Unless someone from Eharmony can confirm this...NO, it will never end. The games change, but the tactics and outcomes remain the same. The women might get older, but their tactics just mature (Unless you find some spiritually enlightened hippy).
So what's the solution?
For men (not implying you VP), need to be better. Period. End of story. Recognize the BS and cut it off.
Bottom line YOUR reality.
If you don't want crappy nightly news talking about some weird astronaut woman in dipers invading your reality with that nonsense, delete it. Act like a fool who ignores the stuff people give attention to. Be delusional and include ONLY what you want. People wonder why stuff increases in this univerise of our's. Because we FOCUS, INTEND, and GIVE POWER to it.
An XGF or a flake GETS no power without your attention, and his is precisely what she wanted from you...admission that you were giving her power, confirmation of her feminine guile. Were this Star Wars, I'd say she lives and feeds off negative emotion to get her power. I can sense it, because if a person comes from that angle for any relationship, do they even want a relationship, or is it some ego/power trip they seek?
Guys *may* win that battle, only by giving in, and then you have no power, no identity, and you're merely an emotional play thing she knows that she can *bat* around.
IMO, you only have to PLAY the game for as long as it takes the OTHER person to recognize you KNOW there's a game, and you know how to play it. Occasionally you'll have to step up and prove you're worth, but it dies down. A person who doesn't stop, is a PLAYER. They love the game for the game. Other women just want to know what your knowledge is of the game, and when they're confident in it and your knowledge of it, they bang you. They "SUBMIT." Hence the tests. The tests are a way for them to determine that.
What's your reality?
Will you ALLOW into your reality women who represent something you don't respect or want?
Alot of guys KEEP women who do things they don't like, *hoping* they'll change. You know what? You're CONFIRMING that you're ok with her behavior by ACCEPTING it. It's like a little girl, doing things people know they don't like, but b/c she's a little girl, nobody has the heart to be strong and correct and so for the longest time she feels it's ok what she does, when she truly doesn't know right or wrong because nobody has set any boundaries. Make sense? Ok good. Don't any guy here be the married guy who eats crow from his woman EVERY night.
I've never understood why the person/woman a man DOES give his life for (life = money, time, resources, legal agreements, possibly children, career, sacrifice/investment of other opportunities, etc) thinks they can really ever come at him harshly, unless OTHERWISE justified in doing so. Make sense? If a woman engages me with any tone of harshness or rudeness like...
"Where were you?"
"Why didn't you pick up?"
"You never..."
I trump that right there and then, here and now.
One, if you don't, you set a precedent she'll follow. If you tell her once answers to questions I buy as rude, then she'll use that as example and do it again. My logic...I don't owe her anything and she isn't my mother. I set most examples by the females in my family, as well as the woman I will allow into my life. I don't like it, I tell them. Door, or change. That's it. No conversation, except to get 'why' I think her feminine strategy is BS and to drop it, or me.
A woman + man being together is a JOY, a PLEASURE and should NEVER be a job. I always feel comes back around to LOA and "the secret." You can have a friend who always finds life tough, and you can also have a friend who finds life easy, from every different backgrounds. Friend 1 might always be depressed, and to which you ask, "why are we friends?" Friend 2, you know why you're friends, joy, pleasure, similarities, etc. Friend 1 only reinforces negativity, which, if you ALLOW him or it will infest your life slowly too, because then you've given attention to it, instead of the positive.
So the bottom line is...women don't change, WE DO. We get better. We stop the fire before it happens. WE MAINTAIN control of our reality and take control if it's get out of control. We remain aware that things generally will go wrong, so that we should be prepared, and plan for it, as well as success and nip bytches in the bud before they can become a weed in your life.