Are You "Pro-Masculine" or "Anti-Feminine" ?


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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TheException said:
Peaks sums it up. You are making an assumption to fit your agenda. You are the master of contextomy on this forum. Ill go nice and slow for you....try to keep up.

I didnt tell the OP that "its ok". OP went on and on about how is "girlfriend is so trusting" and "rarely lies". I challenged his frame on this. It was meant to provoke thinking(something you cant do). Not everything is literal....why don't you understand this?

LOL ya im sure you banged "so many taken women" could you not with all this "analysis of obstacles".

If you think this girl "removed obstacles" you must be just as creepy as "Guy B". Guy B was a sleezeball and actively pursued a woman who was not interested to the point of having been slapped. Period. You just refuse to ever blame men. Its always the women who are the issue right?

A creep that was drunk and horny? Nah bro....he was just following the removal of obstacles lol.

Im going to answer these too.

1. Either I believe her and drop it or I dump her. Unlike you....I can not draw conclusions based upon 5 paragraphs of a situation. Its never that simple which is why I leave the decision up to the OPs instead of shouting "DUMP HER" like every other drone.

2. There was no removal of obstacles. She was not interested. Ive slept with taken women, and it was always as clean as any other ONS. I remember vividly even talking plainly about one girl's boyfriend once....she was not attracted to him but dated him because she hated being alone. Taken women looking to cheat make it easy...they get wasted, they makeout with you, they dance with you, then sleep with you. NOT SLAP YOU. lol
well the simple case of you saying you sleep with several taken woman (don't belive though) says more about you not being a good person and a men of value, also you say about being credible, funny heard it from you since you have none. you also like to attack posters who destroy your arguments, because you know pretty well they are weak, and don't have anything to hold on, but your ego likes to think you are smart and better then all men, but you are not willing to learn with your mistakes and just keep saying the same things over and over.

now on that post case you are taking what she said by face value, like she wouldn't lie or spin it to look like nothing did happen, but you are forgeting the main point with is not you being worried about her ****ing around, is you condoning a behavior you shouldn't tolerate, becasue if she goes wrong, no problem NEXT, you think getting woman is hard then you do everything in your power to look understandable, you trust her and all that, thing she wouldn't do for you,

you also are ignoring the fact she had another guy with her, maybe the only thing who prevent the ****ing was him failing to pass her anti lust shield, or maybe he was so drunk he didn't anything right for her open her legs that moment, but she still let him sleep there, in a house with "several" rooms for her to choose, she choose to stay in that bed, not get up go to anotehr room then lock the door. the whole thing is fishy and her behavior is not something I would want on a GF so I like I said would drop her with just with what I know, I don't care if she did sleep with him or not, I don't care if the reason for not happen was if he failed to do so or she didn't wanted him, she made it easy for him till he grope her.

but then again you have exception, so worried about looking worried who would let that slide just so he could look like he a big man, pretty much like a scared kid who we can easily bait in him doing things he don't want by just saying, you are not men enough if you can't do that.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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If I were in exclusive relations and my gf hung out with another guy in any capacity--forget about sleeping in the same house--she would be instantaneously dumped. Not demoted; plainly dumped.

Gentlemen, stop allowing, and for others condoning, crappy behavior in your relationships. If your girl does not step up to the plate with the upmost quality behavior, leave her.

If you want a quality woman, then you must be a quality man. Quality men are not accepting of such behavior.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Danger said:

Just to point out further in the thread, I said the following to Father Joseph, and this was his reply.

As you can see, he did not deny this fact, but instead he is giving her the benefit of the doubt. The point being, that she did in fact sleep in the bed with this man who was trying to fvk her.
Fair enough, my mistake.

