Around the CampFire.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Let's embark on a voyage North and go camping. We'll help those men re-attach their balls and understand their TRUE, essential nature.

It's a culmination of thoughts, posts, ramblings, and contributions from various posters that have lead to this "campfire" talk.

And as we embark, i play "Just Stop" by Disturbed in our Range Rover. Fresh chests of Coors, Bud, Sam Adams, New Castle and Guiness have been stashed away. Northward we'll go to get in touch with "man." Because MAN is Nature. That's where he lives and exists.


In the days of old, men would go north with the boys. Because men are nothing but boys introduced to maturity by OTHER men. By fathers, and grandfathers, and mentors. Stories told in movies, in books, and even in video games allude to times past when a truly GREAT man was had by a truly wise mentor molding a young boy into a man.

-William Wallace.
-The Count of Monte Cristo.
-King Arthur.
-The Wild Man from "Iron John"
-Wild @ Heart.
-Heck, Batman.

SOME person bestowed upon a young boy with promise his rite of passage into greatness, into manhood.

Distributes the beers around the fire.

Boys, life has been created and protected BY men. Society has been created and built BY men as an INTERDEPENDENT way for us to reap from each other's gains, while supporting the whole. However, society is only as good as it's individual parts.

And who are the individual parts?

Us, men AND women. Whatever occurs on society's watch is that which is ALLOWED by us. By us MEN. Women only get so far as we ALLOW and accept.

Oh sure, some guys might pander their values FAR below their worth by accepting low-class behavior, not becoming of the feminine. Or these men might accept feminine creatures who have already peddled AWAY their value as being feminine, and spent their femininity, but we are not of these men.

Boys, there are 3 classes of men.

1. Homosexuals.
2. Men who are like women, like women, but only get manly women or accept low-class women for the imbalance in their sense of value and worth.
3. Pure Men.

I will not speak upon the first 2 classes, for this is not what we desire to become. This is not who we are. We are men. Born of men, of fathers or not, molded under the heat of testosterone, sent through the struggling fires of life, born to endure greater psychological, emotional, and even physical pain than the feminine. Our de-sensitization to such stressors is what enables US to BALANCE out the very strong and sensitive nature of women.

When you emote your SENSITIVITY to life's stressors, you IMMEDIATELY trigger a biological and psychological device in her that warns

Female, Female, Female. DO NOT PROCREATE WITH!


Women are what men desire and become predominantly what men want. Yes, we can pinpoint society, and social programming and social mores, but women only do what they BELIEVE will get them the men they want. If these women REALIZED that low-classes behavior DID NOT equal the MAN OF THEIR DREAMS and their penalty was getting to age 30 or 35 without having found a suitable mate, MORE women would pass this down to younger girls REVERSING the process.

What is low-classless behavior??

-Swearing/ can you engage in a conversation with such a woman? You would not accept this of your mother, or your sister, or any feminine being of your family, but you would so of a girl you would give your value to?

-Smoking/illicit drugs ...her beautiful body is a sham if she engages in such behavior. Eventually, it will catch up with her. Couple this with her already emotional nature, and such drugs can have a lasting permanent effect. All it takes is a few traumatic experiences under the guise of drugs to throw off her emotional compass for life.

-Over-sexualized behavior...feminity is NOT sexuality. It is not broadcasing sexuality. Femininity does not reside with a woman bearing EVERYTHING to EVERYBODY. It is not shirts clamouring for attention. The beauty and purity she reserves for a man worthy of it. The shirts, the grinding behavior. Would you really invest yourself over so many years of work into something that has already spent it's greatest value???

-Disrespect for the masculine sex does not hate on the other. Regardless of her past, this is unacceptable. You personally have done nothing to deserve Low, Class-Less behavior, and Tolerating it only reveals your lack of worth and caring over that, as well as your admission of acceptance for such behavior. Man-hating is learned, not born. It's learned through negative experiences, or a victim-like attitude, or self-consciousness.

-Lack of caring and compassion ...firstly boys, behavior is a compilation of habits, and women are CREATURES of habit. Meaning, whatever they do, will 99% never be changed. What you observe is what she is. She is a byproduct of her feelings, she sticks to those as we men stick to our word. What does this mean? If a woman demonstrates a lack of caring and/or compassion for those immediately close, it's unlikely to change, it's unlikely to change for you, and if it does change, it's only a short-term change. How many women have promised change when you re-unite, only to revert back to her bad behavior within months or weeks?? I rest my case.

Ferreting out bad behavior is a selection process. It's noticed and not accepted. Casualness kills.


More beers? A-Unit passes another round around.

Fact of the matter is...THIS is where you belong gentlemen, IN NATURE. Your roots hail from here and we only MOVED into society as it benefits us. We constructed it for the benefits of all. Do not let it RULE you. Do not believe you born into existence to KEEP IT GOING as Neo was led to believe in the Matrix.

You are more than a consumer who gets a mediorce job to "fall in line" and continue the process. You CAN be more than who you are IF you choose to LIVE for more than you are NOW.

"Hey! I thought this was about women!"...Shouts a Newbie DJ in the back.

Alas, my son, this is about you. It's always been about you. Women are but one component, that IF we choose to dabble in such pursuits, we dable truly, purely and fully. On our terms, as fair dealing men. When we engage, we do so as we would in business. BOTH PARTIES WIN. You must be happy and see a "return" inasmuchas you provide her with a "return" (in very basic business terms).

