Advice from the old lady:
Kinda like the age old question can man and women be depends on the maturity of the individuals.
I have had great friendships with men who either I rejected or who rejected me. It is a question of ego management first and foremost. Can my ego handle romtantic rejection if I have a crush on someone?
In my 20s there was a really sexy guy I was very attracted to. He didn't feel the same about me. We never kissed or fooled around or anything. But we were social circle connections. I set aside having a crush on him and we became great friends. Like we'd chat about our relationships, we'd exercise together, we talked daily, we went out together....but just friend stuff, nothing sexual, nobody unrequited. While we were close friends I dated a serious boyfriend for several years, and my friend dated various women and eventually met his first wife.
We had an absolute blast together as friends and many fun adventures and my life was richer for his company and those experiences. We double dated often and he got to know my LTR well. We remain connected today, 30 plus years later, on social media. He has grown kids and is married to his second wife. I have grown kids and am married to my second husband. We do not interact with any frequency but its nice to see him happy & fulfilled and have a window into his life.
But this was only possible because I set aside ego, changed gears and went from a crush to platonic.
And guys have made that adjustment with regards to having a crush on me as well.
So there's something to be said for maturity and boundaries.