ask urself something


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
at some point in our life, we have to stop, look around and at ourselves, and wonder "who am i?" This is more common for adolescents, who after years of trying to fit into a certain mold in highschool are finally being wrenched free by this thing called life. whats "popular" doesnt control anymore, or it isnt as appealing because it doesn’t yield the social benefits it did back in the small little worlds of high school. I don’t know why this isn’t stressed for juniors or seniors, but I never sat down to ask myself what I wanted out of life, where did I want to be down the road. Well, after years of living a life that wasn’t really mine, I started to panic and I didn’t know where I was going. Sure, maybe I had an idea scholastically, but where did I want to go from there? What was my purpose in life? What am I going to do with my short life, my last 20 years of youthful greatness before I settle down?

were asked what we want to be for the rest of our lives, where we want to go to college, and without any real preparation or thought were flung out into the real world, like a lost person in a stormy ocean.

with all the things on our plate, we don’t have time to just sit down and think, and go out and discover ourselves, our passions and dreams. I know I sure as hell didn’t, nor did I realize I needed to make the time. i look around at all the adults i see in my life, and i ask myself if thats the life i want. a life of mediocrity, conformity, a dream given up just to get by in life, or a dream never realized in the first place.

"someday, someday my dream will come."

one night youll wake up and youll discover it never happened.
its all turned around on you, it never was...
and suddenly, u are old
it didnt happen, never will
because you were never going to do it anyway.
you push it into memory then zone out on ur barcalounger
being hypnotized by daytime tv for the rest of ur life
(quote from collateral)

this frightens me, to almost beyond words. It scares me because it happens to almost EVERYONE, and yet most are blind to this death. Tom Cruise was right in calling this murder, for how is this living life? Knowing all that I know, the wealth of knowledge ive obtained from this site and other articles, I was still blind. Day after day went by, the same thing over and over. Study, work out, go on date or spend time with gf. And in the back of my mind, something was screaming “something isn’t right!!!!” yet I couldn’t hear it clearly, I just knew it was there. A few months of experimenting with the bootcamp, I made a ton of progress, and even with my successes, the dates, the girls, I knew something wasnt right but could never put my finger on it. I thought I was doing great… hell, I gave the bootcamp a good run, went on a lot of dates, made my oneities green with envy as I had my new gf with a nicer body crawling over me. What was I missing… I thought I had everything I wanted, and THAT was the problem. I made goals, however small, and I did what I needed to achieve them. But, I stopped there, and fell back into the regular beat of life. What if I stopped there? It took a movie to put things in perspective, as sad as that is.

well, let me be the first to say, how pathetic. somehow in my quest to become a better man i let women become the driving force in my life. How did my goals become so low? A women will NOT make you happy in life. A nice car will not, a nice house, high paying job, sharks with laser-beams attached to their heads (altho that would be kickass), nothing will make you completely happy unless your living the life you want to. How does this apply to djism? Well, I believe that a real don juan is just as happy when he doesn’t have a girl. He knows he can get one whenever he feels like, but his goals and aim in life goes way beyond that of getting between a girls thighs. If you can find something to live for, something you have a passion for, a dream, a goal, something to be ur driving force every morning, you will work that much harder, you will exhibit drive, motivation, confidence, you will have a burning passion in your eyes that will leave women weak in the knees and wet about a foot up. We need to aim so much higher then the opposite sex, yet the society we live in tells us otherwise. I look around, I see miserable people with strained smiles, looking for any excuse to brag about something just to give off the appearance of happiness. I see my friends desperately trying to get gf’s, and once they have one, they are content. This is not what I want in life, this isn’t what anyone on this website should want, and this sure as hell isn’t what a dj would want. To be content… were capable of so much more. Men have built cities, empires, men have gone to the moon and beyond. It is with our hands that we build our lives, or destroy them.
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Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
part 2

I was never aware that I lacked true dreams and desires, I never took the time to really sit down and think about what I wanted in life, what would make me happy, put things in perspective. Women are important, but only to a small degree. Ive heard that women should only be in the passenger seat, never in the drivers seat in our life. Well, stick them in the damn trunk. My dreams and aspirations get to call shotgun. It took an identity crisis and a damn movie to make me really put things in perspective, put my life back in order. I cant tell you what will turn your life around, that is your job. But what I can say is, first beware. Lose sight of your dreams, give into conformity, your battle is lost. Like said so many times before, there are true winners and losers in life. You cannot sit down and think and plan out your entire life, all your dreams or passions. BUT, make a list of things you want to do in your life, places you want to see, that once in a lifetime superbowl, us open or whatever you actually go to instead of watching it on tv. Make a list, update it, and cross some damn things off! See the wonders of the world, try new things. Now that we got the little things covered, this is where the hard part comes. Ask yourself “who am i.” And really think about it, ask yourself what you want out of your life. Find a dream, and live it. Find another, and don’t stop. Write down goals, reach them. Figure out what your dream job is, and go for it. Realistically, I understand that its hard to find a dream job, but at least go somewhere with your career.

Once you have this drive in life, it will have so much more purpose, and girls will just be a minor distraction from everything else.

What do you want? What are your goals in life? Lets hear em people, or at least think about them. Ull thank urself later

"someday, someday my dream will come…."

Why not today?
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Durham, NC
Good post; i liked the quote from collateral

It's a little long which is probably why no one's responding


Don Juan
Jan 14, 2003
Reaction score
ya, maybe i shouldnt stay up late trying to write a post then just press send and go to sleep. i edited it down a little, its still kinda long but im still not anywhere near POOK's level of writing posts or any of the other decent posters here, so thats something i have to work on. either way, i tried giving my two cents, thx for the reply


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2004
Reaction score
u.s. of a.
ur rite man. i'm 17 and in one more year, i'm going to become a legal adult and about a quarter of my life is going to b done. i found this site when i was 15 so the 2 years in between have been used 2 change and i can truly say that i have but now it's time for some action. i noticed that i talk alot with my friends, like i'm going to do this and i'm can talk to this gurl with no problem. i think its about to to put up or shut up. and don't worry bout how long it is. if u have something worth saying, people will read it.


New Member
Dec 25, 2004
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Good post, man!
It is also pretty sistematically divided.

Anyway, I want to say that I progressed a lot in my life, but I am not anywhere near satisfied. In last two years I started doing things that I like with all that I got and it made me progress in alot of areas in my life, school at first place, I met alot of new friends and I am pretty good with alot of them, I am also much more socialized person, I like meeting new people, I improved my communication abbilities, I improved in gym, but in one AREA, DJing I made smallest improvemenmts, and its mainly because I'm too ****in' emotional person, GENES ****ed me up on that one, but I am dealing with it the best I can.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
nice job "apodyopsis":D


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Insightful and a good read - if this were Oprah's Book Club I'd definitely "recommend it to my friends and family". :D

All jokes aside, your line of thinking generally falls near mine. I found it to be a great post, and here's the courtesy bump back up to the top. Keep up the fantastic work.:)