Women are but one component of LIFE for men. When a man LIVES for more than himself, when he lives for his own higher ideals and beliefs, he IS more than a man. When he wakes in the morning, he doesn't wake for a paycheck, he wakes because each day he betters himself in some physical, material, psychological, emotional, spiritual, and technical way.

He does things for the SAKE of doing them and DOING them well. He tinkers because he likes to. He does nothing to seek gain within the fickle society whose temperature has chameleon-like nature for approval.

No! He does what he does because it's WHO HE is. His doings are BYPRODUCTS of him! Man is ACTION. It's what he does! It's coming northward, talking, drinking beers, and socializing. It's interacting with other men on a grander scale. It's going to the gym to build a better body, as the a greek sculpter would carve a greek God. It's investing for the sake of creating and owning and leaving a legacy behind.


You men are not mad at the world, for the world IS men, created by men, run by men, and protected by men!

You are mad yourselves!
You are mad at your inability and lack of control!
You are mad at your fear!

Anger, frustration, despair, depression, cynicism, skepticism @ the world, is only a reflection of your own frustration at your CURRENT circumstances.

At this sitting, men, what do we have in common?

We are men, of the same world, of the same mixture, but of different circumstances. Are we independent men, ready to go forth in life unhindered by our past? Or are we robots, controlled by the world, our emotions, our pasts, our genetics, our demons, or our base ways?

Life today cannot be pure if we hold onto anything from the past. If we uphold NO integrity to the mind, we are but an animal yielding to not reason, but other devices and sources!

You younglings must realize that there exists no greater pursuit than that of your own life and self-discovery! Through you and the greatness you achieve, value and life is given to all. Wealth you accumulate, success that you have, can only be spent so far by you. OTHERS will benefit from your creations and machinations.


Around this fire all is safe. Amongst all men you are a friend. If you view other men as an enemy, are you not ALSO an enemy? If you spit at me vile and vitriolic tongue, are you not making YOURSELF an enemy of me, regardless of me?

You must extend yourself as a FRIEND, and LOVER, and HERO to yourself, so to be accepted by others as such. One cannot be a friend, or lover, or role model, if in one's heart, contempt, cynicism, skepticism, and base emotions reside. For all life is a reflecting pool.

If I see you as an enemy, a threat, am I not MAKING myself one by doing so right now?

If we do this to our own kind, do we not do this to women as well? If we view them as a threat, or a fear, or a conquering ambition, are we not belitting their nature and turning them against us?

Disregard all you know, for we must build from the ground up, suitable men, who will then bring upon the world their energy spirit, that is so long sought by women, and that will vault atop all others.



Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by A-Unit
What is low-classless behavior??

-Swearing/ can you engage in a conversation with such a woman? You would not accept this of your mother, or your sister, or any feminine being of your family, but you would so of a girl you would give your value to?

-Smoking/illicit drugs ...her beautiful body is a sham if she engages in such behavior. Eventually, it will catch up with her. Couple this with her already emotional nature, and such drugs can have a lasting permanent effect. All it takes is a few traumatic experiences under the guise of drugs to throw off her emotional compass for life.

-Over-sexualized behavior...feminity is NOT sexuality. It is not broadcasing sexuality. Femininity does not reside with a woman bearing EVERYTHING to EVERYBODY. It is not shirts clamouring for attention. The beauty and purity she reserves for a man worthy of it. The shirts, the grinding behavior. Would you really invest yourself over so many years of work into something that has already spent it's greatest value???

-Disrespect for the masculine sex does not hate on the other. Regardless of her past, this is unacceptable. You personally have done nothing to deserve Low, Class-Less behavior, and Tolerating it only reveals your lack of worth and caring over that, as well as your admission of acceptance for such behavior. Man-hating is learned, not born. It's learned through negative experiences, or a victim-like attitude, or self-consciousness.

-Lack of caring and compassion ...firstly boys, behavior is a compilation of habits, and women are CREATURES of habit. Meaning, whatever they do, will 99% never be changed. What you observe is what she is. She is a byproduct of her feelings, she sticks to those as we men stick to our word. What does this mean? If a woman demonstrates a lack of caring and/or compassion for those immediately close, it's unlikely to change, it's unlikely to change for you, and if it does change, it's only a short-term change. How many women have promised change when you re-unite, only to revert back to her bad behavior within months or weeks?? I rest my case.

Ferreting out bad behavior is a selection process. It's noticed and not accepted. Casualness kills.
I will drink to that. But the search for such a woman will take a long time. Those type of women you speak off are getting rare every day.

No parents and no guidance, those women grow up and end up brainwashed by television and other men (who are brainwashed as well) that this low classless behaviour is cool.

Low classless behaviour is winning the battle.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

Did you guys have a good break? Let's get back to work.

No man, nor force, nor being can tell you what you are. No outside pursuit gives you value or identity. Nothing you wear or carve into your skin will define you. You are what you are.

You define YOU!
You define everything you come in contact with!

If you do not reply upon your own mind for its own successes and failures...then your life is not your own.

This does not mean LEARNING from others before you is not warranted! It does mean that copying or failing to learn or requiring the support of others enslaves and indebts you to the minds of other men, (or women).

Is that the basis of your creation? That your life is owned by someone else because you do not own and operate your own mind?

Women are no exception! Quirky and flighty as they maybe...they are no exception!


The difference between than man who uses his own mind and nature to live, and the man who requires the source of another, can be seen in evolution.

Those who evolve do not realize 1 path to success (or life). Those who evolve or not so set in there ways as to say..."this is who I am, I will not change." For who is to say what you are or what you're not?? Those who evolve GIVE THEMSELVES UP to a higher ideal! They are the process the ideal has become!

Those who do -not- evolve subsist as 1 thing, and do so out of comfort, out of fear, out of a lack of confidence, out of not knowing, out of egotism, out of stubborness and ultimately it leads to their spiritual, essential, and eventual physical demise.

Your minds are your heaven and hell. They are your TOOLS to operation. OWN that and you own life. Give it away through emotions, dependency on ANYTHING, lack of confidence, fear, neglect, or abuse, and you've given away your LIFE. The mind IS the key, because it's the operating system to everything else we will speak about.


Why have we withdrawn from society to nature tonight?

Because, we must CLEAR the mind and conscious of all that you're not, and all that you're told to be, but never will be.

You can be GREAT as you are, but you must embrace that, work that, build that, and improve that. Take the clay that your are, and make it something wonderful. You are built to age 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, and so on...and can begrudge EVERY circumstance you have. can be the stronger person, demonstrate to your own, to your own life, to naysayers, opportunists, and all around you, that you are BIGGER than those circumstances, be they body, mind, wealth or poverty, physical looks, personality. You have been placed there for a 'reason.' Give reason to your existence.


Looping around to women...use your mind in determining such dealings. They are but a fickle creature and must be dealt with as such.

~Men use Emotion in judging a Woman's Worth Initially, and Manage the Relationship Logically.~

~Women use Logic in Judging a Man's Worth Initially, and Manage the Relationship Emotionally.~

Reverse the situation, and you can leap AHEAD of the sex. If women are very emotional initially, then they are likely to be an easy steal, and no amount of Emotion must be applied on your part to capture her. THESE are the women I would label "loose". They are "loose" with their emotions, and would be very loose emotionally in a relationship.

She will go off quickly, find another man rapidly, easily give in or give up, and generally drag you along for HER ride.

Women not so "loose" with their emotions, invest wisely. You can place your emotions and trust in them with confidence, and know that when you come your home is in order, instead of some man INSIDE your woman.

Women are creatures of habit, again I repeat this. It's unlikely by the early ages of 20 or so, she will change. The mold has been cast. UNLESS she willingly WANTS to change. And there's always the possibility she reverts back to her former self.


Where do I seek women?

There's only one place.

All around you. If you seek women at some SOURCE, you will find not women, but some kind of prey, all similar, with rarely varying natures. These women are likely to be very much characteristic of the place they are at. So if you are seeking people at such places, you will find the emotions inside these people there.

What kind of prey do you men want? Are you hunting and scavenging for base prey in base places? There's food enough for the lots of us! If you eat sick prey, you will get sick. If you lie down with a sick woman, you will get sick. Find a great woman! I cannot give this to you anymore than I can give you air! However, you can do yourself good to TAKE opportunity when it speaks to you.

Look ALL AROUND. Believe in abundance. Hitch yourself to the belief that life rejuvenates and renews EVERY SINGLE DAY. It begins again. More air. More water. More food. More sunlight. Renewed! So, too, are the supplies of women!

Do not abdicate your values and sense of self by accepting less than yourself. This is based on values and principles and morals and ideals, not on possessions, status, stature, wealth, or looks. Those are MERE byproducts of values, principals, habits, morals, and ideals.

Women of today are like the Sirens in the Seas, drawing sailors upon their jagged rocks!

Do not succumb to her ways if she tells you to engage in sex w/out protection.
Do not succumb to her emotional ways if she seeks to manipulate you to her aim.

Remember that you control the ship of life, and if she is not ready and able to handle you as captain, and deal fairly and honestly, that she must set sail on her own dingy. You own your life, you control the passengers on it. You concede fair dealings and respect and communication, but if she refuses, take action. Do not let it fester and grow. Such negative emotions consume your life and will eventually consume others.

Let us rest for now...



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

I will drink to that. But the search for such a woman will take a long time. Those type of women you speak off are getting rare every day.
Yes it will, but what have we else but time? What else is life made of but time and a series of events that present change?

What else would you do but search for one, seemingly compatible person that meets your values, goals, ideals, morals, and sense of self?

By accepting LESS and LESS of this Low and Class-Less behavior, you ferret this out. It WILL take time, but the alternative IS to accept it.

In 2 such cases, I spent many hours in the Emergency Room over the weekend for myself. I sat next to what I'd deam a Ghetto Girl. And while I support freedom of expression, she is able to be as she wants, she had found her comparable man as well. Her remarkable number of tattoos numbering 20, her impolite and immature manner with nurses, and complete and utterly gross use of slang only corresponds to kids continuing this behavior.

If such admissions are allowed, then it will continue in life. If decent men, normally men who see no value and accept whatever they get, allow it, then it means to women APPROVAL. They approve of it as a suitable quality. They may harp "this is me." But it is not. What they EXHIBIT is learned behavior over time.

Femininity not withstanding, speech patterns are matter of learning, as is character, and behavior.

I've nexted a HOT (not beautiful, because this girl is more porn-looking than classy beautiful) because her speech is very ghetto, her dress is very ghetto and unbecoming and her behavior is very unbecoming. Spending countless nights out.

It might sound picky, snob-nosed, but come time you want a woman, it will be very minimal if you find her amongst a lot like that. And for everybody there exists some combination suitable enough.

No, Control Starts within and then tranfers to outside yourself. Even now, girls who i thought nexted me, or i nexted, come a calling. I track their behavior. Girls who I slept with once, or dated for sometime and returned to an X, have through the grapevine sought me out once more. Perhaps for a s/t fling, or perhaps a long-term nothing. Whatever it is, it comes back around, and their emotional whimsical ways have caught them.



Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
So basically your saying is to take control of your life and do not let anything take control of it and that includes women.

Women shouldn’t be 1st on our priority list.

That we shouldn’t blame and hate others for our shortcomings and obstacles that lay before us.

That are greatest enemy is ourselves.

Is that what you are saying?

Because if so then I agree.

I think a man should have more going for himself then just material wealth and prestige. There is nothing wrong wanting to start your own family or to look in the past and learn from it.

A Man with out morals, standards, honor, respect, beliefs, goals, and dreams is lost.

He should make is own choices with out being influence by anything else.

One dose something because he/she wants to do it whatever the case might be.

He should make it his own.

And when coming to pick a woman it should be a matter if she complements him and in return compliments her. (Not like “nice shoes, nice nails” kind of thing)

A man and women in a relationship and marriage should complement each other.

Also a man should look for a woman in his own class as in she should share the same morals, standards, respect, and beliefs as you do. She doesn’t have to have exactly the same goals or favorite color and food or w/e else as you do that would be boring if everyone was the same. But if you want to find someone compatible then she must have already be walking the same path as you if you want things to work good for you.

Like A-Unit said a women 99% of time is not going to change.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
From A Poster, BrotherAP.

You see, there are thousands of chicks in this town, most of them at somebody's house somewhere. They're not at the mall - I looked there. They're also not at the bowling alley, the pool hall, three of the bars, or the italian restaraunt.
Girls FIND you!

Yes, that's right, you read right. They find you. How?

In your daily life, they happen upon you.

You don't AGGRESSIVELY seek the tender doe or fawn, you position yourself in the right places. Well...where are women found?

Fortunately for us, everywhere...Yes, everywhere.

See, it's not WHERE you find them, but your ATTITUDE upon finding them that determine THEIR REACTION.


I've been to TONS of weddings in the past few years, and while it's assumed you go and the bridesmaids and groomsmen hookup, guys who TOOK that attitude got CRUSHED. See: Wedding Crashers as an Example.

The weddings I've been to, I cultivated the attitude of...

I'm here to have fun and TAKE advantage of opportunities that arise. I'm here to meet new people and engage in conversation. I'm here to offer fun and experience fun from others.

At my cousins wedding this past June, one or 2 girls truly stood out. They later on would go swimming, stripping down to JUST bathing suits. Many guys gawked over them. And immediately THEIR approach was Fawked. Their "frame" on reality was skewed. SHE was the prize. With that approach or view, every action to it was NEVER going to her.

Instead, I saw she was talking to my cousin, so I opened up some convo. I found out "molly" was just 18 or so, with me being 7 years older. She was entering college and that I'd know her when I was like 13 and she like 6! I got word her "father" wasn't approving of me chatting with her. More due to her looks and age and his protective nature (turns out the mother took off on the family and she was his "little girl"). angle was to play was the older man and just goof around. I wasn't hanging on her because as much as I thought she was hot (sure 8 probably 9, and this was in Maine!) I wasn't going to dig a chick who was into me and was so much younger.

She ended up going swim, so we chatted more out on a raft. I didn't close anything, as I found out she was my cousin's cousin, no relation to me, but had also tried to committ suicide years before. Her age, combined with running off to college soon tempered my emotions. other cousin is getting married, so I'll see her once again in July. If she has a boy, fine. If not, great.

Point here is...frame. No other guys talked to her that day, despite their being 30+ guys age 18+. Despite our age difference, I had aunts pulling for me, dropping hints, whatever. I just went to 'feel her' out. Get an idea of who she was. She was noticeably nervous on the raft chatting about her escapades over seas in South America, as she rambled off everything so quickly.


So where do you meet women again? Everywhere. But don't confuse OUTCOME seeking versus EXPERIENCE seeking. On the one hand, a beautiful girl, seemingly your type might be @ a Victoria Secrets and you want to "game her". Don't. Go and just see what she's like. Saunter in, tell her you're checking "out the newest langerie for future purchases" and strike up a convo.

Laughingly, my buddy and I had frequented an Aldo's for sometime, buying shoes here n there. Over time, I developed rapport with one of the girls there and finally just pulled the trigger.

Funny I was doing it, her foreign bf was walking into the store. She never gave me any indication of having a bf, and moreover, she turned out to be just a h.s Senior. WOW.


Guys...the basic idea of "looking for chicks" is so low, so AFC, so demeaning, and that it speaks below your skills, DISREGARD THE IDEA.

Should your life be motivated by that, when women walk so freely into it and out of it??

Yes, I've gone places with my buddies and met girls, but where we went wasn't entirely MOTIVATED by that.

I've gone too pool halls where super beautiful bar maids worked, and where I could smoke cigars and drink good scotch or cognac. Why?

Because...if you are SOMEWHERE that you are enjoying yourself, your chances of success are almost 100% guaranteed.

If she has no bF, you'll get her number. If she has a BF, maybe you'll make out with her. I'm serious. Utilizing NLP, you'll be in an amped emotional state where your "best resources" display themselves. And naturally, we are stronger at some places over others.

I dated a few Hooter Girls, but I hadn't been to a Hooters in my life until that time period. Why'd I go? To watch football on sundays and follow my "geeky" fantasy teams. Overtime I made some friends there along with NFL Sunday Ticket. Most of them turned out to be small-class hoes, and just low level strippers, not worth a whole alot. And about 90% of them were immature girls seeking attention. The girl I dated quit, because she worked 40+ hours a week trying to survive on her own and obv. the job wasn't worth it, nor do they make money.


If you define who you look for, by where you go, that means you're INTO or OUT of your mojo on meeting a good girl. Get out, get involved. Live your life and women WILL WALK into it. Believe in the energy that you will be provided with abundance and abundance will provide it to you.

That frame alone sets you up for success anywhere. It doesn't take CLUB experience to know when to engage.


"How do I find an IN to meet this girl or strike a conversation?"

Ask your mind to SEE it unravel before you DO IT.


"What common ground can I utilize to develop rapport with her?"

One step at a time guys. After a time period of doing this, you will notice it. It becomes EASY. Seriously.

You don't need canned reponses, because that means you're not using the resources around you. The convo would stagnate and be dependent on situations NOT present. And who's to say some conversation your create from word 1 isn't better than some convo found on a website?

Be RESOURCEFUL. THINK! The answers truly are inside that big, lumbering lump on your shoulders.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
From GuitarWhizz

How should a Don Juan act when his gf says 'isn't so and so gorgeous'? Should I stand up to her and tell her not to rub my nose in it and that she's being rude etc, or should I just ignore it and laugh it off? Which would be the better way in order to keep her attracted to me?

How should a Don Juan act when his gf says 'isn't so and so gorgeous'?

I. Don Juan's don't tell other Don Juan's how to act. How you act is determined by what you want to achieve.

II. When a GF says that, it's part disrespect, it's part liberation, and it's part shyt-testing.

Should I stand up to her and tell her not to rub my nose in it and that she's being rude etc, or should I just ignore it and laugh it off?

Don't feign complacency here. And don't threaten dumping. Both of them are poor behaviors. I say how hot girls, BUT, it's about a balance between how beautiful your girl is, too. If you're not letting your girl know things when you feel them ( i hope you feel something for her ), then she WILL find another guy over time.

Laughing it off. Pretty dumb. My girl says that now and then, about how hot some guy is and normally I say...

"He is hot isn't he? Want me to arrange some sex? I told him you LOOVE anal. I'll do that up, so now I can go back on my conquest of snatching an 18 year old latino girl from South America."

MOST normal girls WILL point out the looks of other guys, but quite honestly I don't care, and I play it up more ridiculous so she's embarrassed or into me more. It's just me, but it does work. Getting nervous just shows your weakness and insecurity, AS DOES being an aggressor and trying to put your foot down. Denying something happens and exists is a FANTASTIC way for it to grow and blossom as a VERY BAD HABIT.

I have good looking friends, and any decent girl will have dated other good-looking guys, too, but if you're comfortable WITH OR WITHOUT her, this is a mute point that you play with a little bit.

My guy friends that have the same things occur play it up, then off...

"You like him? Good. Go. Now I can be free and save money and go bang XYZ."

It sounds childish, but even my 50 year old partner and his 40 year old wife do the SAME DANG thing. She'll say...

"He's so handsome..."

He'll say...

"Good, go, now the house is mine again and I can go back to younger single mothers. And me and A-Unit will get mother/daughter parings."


See this is more a fact that stems from fear, it stems from lack of confidence, from self-consciousness, but it's understandable. To me, none of it is a problem! And if it becomes a problem, then rid yourself of the HOE! Because only a HOE would say that and truly mean to ACT on it. Not realizing it WILL occur and being pissed is not being in tune with reality.


Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Great posts :)

and thanks for the beers :up:

Lost In Translation :D


Quote: Pook
“Many girls merely upgrade their boyfriends and never become single “

Bungo Pony

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2001
Reaction score
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
If you lie down with a sick woman, you will get sick.
Is that ever true! A miserable woman will rub off on her man. A psycho chick will rub off on her man. The disease will spread. However, if you spend time with an emotionally healthy and truly happy woman, it will bring your attitude up even higher.

Remember that you control the ship of life, and if she is not ready and able to handle you as captain, and deal fairly and honestly, that she must set sail on her own dingy.
Nice analogy! I think it was Deangelo who said "This is my reality and you are a guest." The both of you are right. Only you have the choice of letting other people influence you or not. If you no longer want someone trying to influence you (or damage you), you kick them out of your life. You have the power to do so.

Also a man should look for a woman in his own class as in she should share the same morals, standards, respect, and beliefs as you do. She doesn’t have to have exactly the same goals or favorite color and food or w/e else as you do that would be boring if everyone was the same.
OneArm, she actually SHOULD have the same long-term goals as you do. If you want to get married, she should want to get married. If you want to have kids, she should want to have kids. If you want to have a house and accept the work that comes with is, she should also. If you don't have these things in common, the both of you won't have a future together. You'll be wasting your time with a woman who will PREVENT you from achieving your goals.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Re: Re: Around the CampFire.

Originally posted by DJDamage
I will drink to that. But the search for such a woman will take a long time. Those type of women you speak off are getting rare every day.

No parents and no guidance, those women grow up and end up brainwashed by television and other men (who are brainwashed as well) that this low classless behaviour is cool.

Low classless behaviour is winning the battle.

DjDamage...the whole point of A-Unit's thread is that every man here needs to first search for HIMSELF...who he is as a man. Once you've done that, identifiying quality women comes much easier to you. It makes you far more attractive and put together, you can not only get higher quality women you can actually hold onto them.


Oct 25, 2001
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28's SO nice to see someone step up to the plate and offer up something of quality.

I still say they need to change your title to DJ Buddha.

I nominate this post to go into the Bible and eventually into tips once it's been discussed for awhile.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Too many youngin's get with girls (and I mean youngin's by 17-22, as much as 22+) with women too committed too early.

How can I say that? Well.

For one thing, in some fashion, WOMEN assume EVERYTHING. They assume if you don't invite her, you don't care, even if you forgot. They assume if your'e fvcking her, you generally like her and would willingly ACCEPT the responsibility of child-rearing. She assumes if you're involved long-term, over long periods of time, that things are compatible.

She will not motivate you to become greater than you already are. In fact, women don't like change as much as men do. They're creatures of habit, so when you enter the relationship, you've basically set the precedent for what will happen and what won't happen.

Guys that are young...

-do not have their long-term prospects set up.
-do not know themselves completely, only who they are to that point in life.
-have not completed their journey into manhood.

This isn't to say that having a GF or LTR is bad...but view it like this....

You're in a nice fancy car, going for a long ride with an indeterminant end. YOU dictate the ride, where it goes, UNTIL passengers hope on. THEN you must cater to them as well, and consider their well-being.

As a single guy, you can got Hedonism, but as a married guy, you're going to Hawaii.

As a single guy living alone, you can move adeptly around the country without disturbing the routinte of your relationship.

So on this journey, a path of promise, or a path of normalcy, you must decide if those "passengers" see the same vision as you, if they see the same end in mind, and if they will enable you to get there or don't. Obviously life changes, and so does goals, objectives, and interests, but even after you have her, you have marriage, or children, you still have yourself and what you will do with yourself. You have providing for a family, or not.

What do you do?

If you're young, and your girl supports ANYTHING you do, go for her.

If you're young, and she dislikes what you decide to do, I'd seriously consider why you're involved. For the short-term feelings and sex, or do you just not care? Eventually you'll age, and you will have regrets as wonderful as she is. This isn't the "Notebook," and even in that book/movie, the guy got the girl AFTER he went through his own personal battle and carved himself a life of his own and moved on.


There's one constant: -change-.

That's it. A girl/woman that loves a man, loves HIM. Not his job, or his lifestyle, or his income, or his c*ck, or his body, or his sport. SHE loves him. It might be a bit idealistic or well-wishing, BUT, what would you have? Love/attraction for just pieces of you, not the essence or energy of you?

Couples stagnate when they cannot cope with change of any kind.

Yes we are talking long-term prospects here, but in my reality, I haven't had a purely sexual relationship turn into a long-term relationship. I've had hook-ups with girls while dating that becomes a relationship naturally, and what I find over time is the girl you have the most chemistry with, the girl who's more down to earth, is also the better one regarding sex.

As said before, laying a single chick in a ONS, is mere 'luck'. It's daytrading. Skill? It's more like odds. You hop into a situation and bang done. To me, I've been of the kind if I REALLY want a ONS with a girl, or she's so hot I could blow, I'd REALLY like her for longer. And I wouldn't sacrifice one for the other just to get a taste.



Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
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Somewherez in USofA
DjDamage...the whole point of A-Unit's thread is that every man here needs to first search for HIMSELF...who he is as a man. Once you've done that, identifiying quality women comes much easier to you. It makes you far more attractive and put together, you can not only get higher quality women you can actually hold onto them.
Great posts!

Referring to quote above:

That's a good tip but can be one helluva a bottleneck for some. You're successful, know yourself and what you want very well .. but just can't seem to find anyone. Aot of it boils down to social avenues that typically afford most people to meet others - say through friends, family, work, sports etc. If none those avenues are open, you can be the most attractive man ever, but won't get you much if anything. It's alot like marketing, you have a great product but no one is really aware of what you have to offer .. then there are other things that have been mentioned by other threads that keep you from meeting someone that you find worthy ..


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

That's a good tip but can be one helluva a bottleneck for some. You're successful, know yourself and what you want very well .. but just can't seem to find anyone. Aot of it boils down to social avenues that typically afford most people to meet others - say through friends, family, work, sports etc. If none those avenues are open, you can be the most attractive man ever, but won't get you much if anything. It's alot like marketing, you have a great product but no one is really aware of what you have to offer .. then there are other things that have been mentioned by other threads that keep you from meeting someone that you find worthy ..
Do we know of Determination?

(Not a knock on you tm...)

Some know the definition, but have a misguided 'concept.'

Determination is getting what it is you really want without stopping. Some start doing it, and then just stop when they don't the results they desire. Others give into the emotion or frustration. This is what happens for the man who gets himself in order but sees no return.

I. Do it for the sake of doing it.

The return may never come. Yes, it's true, you may never see the light of day on something you do. So what?

If you lift a ton, you may never see boatload of return on your huge body, such as the jealousy, envy, or respect of others. And when you do, you'll least likely expect it.

Sure, being huge to impress others motivates ALOT of guys. BUT, it will be tough to get through low points on just that. We all get tired, hung back, drained, etc, and maybe we lose the motivation because we lost the interest in impressing others.

Doing that attaches YOUR goal to some ******D fixation on society. You think Gates did that? Dell? Jobs? Buffet?

Buffett went out and became awesome @ investing because he didn't want to be poor and the idea of growing money with your mind through investing appealed to his personality. He stuck to his investing style through the go-go years of the markets in the 70's and beat the DOW repeatedly. Where is he now? He wasn't even the largest fund manager back then. He had serious millions and could have stopped, but he didn't.

When you DO IT FOR THE SAKE OF DOING IT, you'll find a way. Really. You'll push your OWN limits.

If you lift ONLY to be good-looking enough for girls, you could stop short of your genetic potential. And given how fickle society is and how fat it is, you could also stop woefully short, AND STILL impress people.

If you earned $$ to impress people, you could easily stop at 60k or 70k and be above the national average, drive a decent car, take a vacation, save some money, and enjoy life relatively easily.

But why would you do that when you the know path already???


Frustration for the AFC arises BECAUSE everything they do is for the approval of what they believe to be NICE and GOOD to get WOMEN. Why otherwise would they be pissed at girls?

They were sold a bill of goods not able to be cashed. Told by TV, and mother's (but not father's), and teachers, to be 'nice', which is a word that makes me puke. It has no emotion. It's vanilla, when you're sitting at a dessert buffett.

The AFC is pissed because women as they know them to be are not consistent with the life they're building and leading, and most of them attached their pursuit to deriving some gain socially. Only, other guys get the same social gains, through less than legal or moral ways.


Ayn Rand's Virtue of Selfishness IS SPOT on.

If a man is living his life for ANY other reason, he is doing himself, women, his family, and society a disservice. It's a lie. If you're not living as who you desire to be or what you desire to do, you're lying. And a woman that might otherwise like you, won't. And a woman that shouldn't like you, will.

Being selfish is good, because in doing so, we bring forth the life from within that we're born with, that nobody knows about.

Sure, people might be pissed, but that's only because they "expected" one thing and got another. Otherwise they have no right to care.


AS a man, don't rule anybody out, or where you meet them. BUT pinning your goal on catching riches in certain places is totally wrong.

Go read: Acres of Diamonds to learn about the wealth right in front of your nose. Heck I live in the Northeast and I wouldn't say our concentration is near as high as it is in CA, AZ, FL, or any southern state, and I am very happy. Guys living in small towns have the chance to stand out, or opt to move in the future. And guys in big cities are all set to go, because they're market is huge. You have to learn to capitalize where you are, because lack of opportunities isn't about WHERE YOU ARE, but WHO YOU ARE.

A-Unit, The DJ BUDDHA.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by tmpgstx
Great posts!

Referring to quote above:

That's a good tip but can be one helluva a bottleneck for some. You're successful, know yourself and what you want very well .. but just can't seem to find anyone. Aot of it boils down to social avenues that typically afford most people to meet others - say through friends, family, work, sports etc. If none those avenues are open, you can be the most attractive man ever, but won't get you much if anything. It's alot like marketing, you have a great product but no one is really aware of what you have to offer .. then there are other things that have been mentioned by other threads that keep you from meeting someone that you find worthy ..
Even though I'm a woman...finding something of quality is just as hard for a woman as it is for a man. It essentially works the same way when push comes to shove.

I've loved deeply twice in my life. I'm not talking attraction and hormones, infatuation or feeling "in love". I'm talking that hard to find unconditional mature love that some people never even get to experience at all. I've been mighty lucky...and I'm very patient. Both of the men I've loved like that and who have loved me are men I met when I wasn't even thinking about or looking for anyone.

Believe it or tend to find the very best things when you aren't looking for them.

Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Re: Re:

Originally posted by A-Unit

A-Unit, The DJ BUDDHA.
You like that nickname, don't you? ;)


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
bump for buddha...hehe


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Somewherez in USofA
I've loved deeply twice in my life. I'm not talking attraction and hormones, infatuation or feeling "in love". I'm talking that hard to find unconditional mature love that some people never even get to experience at all. I've been mighty lucky...and I'm very patient. Both of the men I've loved like that and who have loved me are men I met when I wasn't even thinking about or looking for anyone.
Good point, however i know that cliche about they come around when you least expect doesn't happen very often. I know for myself - don't meet enough people for that to occur. A girl that i meet and really do like doesn't happen often. It's because i don't meet that many new people and also am very picky. Not too mention the ones i do meet often wonder why i'm not taken (so i'm told that am very good looking and intelligent - not trying to be arrogant for the record here Others i meet are intimidated and become shy and withdrawn.

