LOL vectorz, I thought the same.
Mahon, applying the fundamental DJ principles will get you the girl, of course women are different, yet fundamentally the DJ system is universal. C+F, mystery, charm, confidence, challenge, etc...
You are only letting the your mind pull you back. You still are not happy within yourself - that is hindering your development Mahon. You need to develop the right attitude (something I keep going on about for those who know me) because until you do, you will always be a robot mimicking certain actions or things rather going through them with passion and desire.
It's because you are too self-critical, your mind has a certain attitude to what you ought to be and you realise that you are not. Yet you do little at the same time to help yourself - real soul searching ... don't take this the wrong way, I'm only trying to help, but I sincerely think that your preoccupation with all things PHYSICAL and TANGIBLE hinder you. Your self-critical behaviour about your looks is but one example (and yes, I've been here a long time and I remember seeing the pic you posted - and just because Wyldfire said you looked like a cartoon character or something like that - you took it real personally). Most of us thought you were OK looking. Those who haven't seen you from what you describe yourself to be think you must be some kind of monster...and you know that is far, far from reality.
I'm writing this because this issue about the Indian girl is not really what matters. It is only a side-issue. It is you who is the issue. It is you who is hindering yourself.
Deal with it. It is only when you confront this that the other things will fall into place. You, your dreams, desires, goals are primary, women are secondary. Once you sort out the person who is Mahon, you will approach the female world with a whole new perspective and added confidence and composure.