You guys need to chill a little.
Both sides have merit.
But one thing that needs to be mentioned again is a common dominator -- you –
As squirrels said – its more or less down to you.
I am a big believer In that.
The more you understand the mating dynamic, the more you understand women – Good or Bad, both have equal merits, the more your able to avoid, handle or see problems in a relationship, regardless of the environment.
Having a negative view of women, is perfectly in check – simply because guys need to see the bad side, to know what to look out for, to know what to see and to know what to avoid.
If you don’t want your women to work, fine – that’s perfectly ok.
But I need to say this too – The more you become, the more you understand the mating dynamic, the greater you understand women, the environment she is in wont matter – of course there is always the potential she could cheat e.t.c – But when you develop Zen like skills and a deeper understanding of women through knowing the good and the bad – You know in your core, you will be able to spot that ****, like stripes on a zebra.
You see to become truly knowledgeable, you need to know the warts and all.
Now I currently date a girl who works, loves sex and the city – A girl my training and understanding of women, would tell me to run a mile.
But this girl is a giver, she is a great person, can cook, cleans, does not argue, worships the ground I walk on.
But I know 100% if my game was not as sharp has it is now, this girl (like any other) could be straying or thinking of the next branch.
And this is the point and the crux of my post!
The better you become at this game - the more you understand women (warts and all), the greater understanding you develop, which all comes together to give you a zen like understanding of the situation.
It can almost be described as a sort of six sense ability, you can predict the outcome and act accordingly – now this should not be taken has trying to do A for her B – This is about knowing the dynamics of dating and how women tick and doing the right thing at the time to handle that situation.
For example – If your girl goes out on a night out – An AFC would show signs of 'abandonment, fear and Betrayal , or feel his relationship could be threatened.
A true Alpha would say “have a good night” and mean it, because he knows, if there is any sign of infidelity she will be replaced – So ****y in his knowledge of replacing the girl, so confident – It sucks the girl in even more.
The first example – Will help to push a women away, lowering ones personal status and personal power – The other oozes confidence which women (from my years of knowledge) sucks them in.
Women love a dominant type of guy, who knows he has options – A guy who operates on the presumption of abundance - he can create more options for himself, which is applied to dating and relationships – He knows no matter, he can date girls and, many girls. Can pick and choose accordingly, hence his GF (currently) have to slot into 'his' criteria of desires. Potential problems, threats, ultimatums are not part of his repertoire, he does not need to control a women, instead he acts according to her ‘character’. But one must remember that female character, to the uninitiated (warts and all) can go under the radar of the AFC, hence a guy with options, with the abundance, i.e knowledge, can pretty much handle any situation his women is in, without fear – simply acting accordingly with understanding and zen like training.
A guy with a scarcity mentality, will try to control, to limit his women’s movements – acting on fear, fear of losing the women, because deep down he feels he can’t replace her or, he has placed the women on a pedestal, and feels some romanticised notion that the women can’t be replaced or there won’t be another one like her. The advice I can give for this, is to sleep with many women and often, if possible – Soon you will understand that even the princess is just another one of many and many and many – But this comes back to the problem of sleeping with many, a guy with scarcity will be operating from inexperience and ignorance about the mating dynamic and won’t know how to create attraction in women or create options in that regard.
Though each point and argument have merit, we need to also Factor in the raw power of the MAN and I mean 'male' raw powerful energy.
There are guys who sit at home all day, who don’t work, dating hot girls – This is true and can’t be denied – The question then should be; What is he doing ‘right’ – Rather then what is she doing ‘wrong’.
There are also guys who date successful business chicks, surrounded by Alpha power young studs, who don’t cheat – The question should be; what is the husband doing ‘right’ – rather then what is the women doing ‘wrong’.
But you can’t understand what to do ‘right’ unless you’re aware of the ‘wrong’
The only advice I can give – Is to have a confident, abundant mindset, lead your women in most interactions – be decisive, become a rock for your women to lean on – Do not pour out your problems and feelings to your women, instead allow her to open herself to you – Become a rock for her fleeting shifting emotions. Be a leader in what you do, don’t let a situation control you – If confronted with something uncomfortable, think it through logically – This is one of the greatest gifts of being male – the ability to rationalise (which can be swallowed up by the female psyche (can’t see the wood for the trees) – Learn about women, the good and the bad – No matter where it takes you, absorb it, learn it – It is more understanding to see what to look for and what to look out for.
Dont be needy, don't be controlling (she will resent you eventually) - Give her her own freedom and have yours too - See it has giving her a long rope, let her show you her true character, not chain it up for it to come back and bite you on the ass then be surprised at your womens integrety and character.
Yes we live in a different age - Men need to become so much more - They cant rely on social norms - But they can rely on the raw power of being male - And in this world, I see a lot of boys who think they are men, use this knowledge accordingly - Thats the reason your here, remember that.
One thing I will say to finish this – Because of looking to far into the pit of what women do on a negative level – I went there for a while many years ago – though I wouldn’t change a thing on what I discovered, I would have preferred to at the time see more of a positive – Those times, dwelling in the negative can be as crippling to your potential to enjoy the opposite sex, has dating a Bipolar.
Understand women, but understand yourself more! – Learn and become and then you will see no matter the environment, your able to shift through that shi* like a hot knife through butter.