88 said:
+1 to this,, pure sh** comes out of their mouth if any, they only know how to be sticked to their phones.
They don't even seem to understand it themselves, that's the worrying thing. I'm still not certain whether it's because they are socially incompetent or just b!tchy, because I can't believe you can be so anti-social/be so clueless without intent. I don't know which is worse - a generation of b!tches or a generation of social incompetents.

I feel even worse for the guys who grow up not knowing that there ever was something else. The kids who are 5 today. At least when I was a little kid these things weren't around - I've lived in the world when it was less messed up even if I was nowhere near being adult then. But for those guys it's going to be like grandpa telling tales over the campfire: "and then... SHE ASKED A COUNTER-QUESTION!!!" "WOOOOW GRANDPA, IS IT REALLY TRUE?!"


Don Juan
May 30, 2014
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this is more "how otherwise normal women act when being hunted down like a blood sport" (with bonus: teenagers confusing attention with self worth!)

I use some elements of game, but I get interactions with genuine people because I am not coming off like most pick up artists, or desperate guys going through a routine to get what they consider a number close. Anyone can simply repeat this routine :
*holds out hand/makes eye contact*
"Hi, I'm Doug"
*listens to response* "
"nice to meet you Jane, I don't know if you're in the market for this sort of thing, but I wouldn't mind taking you out for drinks/coffee/whatever sometime...might be fun"

If you're genuine and don't try to persuade their answer you will find you get a whole lot more upfront and respectful human beings talking to you, not the kinds of women on this list.

And I get plenty of *****, dates, and often a legitimate relationship will emerge. Stop the nonsense fellers, it's not that hard.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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AttackFormation said:
"9. No social skills. Self-explanatory-I'll try and start a conversation and they are short and terse. I know this is a generational problem because I get far, far different results from 40+."

This is probably my pet peeve. When you talk to women who are older, it's easy, natural and can even be fun to have conversations. But talking to most/many women in my age is like talking to a damned rock - you have to initiate, you have to put in all the effort, the rock gives nothing back, the rock really has no interest in and doesn't care about you nor is it able to show that it has interest even if it did because it doesn't have the social skills to do it, in fact it's better to talk to a rock because at least then you don't feel disappointed. You know what the funny thing is? even other women will say so. This is probably the most socially f*cked generation yet.
That's because they don't need conversation skills. Why would they when all the work is done for them by the opposite sex. Men have to do the openers, carry the conversation, initiate dates, close and lead the conversations toward sex or whatever etc. Women are approached countless times throughout a single day.

Don't ve deceived by older women having "better converation skills". Older women have better conversation skills because THEY NEED IT. They are likely past their wall and have become invisible to most men. Therefore, the need to use a new skill besides their look arises.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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AttackFormation said:
"9. No social skills. Self-explanatory-I'll try and start a conversation and they are short and terse. I know this is a generational problem because I get far, far different results from 40+."

This is probably my pet peeve. When you talk to women who are older, it's easy, natural and can even be fun to have conversations. But talking to most/many women in my age is like talking to a damned rock - you have to initiate, you have to put in all the effort, the rock gives nothing back, the rock really has no interest in and doesn't care about you nor is it able to show that it has interest even if it did because it doesn't have the social skills to do it, in fact it's better to talk to a rock because at least then you don't feel disappointed. You know what the funny thing is? even other women will say so. This is probably the most socially f*cked generation yet.
You've put into words perfectly what I was trying to say. Experience doesn't lie. Talking to older women (of the Gen-X or Baby Boomer generation) is easy, natural, and even fun. Talking to our generation are like talking to rocks. Very well said, sir.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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Stop putting puss on a pedestal and none of this stuff will bother you.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
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El Payaso said:
That's because they don't need conversation skills. Why would they when all the work is done for them by the opposite sex. Men have to do the openers, carry the conversation, initiate dates, close and lead the conversations toward sex or whatever etc. Women are approached countless times throughout a single day.

Don't ve deceived by older women having "better converation skills". Older women have better conversation skills because THEY NEED IT. They are likely past their wall and have become invisible to most men. Therefore, the need to use a new skill besides their look arises.
I know and agree 100% Still, it's way better to talk with older women regardless of whether it's a generational issue or by necessity.

Today I was browsing a dating site, happened on a profile with a girl who had two pictures of her face. She didn't even look great and had short hair, and her profile said she was an overweight smoker. But guess what? her inbox was freaking FULL. What the f*ck are you supposed to do these days? with knowledge of how much attention they get, it feels humiliating to initiate anything with women around me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
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Everybody deals with the societal problem in their own way. As for me, I take solace in the fact that I can get older, attractive, women because that proves I have "Western Civilization game". Other people have "Crappy Modern Society Game". Different strokes and you know the rest.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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AttackFormation said:
I know and agree 100% Still, it's way better to talk with older women regardless of whether it's a generational issue or by necessity.

Today I was browsing a dating site, happened on a profile with a girl who had two pictures of her face. She didn't even look great and had short hair, and her profile said she was an overweight smoker. But guess what? her inbox was freaking FULL. What the f*ck are you supposed to do these days? with knowledge of how much attention they get, it feels humiliating to initiate anything with women around me.
Yup. I've seen those girls before. She probably has her profile set to "casual sex". That one draws all the desperate betas out of the woodworks.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
AttackFormation said:
What the f*ck are you supposed to do these days? with knowledge of how much attention they get, it feels humiliating to initiate anything with women around me.

I feel humiliated as well. But one thing I know to be an absolute truth is "online dating" is a waste of time and this includes Facebook as well.

Best odds are real life approaching.

But yeah the amount of attention women get online can blow their ego out of proportion.


Apr 9, 2010
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Bytches ain't shyt but hoes.and tricks.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
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USA, Louisiana
12. I don't care how great your gal is... how long you have been married, or how much she 'loves' you. If a man with a better penis comes along and shows her interest, she will think about leaving you.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Women are highly overrated. The guy who said the definition of "woman" is "life support system for a vagina" was spot on.

Women are surprisingly easy to date and f*ck once you stop giving a sh!t about them and making them "important". The delusional beta who elevates women is like the guy who thinks McDonald's is a Gourmet meal and would walk barefoot for miles just to get a nasty McDonald's chemical grease burger. Then when it tastes like crap.. he thinks its because he didn't pay enough for it. :crackup:

This is how it goes with women. They are not the "big deal" you make them out to be. A McDonald's burger can be satisfying provided you don't expect it to be anything more than a McDonald's burger.

Pedestals don't benefit men.. only women. Ask yourself why you would want to follow a mindset that works AGAINST you.


Master Don Juan
Aug 26, 2012
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Don't even get me started on conversational skills with these vapid, social media addicts! Even in a professional setting, they can't talk over a goddamn phone! Didn't you go to school for your job??? Can't you explain anything??? It's a series of uuuuh's, uuuummm's, the word "like" 45 times, and dead silence with 3 words answers. The emails? Oh, those are phucking novels! Sh!t's outta control.


Master Don Juan
May 11, 2001
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Queens, New York
VladPatton said:
Don't even get me started on conversational skills with these vapid, social media addicts! Even in a professional setting, they can't talk over a goddamn phone! Didn't you go to school for your job??? Can't you explain anything??? It's a series of uuuuh's, uuuummm's, the word "like" 45 times, and dead silence with 3 words answers. The emails? Oh, those are phucking novels! Sh!t's outta control.
Couldn't agree more... :up: