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Are your cheeks / face redder than normal?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Hey, first I wanna fill you guys in on the results I've been getting since the tan. Then I'll address your questions.

Woke up today with the tan at about 80% capacity. My dorm buddy saw me and commented on it...

"Dude, how are you tan?"

me: "I went tanning for the first time... :p "

"Dude, I'm losing touch with you! (he thinks im going metrosexual haha)"

me: Haha, nah dude, its all good

"So did you really tan or is it fake tan?"


"Man its all blended in to match ur hair color and everything."


"I mean its all blended I mean, DUDE, go look in the mirror"

*looks in the mirror*

"It's like ur a model or something..."

LOL Nice...

So then I went to my first class and sat next to this girl whose strictly a friend (I don't want to sarge her) and she saw me and got on this BIG smile and was like "Heey, i didn't see u there!"

I noticed the girl to my left gawking at me, and when I was looking on my friend-girl's laptop to get some notes, my peripheral vision picked up a HB8 hottie gawking at me. I looked up and met her eyes and she looked away.

LOL. Guys... unbelievable. Try it. Even if its out of your comfort zone. I consider myself to be a goodlooking guy besides my normal complexion and I never got this kind of attention.

Now onto the questions:

Originally posted by shagnscoob
it only lasts 3 or 4 days?

that kinda sucks, how much was it?
Yeah that's the only drawback. I feel sort of like Darkman, if you've ever seen that flick! Lol.

20 bucks a pop for single sessions. The more you schedule, the cheaper they get. So say you schedule 10 sessions, it'll come down to like 12$ a session. I'll probably end up doing that.

Originally posted by Raoul Duke
Sounds good mate. I suffer from the red face syndrome, usually in the evening or when i've had a few beers. I've been using a sun burn for the last three weeks and gotta say it really helps. People just keep commenting on how tanned i look and if they do say my cheeks are a bit red i just say its cause ive been on the sunbed.
Trouble is, i don't know how long i'll be able to keep going as the money will eventually run out!
LOL yeah, see the movie Darkman, I feel like I'm living a less dramatic version of the guy's life. Anyways yah, any kind of alcohol will make ur face redder, as will caffeine, carbs, and aspartame.

Same thing man. I still got a little bit of redness since the tan but it looks MUCH more blended in and as the result of the sun, and it doesn't contrast on a pale background. Ya know. It doesn't look half bad when its all blended in evenly. What sucks is when you have red on a white background like the fvcking Japanese flag. Tanning helps massively, moreso than anything I've seen so far.

Originally posted by Snap87
i asked some friends and did some searches on the net on antioxidants, they say that carrots have antioxidants. I was just wondering if u should peel your carrot or eat them when u buy them?

Hey man,

I'm 90% sure that the antioxidants are in the 'skin' of the carrot. BTW, how the fvck does one peel a CARROT?? LOL. But yeah man, the good stuff in fruits and veggies is almost always contained in the skin, so I wouldn't reccomend peeling if you want to get the full benefits.



Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Just wanna add that I accidentally consumed some caffeine for the first time in a long while. I ate a chocolate cupcake my mom made for me. 5 minutes later, my face got REALLY RED.

It could also have been the sugar, but I think it was mainly the caffeine.

So far, the biggest offender is caffeine, followed by sugar and simple carbohydrates.

Since I've been off caffeine, my face has been pretty normal-looking. There is still some red, but it's not nearly as bad as it was.

Also, I ordered some sunless tanning mousse from This helps a LOT. When RED is on a dark background instead of a pale one, it doesn't contrast nearly as much.

I am going to start taking Vitamin E supplements soon, since Vitamin E promotes healthy skin.



Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
You would have to have it bad to do this, but you can get a green tint cover up cream and the green cancels out the red hue.

Better to be a man with red cheeks though don't you think?


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2004
Reaction score
south west, uk
You would have to have it bad to do this, but you can get a green tint cover up cream and the green cancels out the red hue.

Better to be a man with red cheeks though don't you think?


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Have you ever considered the possibility that some of you may have high hemoglobin levels? My hemoglobin has always been naturally high and my face has a red tint to it. Basically, that means that my body produces too many red blood cells and my plasma level is low, and it can show in the skin. The best way to even this out is to drink plenty of water, stop smoking if you do, and donate blood every 8 weeks (plasma is replenished faster than red blood cells). So don't donate plasma, either, unless you're hard up for drug money. My blood/plasma ratio went from 50/50 to 43/57 (I think 40/60 is about normal) 2 weeks after I stopped smoking. Of course I started smoking again...but what can you do?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
There appears to be hope!! Check it out:

"1. Laser - this treatment is effective at removing the structurally damaged blood vessels and diminishing the constant facial redness. For the past 5 years, the pulsed dye laser has been the 'gold standard'. However, newer systems such as the Photoderm VL/PL (Intense Pulsed Light Source) are now available. This treatment offers a greater degree of selectivity for the treatment of the superficial facial microvessels and can also target the larger and deeper blood vessels. It also effectively treats more extensive areas of the face with less pain and greater speed. Photoderm experts who specialize in the treatment of rosacea are able to achieve good to excellent clearance of telangiectasia and the chronic red face, as well as significantly decrease the intensity and duration of the facial flush in many patients."

And this guy's before/after photos:

He says that Intense Pulsed Light Therapy can diminish and reverse chronic redness EVEN IN PEOPLE who have NOT been diagnosed with rosacea. That is excellent news. I am definitely going to check this out further.


