article: Ugly, creepy guys!


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2015
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Be honest guys

When you hear that a fat unattractive chick is into you a part of you gets annoyed. I know I do lol.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Why would this sound red-pill? You mean black-pill right. It's the black-pill camp that will say you are either Chad or you are not. The red-pill camp would encourage newbies to approach many girls regardless of their reaction and wouldn't take any one particular girl's negative reaction seriously (i.e. unless she calls security/police and makes up stories, but that again is very rare).

What is definitely not red-pill is posting articles like that on here. People here should at least have a fantasy in their minds that women want them to approach and to move-on quickly if a woman is showing insufficient interest, because there is probably one out there that is at league or slightly above your league that might be doable as a marriage prospect. But if we keep looking at "Chad or Not" black-pill articles then the only solution is to just resign to being incel/MGTOW monk-mode, or dumpster diving and settling for way below your league, or becoming "Frogman" if you are not Chad since you'll have the wrong type of mind-set.
The article is hardcore blackpill. No question.

My only point was “Women are only for sex and reproduction” sounds awful close to a “Don’t get married; just spin plates” redpill saying. Blackpill guys don’t use that saying because they believe it’s over before it started.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Corrector, you also raise a very important philosophical point. Should a non-Chad simply accept the blackpill and give up on women and go full monk mode/MGTOW? Or go red pill in almost a PUA sense and just face many rejections because you might luck up on the right chick?

My position is this:

1. I believe that the blackpill is GENERALLY the most accurate and brutally honest “pill theory.”

2. Try to looks-max where you can. (Nothing major like plastic surgery.) Just be reasonably fit, dress well and do the best you can with hairstyle (or shave/buzz/cut short if balding).

3. Use the red pill (almost PUA) type thinking and face rejections* with an IDGAF attitude.

*How much time you spend on this and how many rejections you choose to face is a personal decision. Whether one uses online, night game, day game, or social circle, or something else is also a personal preference.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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Brad Pitt isn’t looking that great either.
Brad Pitt has looked extraordinary in every phase of his life. And I am not the type to throw around compliments about male attractiveness.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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Corrector, you also raise a very important philosophical point. Should a non-Chad simply accept the blackpill and give up on women and go full monk mode/MGTOW? Or go red pill in almost a PUA sense and just face many rejections because you might luck up on the right chick?
The other angle is that you see allot of relationships that are out there or couples. Most guys out there are non-Chads. There wouldn't be that many couples if that were really true. If that were really true, then you'd see most women walking funny because you would guess what Chad did with their behind rather than with another guy, right? Most women are always in a relationship with someone. What we are missing is the "blue-pill", that is if you have a job, you'll meet your SO at work, while networking, or if you are not a player life circumstances may go in a direction that you find someone who is at the same phase you are in life and then something develops from there. Do the whole courtship-romance thing and bingo you have a relationship. If you don't meet someone then whatever.

Mike32ct said:
My position is this:

1. I believe that the blackpill is GENERALLY the most accurate and brutally honest “pill theory.”
Maybe it is. But it doesn't explain why there are so many couples, married people, etc... that are in the world today who have kids.

Mike32ct said:
2. Try to looks-max where you can. (Nothing major like plastic surgery.) Just be reasonably fit, dress well and do the best you can with hairstyle (or shave/buzz/cut short if balding).
That's common sense. It shouldn't even exist as advice.

Mike32ct said:
3. Use the red pill (almost PUA) type thinking and face rejections* with an IDGAF attitude.
Red pill is not just about facing rejections. That's a newbie "talk to women" assignment. That is still at a very elementary level. You have way more advanced stuff than that like, not showing interest to women you are interested in, being ****y and funny (David De'angelo).

I think allot of stuff feels like it's post-the Game, post-David De'Angelo, but in reality maybe these old things should be looked at again. It's still a type of communication that could improve your chances with the right girl and so much time has elapsed that these PUA things in the past may have faded out of the women's collective attention.

Mike32c said:
*How much time you spend on this and how many rejections you choose to face is a personal decision. Whether one uses online, night game, day game, or social circle, or something else is also a personal preference.
That's correct, but one thing you don't have control over is if you are ready to deal with the woman who says "yes". If you get rejected it really means you are saving your time dealing any further with that woman and can talk to more people. Once you get comfortable with the "no"s coming your way then you may freeze up and feel stunned once you do get a "yes". Most of the issue is that if you get a "yes" you are on the spot and have to perform and you'll lose something if it fails up. What is the point of creating an opportunity if you are not ready or psyched up to deal with it?

Also, women can change their mind about an initial "no", as you continue interacting with them. If they have a boyfriend, the relationship could eventually go over the rocks or they could break-up, guess who could be next in line if that happens? They may warm up to you and be nicer to you even if you got a "no" from them. Many people would also say they got married to someone who may have initially rejected them.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
See below.

The other angle is that you see allot of relationships that are out there or couples. Most guys out there are non-Chads. There wouldn't be that many couples if that were really true. If that were really true, then you'd see most women walking funny because you would guess what Chad did with their behind rather than with another guy, right? Most women are always in a relationship with someone. What we are missing is the "blue-pill", that is if you have a job, you'll meet your SO at work, while networking, or if you are not a player life circumstances may go in a direction that you find someone who is at the same phase you are in life and then something develops from there. Do the whole courtship-romance thing and bingo you have a relationship. If you don't meet someone then whatever.

