Asking a girl out to a movie or dinner on the spot?

Sep 2, 2007
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There's this girl I see sometimes on campus, and we both get out of class at the same time on Monday and Wednesday. We walk together to the parking lot and then we split.

I don't see any reason why I couldn't say.... "Let's go catch a movie.." or... "Wanna grab a bite to eat?"

Anything I should be aware of if I give this a shot?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Other than rejection no.

Rejection is better than regret.

Ask her to a movie. ;)


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
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'Wanna get high?'

Yeah, the old 'Towelie Special', never fails. Apart from with Christian chicks, and who wants them anyway?


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2007
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Just Another Guy.... said:
There's this girl I see sometimes on campus, and we both get out of class at the same time on Monday and Wednesday. We walk together to the parking lot and then we split.

I don't see any reason why I couldn't say.... "Let's go catch a movie.." or... "Wanna grab a bite to eat?"

Anything I should be aware of if I give this a shot?
In today's community Don Juans and PUAs alike look down upon a movie date for the first date. They, or I should say we, see it as not being unique enough compared to other guys. But I believe that movie dates are fine for the first date. There are many reasons for this but I will say it doesn't matter where you go.

The next time you are walking in the parking lot begin building the close. Start talking about current movies at the movie theater.

Jay: I want to see X movie real bad. Have you seen it yet?
Hottie: No
Jay: We should go see it
Hottie: OK

And then you make plans right there when you will see it. And you also get her number there so you can call her to confirm on the day of the movie. Let us know what happens! ;)

Jay Lance


Don Juan
Sep 11, 2006
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Don't go for a movie. It requires too much commitment on her part - meaning she knows she has to spend two hours with you in a dark theater where you won't be able to talk with her. How do you expect to raise her interest level by doing this??

Go for a casual lunch and she'll be more likely to accept.

You: Hey, I found this great little place to eat right down the street...blah blah.
HB: Oh Yeah?
You: Hey why don't we go there for lunch.

Maximus Rex

Apr 8, 2005
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Villa Regis
There's this girl I see sometimes on campus, and we both get out of class at the same time on Monday and Wednesday. We walk together to the parking lot and then we split.

I don't see any reason why I couldn't say.... "Let's go catch a movie.." or... "Wanna grab a bite to eat?"

Anything I should be aware of if I give this a shot?

I agree with dude. This date at a minimum will take at least 4 hours. You've will already have failed two sh*t tests:

1) Your giving A LOT of time and attention to somebody who hasn't done a thing to earn it. Tell me, what has this girl done to warranted you spending this much time and money on her at this point in time? Looking hot in halter top with those capri pants and saying hi to doesn't quite cut it.

2) Remember this chick is trying to qualify you as a boyfriend or a husband. The chances are that more than likely that during the course of this LONG A$$ DATE Your going to do or say something stupid to turn her off.

Do Leykis says, call her up and say this:

Just Another Guy: (After initial fluff talk) When are you having dinner?
Chick: 8. Why?
Just Another Guy: Cool. That means you can meet me at around 9:30 or 10 for drinks.

Or you can use Louis and Copeland's method which is use the first date as a priming date, which leads to a seduction date. Read the chapters on priming and seduction dates in How To Succed With Women]
Sep 2, 2007
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Well, I've already got rapport and her number. I guess I should have specified that. We've been talking about going to see "Good Luck Chuck" So I might just ask her to go.


Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2003
Reaction score
Beyond your peripheral vision
You guys think too much. go to the damn movies. its not that big of a deal! a bite to eat is more of a commitment actually... then you have to talk to the person!

do both. and if you are having fun and its a monday, who cares if the impromptu date lasts 12 hours?! Those are the best ones.

Have fun. let us know what happens.