Don Juan
Jul 15, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, my butt cheeks do get red when i have a bad diet... All that pushing and groaning get them rather flushed.....

:D Lol... Couldn't help myself!


Master Don Juan
Oct 31, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by AIR-PILOT
Tanning = CANCER.
you'll be dead in a few decades cause of it, poor bastards. :down:


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Well guys, I finally cracked a couple weeks ago when I went to the first day of my job and my cheeks turned fire-hydrant red even though I was totally relaxed.

It was terrible, and I knew that I had a REAL problem.

I went to the dermatologist and it turns out I do have rosacea, which is a real pain in the ass and can be psychologically crippling.

I reccomend everyone concerned on this thread to check out

Anyways, I worked enough to get some money for my first IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) session. I had it today.

They basically get a hand-held laser-like device and zap your face after they put on some deadening cream.

It stings a little, but it's nothing compared to living with rosacea.

An esthician actually performed it on me, and she was FANTASTIC. Not only does IPL zap irregularly red capilarries in the cheeks, but it also zaps off freckles and wrinkles!


I've already noticed a slight change in my face. I will have to get 5 more sessions, though, spread out 3 weeks apart.

Each session costs about $300. I'm paying some and my mom's paying some... together it's not that bad for the end result of having healthy skin.

If you want more details ask me.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 27, 2005
Reaction score
It really zaps off freckles, seriously, cause I have a lot of freckles so this caught my attention, how much area did they cover and do the freckles stay away permanately until you develop new ones I guess, or does it just dull them for awhile. What if I did it on my arms, how much area do you think they would do and for how much?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
I would definitely check with a dermatology clinic or esthetician in your area if I were you.

I do not know the exact details of freckles, but she told me they take a long time to disappear, compared to facial eurythema (redness).

The esthetician who administered the IPL had an assistant who had some freckles on her face she wanted zapped off, but hadn't done it yet. She told me that I gave her courage to get the procedure done, because she thought it would be painful, but as she witnessed, it really isn't bad.

Today marked my first "facial," and it was a trip, man. She plugged the blackheads out of my nose, and that was kind of painful. She also lathered all sorts of creams on my face. Really refreshing... the facial was complimentary BTW.

But yea, I would look into getting freckles removed. I'll probably ask my esthetician about getting some removed, too.

Moles aren't "beauty marks" and freckles aren't "sunkisses."

They're lesions and sun damage respectively. Gotta get those fvckers removed. There's no reason to suffer because of your skin when it's 2005 and there are affordable solutions.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Great work Duke.

That stuff about the Nutra-sweet was really interesting. I couldnt get off coke when i got in to bodybuilding and i depended on it. Looks like its time to get off that as well.



Don Juan
Mar 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Duke

Here are things I have tried that have worked to dramatically reduce the redness:

1. Cut Nutra-sweet OUT of your diet totally. This will reduce the redness by about 20 or 30%. That means stop drinking diet colas and other stuff that claims to be "sugar free." Totally ****s up your complexion PLUS it fvcks with your brain and causes memory loss and joint pain. Nutra-sweet and all derivatives are the devil. Don't consume them.


Sucralose and Aspartame dont do this...Bogus....One thing I cant stand are sugar free haters.....

These chemicals are the most readily tested products in teh entire drug industry. (30 years +)

BTW: method 9 = best result with make up too......Men use makeup too so haul urself to the chick section and ask her to help you....Im sure u DJ's wil have no trouble getting some help and their # ;).


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by AIR-PILOT
Tanning = CANCER.
you'll be dead in a few decades cause of it, poor bastards. :down:
Theres TONS of research that suggests and you will learn.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2003
Reaction score
Re: Re: Are your cheeks / face redder than normal?

Originally posted by Warboss Alex
My best beetroot impersonation comes after squats, I find. :D
Yup. For me it's after a few sprints. I look like I'm about to die, even though the only thing wrong with me is that I'm a little short on breath and need to take 5 seconds to catch it.

Originally posted by Sammo
Great work Duke.

That stuff about the Nutra-sweet was really interesting. I couldnt get off coke when i got in to bodybuilding and i depended on it. Looks like its time to get off that as well.

Thanks Sammo. There's tons of research on artificial sweeteners that point to negative consequences, which I'll get to later on.

Originally posted by Kaparski
Sucralose and Aspartame dont do this...Bogus....One thing I cant stand are sugar free haters.....

These chemicals are the most readily tested products in teh entire drug industry. (30 years +)

BTW: method 9 = best result with make up too......Men use makeup too so haul urself to the chick section and ask her to help you....Im sure u DJ's wil have no trouble getting some help and their # ;).
Dude! Google aspartame and you will find TONS of research pointing to the negative effects of it as well as hundreds of testimonials of people who have quit and now enjoy greater health. I personally can attest that having quit it, my short-term memory is much better, I don't suffer from random joint pain anymore, and my severe flushing episodes have gone down by 20% at least.

Sucralose I am not as sure about since it is a derivative of sugar and does not contain phenylanaline as far as I know. But don't tell me aspartame isn't harmful unless you give me some credible evidence.

Makeup? Eh, I'll pass. I did get some medicated cream that also acts as a sort of concealer for the redness (it's a green cream), but I still have reservations about shopping at Avon for I won't need it in a couple months after all my IPL treatments are done anyways.