There's a caveat I should add.
Twice now I have gotten the number of a girl who was living with a boyfriend. The last incident just happened last week; I called today and got the answering machine. This particular girl has been with this guy for at least five years (I wasn't sure about her status these last two years, so that's why I asked her for her number), so I know for a fact that some women WILL give you their number even when they're unavailable. In two other cases, the girl gave me the number only to admit she had a boyfriend when I tried to ask her out over the phone.
On the other hand, I have a female friend who has a boyfriend, but she seems to show a lot of inappropriate interest in me,
especially in the last month or so. If I had asked if she had a boyfriend then I would have been forced to pass her up. Even though she will mention other guys, she has
never brought him up while talking to me (although she talks about him to
other guys), and generally acts around me as if I'm a BBD that she's trying to slowly but surely "trap". Yes, I've tried blowing her off several times, but especially now, she counteroffers to beat heck.
Obviously, women can be
very subtle and calculating if they want to be. Classic case which should go in the "Good girls do cheat!" thread -- she
is a very good girl who goes out of her way for me.
So in summary, just get the number. If you get it, here are the possibilities of what might happen:
1) She has a boyfriend and tells you. In this case, she was incapable of saying "no" to your face and was forced to when you offered her a date, putting her on the spot. If this happens, move on.
2) She has a boyfriend but
doesn't tell you. She may vacillate without rejecting you outright, because although she has interest in you, she still has feelings for her boyfriend. Hard-core DJ tactics are called for in this situation; if you win, she'll likely stay with you longer because she was forced to make a serious choice.
3) She doesn't have a boyfriend and tells you she does. Ouch! Low interest! Drop her and forget about her!
4) She doesn't have a boyfriend and doesn't tell you she does. Is this so hard to figure out?