All fair points. I don't take blackpill to mean that women ONLY go for Chads. It's more about the importance of looks and how a non-Chad is at a significant disadvantage. A non-Chad is not out of the game, but he "has his work cut out for him." That's all.

As for the topic of meeting women organically though work (or networking), that certainly can work for a lot of people, and I fully support that. I actually wish there wasn't such a negative stigma (or associated risks) with dating from work. You certainly could meet a responsible person from work.

But all that aside, I'm talking about other people. I've never dated anyone I met "organically." Not from school, work, or even five years of ballroom dance classes. This idea that I would meet someone naturally and just click and start dating is totally alien to me. It has never happened. I either had to face multiple rejections in person (nightgame) or use OLD. And I'm ok with that. We're just talking here.

Maybe it is. But it doesn't explain why there are so many couples, married people, etc... that are in the world today who have kids.

I don't know how it works for them. That's another debate for another day lol.

That's common sense. It shouldn't even exist as advice.

Fair enough.

Red pill is not just about facing rejections. That's a newbie "talk to women" assignment. That is still at a very elementary level. You have way more advanced stuff than that like, not showing interest to women you are interested in, being ****y and funny (David De'angelo).

I'm not a big DD fan. Being a "ballbuster" would have to fit your personality. For some guys, it doesn't. Now don't get me wrong; if you are advising guys to be more PLAYFUL, then fine, I would fully support that. But "busting on women" is tricky business if you don't know what you are doing or it's not congruent with your personality.

I think allot of stuff feels like it's post-the Game, post-David De'Angelo, but in reality maybe these old things should be looked at again. It's still a type of communication that could improve your chances with the right girl and so much time has elapsed that these PUA things in the past may have faded out of the women's collective attention.

I was thinking about that the other day. Some of the older PUA game techniques might work again because pickup has largely been forgotten.

That's correct, but one thing you don't have control over is if you are ready to deal with the woman who says "yes". If you get rejected it really means you are saving your time dealing any further with that woman and can talk to more people. Once you get comfortable with the "no"s coming your way then you may freeze up and feel stunned once you do get a "yes". Most of the issue is that if you get a "yes" you are on the spot and have to perform and you'll lose something if it fails up. What is the point of creating an opportunity if you are not ready or psyched up to deal with it?

Agree 100 percent. Yes, fear of success is very real. Oddly, it can sometimes feel better to be rejected because then it's over (with that person), and the pressure is off.

Also, women can change their mind about an initial "no", as you continue interacting with them. If they have a boyfriend, the relationship could eventually go over the rocks or they could break-up, guess who could be next in line if that happens? They may warm up to you and be nicer to you even if you got a "no" from them. Many people would also say they got married to someone who may have initially rejected them.
Again, I've heard of that scenario, and I don't doubt that it happens. I just have never personally experienced the sequence of getting friendzoned, having her date someone else, break up with him, and then start dating me.


Master Don Juan
Feb 17, 2014
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Here is the thing guys...

Not everyone is going to get or deserves to get the highest value woman out there. Be it physically or mentally some guys are just screwed. Except for very very few cases no amount of working out or money will change that. There are people here that are short and fat and bald that think that they are owed the top of the top just because they "know game"... Sorry Charlie, it ain't gonna happen.

The ugly creepy guys will have to settle for the ugly creepy girls.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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There is a difference between what women want and what they can get, same for men of course.

The problem anyway for us is not being able to get the girl, the problem is being her second choice and spending our life with her while she thinks WE are a curse to her cause she deserve more...thats why 80% of married men are treated like trash nowadays.

Those men still think that she behaves so rudly and aggressively because he did something wrong while she does it cause she thinks she has been punished by forced to be with a lesser man in order to have a relationship.

My suggestion is the same as usual, the more precarious your setting is, the less you should invest in dont put your entire bodyweight in your feet if you are walking on a frozen lake.

Btw no amount of "game" or "confidence" will overcome a mediocre look in the eyes of a woman nowadays.

Given the current state of things, they either legalize prostitution or slowly but surely the average man will get so pissed off that the real base of civilization will start to weaken.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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Yes but status can from what I've seen. It's true that if they don't like my look I am not going anywhere, but that just gets you in the door. The women I date can replace my looks easily.
I dont know about status, while it surely gives a great boost in terms of success I'm not really sure it turns girls on or simply satisfies her psychologically in her desire to be envied from other women or being at the center of attention through you.

What really matters to me is that raw animal attraction which an ugly guy despite his status hardly cause in a woman, I talk about that attraction that makes a woman have sex with a chad in the back alley of a club while a less gifted man has to "buy" it with his time and effort more as a trade than as a desire from her side.

Thinking about the last 10 yrs of my life, dealing with a girl instinctuially attracted rather than a girl "giving you a shot" as a person is like day and night from any point of view.


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2017
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Did I miss any?
I thought Antonio was Italian and Enrique was the Spanish/Hispanic one?

Here's another
Jacques - French
Levi - Jewish


Senior Don Juan
Dec 12, 2017
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"We're sorry but YOUR kind isn't allowed here." It's just sad
your kind isn't allowed here.GIF


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
Would be crazy if this chick got into an unfortunate accident that ruined her looks and remains for the rest of her life in the lower "league". It's obvious that Women want to do date / fvck good looking guys but then again, You know females..... The say one thing and do the other.