New Member
If you are happy with a women who wants to be treated like a man don't bother reading this. I am from the UK and have been a bit of a tearaway all my life. I have lived in the US, Canada, Jamaica, Bahamas, Colombia, France to mention a few. In 2003 I moved to Indonesia. No, it's not full of terrosists. When I was back in the UK a few weeks ago I noticed that everyone looked miserable. Here everyone smiles. Don't need to have pick up lines. More than likely that some beautiful girl will approach you. The bad news is that generally speaking they don't sleep around so if all you are interested in is one night stands, forget it. However if you are seeking an ideal mate, this is the place. No bloody Womens Lib here. The women idolize their men and spoil them to death. They have this huge maternal instinct which is also applied to their men. When I first met my woman, when we exited for someone's house she would precede me and turn my shoes around so that I wouldn't have to bend down and do it. When I told her that I didn't expect her to do that she replied, "Please don't stop me from doing something that shows that I love you." Eight years later she still insists on doing this. Try to get YOUR women to do that
I can honestly say that I have never known her to be in a bad mood. Even on the odd occasions that we have fallen off the motorbike into the mud, she is still giggling and laughing. She is always affectionate and responsive. We never pass each other in the house without touching. She holds my hand wherever we go. Don't know anywhere else in the world where I could have met someone like her and yet she is typical of the women here. Until you have experienced it you will never really believe it. So eat your heart out guys, or take the next flight to Paradise.