For example, there is this girl (woman) i really like where i work. She's the bomb, but she won't eat in front of me! At least not like a burger or fries. While it's a bit flattering at the same time it's hard to get close to her in getting her more comfortable around me.

There are other examples too.


Oct 25, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by tmpgstx
Good point, however i know that cliche about they come around when you least expect doesn't happen very often. I know for myself - don't meet enough people for that to occur.
No, it doesn't happen often...for me it was twice in 10 years...about 5 years apart.

Not meeting many new people can lower your chances, but that's something you can change if you choose to.

A girl that i meet and really do like doesn't happen often. It's because i don't meet that many new people and also am very picky.
In my experience, both of these men I met in places I never would have imagined I'd meet someone I'd even want. By not looking for someone I wasn't looking at people with those "picky" glasses on. Had I been looking at either of these men as potential partners I most likely would have passed both of them over. I wasn't looking at either of them in that way, though. The first man I met through his step children. Their mother had killed herself and I met them about 3 months after that happened. They took to me and I adored them in no time. Their step father was, of all places, in prison. Because I loved those children and they loved him and had no way to get to see him, I took them. Our love for the kids was what drew us to each other. Getting involved with someone in prison was SO unlike me. The second guy I met online. It wasn't a dating site or chat was a feminism message board. We got close while joining forces to drive a particularly nasty radical feminist into fits of rage. So, just based on my own experience, I'd say you stand a better chance of meeting an extraordinary person when you stop looking at them with some checklist and just be open to getting to know them without any intent to date them. You'd really be surprised at how little some things you think matter a lot really don't matter so much afterall.

Others i meet are intimidated and become shy and withdrawn.
I get this all the time. I'm a very friendly and easy going person...but I'm virtually impossible to read. Sometimes I think that makes me come off as unapproachable and intimidating. The same might be true of you. This will be especially true if you are considerably attractive to the opposite sex. In this case, a lot of people who do want to approach you are afraid to do so. What I've learned is that when you're good looking you usually have to make a little extra effort to initiate conversation with people...even people of your own gender, and really go out of your way to put them at ease and show that you're a genuinely nice person, too. A lot of people expect attractive people to think they are too good to talk to other people.

For example, there is this girl (woman) i really like where i work. She's the bomb, but she won't eat in front of me! At least not like a burger or fries. While it's a bit flattering at the same time it's hard to get close to her in getting her more comfortable around me.
She likes you if she won't eat anything messy in front of you. She's afraid of what you will think of her if she has food on her face, or spills anything on herself. The best way to put her at ease would be to have a few food mishaps in her presence "accidentally on purpose" and make fun of yourself for being a sloppy eater. Really simple, I know...but it should help.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score

For example, there is this girl (woman) i really like where i work. She's the bomb, but she won't eat in front of me! At least not like a burger or fries. While it's a bit flattering at the same time it's hard to get close to her in getting her more comfortable around me.

Some girls are like this...I hadn't experienced it until recently. Some don't care, and are pigs, in the sense that they'll swear, get shyty drunk, smoke boatloads of cigs, or be just downright pigs, to where you question your attraction to her.

For the former, I am grateful, because a girl with quirks like that is cute.

I would take Wyldfire's advice. And couple it with this...

Women want men to be slightly "more bad" than them. They want men to be bigger. To eat more. To be fatter, yes. It counterbalances femininity.

My slightly "squeamish" girl has an appetite of destruction, but works out religiously (she's italian, they forcefeed you more food than them). Since I've been bulking for lifting, I'm eating more than her, so she's obviously happy. Alot of women will "label" a man based on his habits, such as how large he eats, how he dresses, how long he takes to get ready, etc.

And while we talk STYLE, STYLE, STYLE, and we are trying to redefine sexual roles, women are women, and men are men, and beneath that, at the end of the day, what we inherently desire as 1 sex versus the other sex in the confines of our home are the same.

Women seek men for their strong, intellectual, logical, and protective demeanor's.

Men seek women for their softness, caring, nurturing, loving, and emotional personality.

We seek what it is we don't have, which is how the beauty of a relationship works. Commonality of interests and goals certainly is wonderful, but it's opposing personalities that sometimes aid one another.

For instance...the woman that is hypersensitive and the man that likes to there and needed by a person.

Reading the autobiography of Warren Buffett, he had an extreme fear of death, of his own mother, and was extremely sensitive and analytical. His wife on the other hand (forgot her name), was the opposite. She was positive, liked to be useful/needed, was protective (she'd get in between Warren and his mother; the mother was abusive and a depressed woman), and she was a socialite that could entertain guests while Buffett spoke to a few people about investing. He was logical and analytical, and she was emotional and sensitive and feeling-based. The opposites brought them together in the middle.

Might not work for everybody, but you can certainly see where a symbiotic relationship evolves.


As it relates to your girl, cook her a meal. To me, a conversation works, to an extent, IF the woman wants to talk. However, sometimes you have to pierce her vail of fear and anxiousness by just taking action.

For this, try cooking a dinner, with some wine, and see how she opens up about eating in front of you. Consume more than her, if you only do it once. Yes, be messy, or joke around. Some might want to bull through this and get mad, however, I find that foolish. Patience. Yes, it can be frustrating when quirks come up that make no sense...but I always find you like a person for their faults, since it's so easy to love them for their virtues.


ps. Yes it's grown on me like moss on a rock.