  1. She was at a GNO, but upon running into the other group, with male classmates, decided to leave the GNO. When do girls leave GNO's? When they plan to fvk. Obstacle 1 is the company of her friends, which has now been removed.
  2. The new group further splits into two, instead of going home she decides to go with just her and two men. Obstacle 2 is the number of people and that gets further winnowed down to just one potential c0ck block, the gay "Guy A".
  3. Now it is on to sleeping location. This was obstacle three - but she removed it by following the guys to sleep at his house, this is perhaps the strongest invitation to sex and sends a clear message to men who understand the game.
  4. Now they are at "Guy B's" house and the next obstacle is the gay guy. They stay awake waiting for him to go to bed, Guy B clearly understands the game and allows her to remove the last obstacle by staying up with her until the c0ckblock finally goes to bed.
  5. Finally, she has removed all obstacles for "Guy B", he recognizes it and jumps into bed with her. She doesn't even stop this from happening and stays sleeping in the same bed with him.
This is a good breakdown. And I understand it. HOWEVER, these college kids right? Back in my younger days, and my confusing blue/purple phase, I slept in the same bed with chicks and didn't bang them. Sometimes didn't even fvck around with them, and these ones were usually of the 'friend' variety. Sometimes they just wanted a warm body to sleep next to, and I was happy to oblige, knowing full well nothing was going to happen. Chicks do like to have 'cuddle buddies' and all that $hit.

Just sayin.

Doesn't mean this was OKAY behavior. BUT, I can see it happening at the college level, in this story, where the chick just puts up with it, and doesn't think it's the end of the world.

no boundary debate please

Did she inherently know it was wrong? Yes, and she told him about it. Did she tell him so she could explain it away if it came up on a further occasion? Don't know.

Okay, that's a start at least. However, I agree with you, that she let herself be led that night, she was toeing the line of right & wrong in a relationship. Like I've said before, a gf of mine wouldn't put herself in that position, I've screened them to know that they just don't 'end up' in precarious situations, they have enough self control not to do so. But, I'm way past the college level, and very strange things are happening on campus these days.

Not sure what the correct course of action is here for him, his relationship.

Should he dump her? Maybe. Does he have grounds to do so? Yes.

Did she have sex? Don't know.

If her story is 100% true, then I don't think he should break up with her. However, a heightened state of alert may be do, as well as some form of non-verbalized 'punishment' i.e. minor attention withdrawal, then see how she reacts. That right there could tell you a lot.

Danger said:
Peaks, if a single girl did this with you, are you saying that you would not see her removing of the obstacles and recognize the invitation to fvk her?
Single girl, yeah, sure, that's how sex happens. But, with anything else, there are other factors involved. Those alone wouldn't be an invitation for me to 'jump onto her bed'. I'd more than likely have tested the water before it got to that phase.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2015
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Chicks can vote, get an education, and want to make just as much in the office. They should be able to pay for first dates easily as us now.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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chuck-101 said:
Chicks can vote, get an education, and want to make just as much in the office. They should be able to pay for first dates easily as us now.
I'll add to this, since I'm here. I agree^. And I'm 100% anti-feminist. Their 'movement' has spun off the rails and is effecting men's livelihoods. They have no idea that they are the direct cause of men and women being miserable in relationships. Those in charge are getting power hungry, but as it seems, there's beginning to be push back.

But, there are many women out there, closer to my age at least, who, have no affiliation with feminism. With these women, even though they have been directly effected by the feminist programming of society, they are rather easily turned away from the dark side. What that takes though, is a strong MAN. Three or four $hit test into it, for example, something will start tingling inside her and she should be on her way over. Not as easy as it sounds, but it's easier than trying to overtly change a woman's faulty value system.

She will dump her values, on her own, for a strong enough leader.

Nature vs. Nuture

Hit up the nature part of her.

Whatever Ideology, nature should prevail.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
Rofl this Exception dude is obviously a troll, nobody is that dumb, and yall taking the bait.

Ye and to the guy with the GF wh went out got drunk and slept in another mans bed - dump asap if you havent already.

If every dude acted this way and dumped a disrespectfull woman at the blink of an eye *****es would behave.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
Reaction score
BrainDamage92 said:
Rofl this Exception dude is obviously a troll, nobody is that dumb, and yall taking the bait.

Ye and to the guy with the GF wh went out got drunk and slept in another mans bed - dump asap if you havent already.

If every dude acted this way and dumped a disrespectfull woman at the blink of an eye *****es would behave.

problem is if we let him alone and a newbie read what he says then start to think he is right, that is a lot worse then risk a troll bait