Yea, and we as men save our best w/ones who get it, and the worst is natures problem. May I ask, as I find this interesting, what criteria you are mentioning? You seem naturally 'entitled' to a secret society, forbidden and impenetrable by men. That is OK.
On the other hand, if we, as men, I have to mention, are 15 minutes late coming home, our phone is OVERLOADED w/ calls from the chick you are seeing. Of course, she deduces you are cheating on her, we all know this.
So, my questions are : Does a man enjoy the same rights you do in a relationship? Are we allowed any privacy, at all? The girls, from what you wrote can acceptably conceal their actions, desires, secrets, in any manner decided, and it's cool. They are justified. Finally, please tell me why a man today would desire to commit to a woman w/ this mentality? I am not picking a fight, just curious, although I think I know too much already, on this.
PK, tell Gio a friendly hello, best wishes to you both.