Clearly there are points for and against this article. One thing I think you can agree on is that you cannot take the study of these women reaction's as face value. There are flaws to this study.
These women were asked to judge 4 facial expressions without having interaction with that person. We know that unlike us men, when a woman sees a man that looks attractive to her from a distance, its not enough for her to make a decision about wanting to be with him. Women need to interact with that man before they decide if they want to sleep with him or eject.
I do believe smiling is important in seduction but its when and how you use it that will increase your attractiveness to a woman. I do think that if you smile to the woman after you lock eyes (having her see you walking around with swagger and confident) as opposed to her catching you with an ambushed smile on your face is the correct method.
One thing I noticed with the guy smiling in the picture is that he looks too happy and if this is the first thing a woman notice when she is meeting you, she might conclude that you are way too happy to be around her because she is too good for you (demonstrating lower value). A simple small confident smile while locking eyes is the best method and then when you are finally interacting with that woman do not smile all the time but at appropriate times.
These women were asked to judge 4 facial expressions without having interaction with that person. We know that unlike us men, when a woman sees a man that looks attractive to her from a distance, its not enough for her to make a decision about wanting to be with him. Women need to interact with that man before they decide if they want to sleep with him or eject.
I do believe smiling is important in seduction but its when and how you use it that will increase your attractiveness to a woman. I do think that if you smile to the woman after you lock eyes (having her see you walking around with swagger and confident) as opposed to her catching you with an ambushed smile on your face is the correct method.
One thing I noticed with the guy smiling in the picture is that he looks too happy and if this is the first thing a woman notice when she is meeting you, she might conclude that you are way too happy to be around her because she is too good for you (demonstrating lower value). A simple small confident smile while locking eyes is the best method and then when you are finally interacting with that woman do not smile all the time but at appropriate times.