Tenacity said:
If we are going to exist in this country (the US) you need a job/career, a car, insurance, a house, and you have to interact with women in order to do so (no matter if you are sexing them or not).
Need a job/career, false; a car, false; insurance, false; a house, false.
Danger said:
These aren't "what-ifs", this is reality, and since you have failed to list any place men can go to avoid it, it shows it is reality.
You guys are so wrapped up in your lifestyles, so removed from your own humanity, that you refuse to acknowledge that humans have existed on this planet as hunter-gatherers for thousands of years. You clearly don't spend enough time in the wilderness, and I would guess that you don't have a garden, either.
:nono: Tsk, tsk, tsk.
I need a job! I need to do what everyone else is doing! BA-A-AAHHH! I'm SCAAA-AHH-AHHH-AAAAHHRED! Someone said I oughta, so I gotta! Where's a line for me to get into!!?
You are trying to tell me that there aren't
humans on the planet, only citizens and society. That's like saying there are no people driving down the road, only traffic. You guys volunteer to participate in this society. By doing so, you volunteer to play by their rules.
Danger said:
Give me a good example of where I can go to not pay taxes or every worry about being accused of false rape, or other such things, because I don't see it, unless I want to greatly reduce my quality of life.
You can go to the United States of America. <---- true and fact.
It's a matter of your worries? You can't see it? Then, the simple answer is that, so long as you are worrying and giving the "problem" merit, and as long as you keep the same perceptions, you'll take the problem with you wherever you go. There is nowhere that is "safe" from your own mind.
You don't want to reduce the quality of your life? Then, define "quality". Again, your fears are not facts.
Danger said:
You can try to go the way of John Galt, I'll choose Ragnar Danneskjold. No matter what, a confrontation MUST happen eventually.
You may like to believe that you are going the "pirate" route, but I would say you are fighting like Rearden or Dagny. You can't fight that battle on their terms, in courts, head-on. You have to indirectly affect the changes.
Ok, you guys clearly aren't following reason, so pay attention to the progression of logic.
• Humans need food, clothing, water, shelter... essentially "warmth". Food to keep metabolism producing heat, and a way to protect that heat from the elements.
• Humans can hunt, humans can gather, humans can fish, humans can grow crops, humans have domesticated animals. Humans can acquire food without use of money.
• Without need of money, a human does not need a job.
• Without need of a job, a human does not need a car.
• Without need of a car, a human does not need insurance, registration fees, a driver's license, or gas money.
• A human male, and a human female, can have sex without use of money; outdoors, even under water; and can consent to reproduce without verbal communication.
Ahh... the things we take for granted, eh? You guys are so far above "human", it's too far of a stretch for you to admit what is the most basic reality. You're so bogged down in the minute details of your particular lifestyle that the possibilities of other, potentially more rewarding, lifestyles escape you.
It's sort of freaky/unnerving to live in a rural area and look back at urban areas and KNOW that this is the prevalent mindset. It's like watching the fall of Rome. When people think vegetables come from the supermarket, not from the ground, there is real cause for concern. Ninety percent of the population of the world lives in the city, and that 90% is virtually helpless to provide for themselves in the most basic animal sense.
I can't say that I blame you, certain lifestyles require certain skill sets. "Fear of the unknown" is a major hang-up for people who face changing their lives/lifestyles. It is obvious, however, that a major part of the skill set required to live an urban lifestyle is denial. Get out of the city and sh¡t gets a different sort of real. Get into the wilderness, and sh¡t gets very plain...
whether you care to believe in your realities or not.
Why, as Men, do we take this?
This will persist until Men learn to differentiate between their true needs and their learned desires. Until this evolution begins, you'll continue to see "need" used in place of "want" or "wish". Once men see that they "wish" or "want" to "take this" and not "need" to, then the changes will start.