I think you can't just call anyone who spends a lot of time alone a "loner."
I define a loner by motivation. Does this person sit happily alone, does this person not care one iota that he is not surrounded by a gang of people in his life? Does this person sit home alone and cry himself to sleep because he can't find a friend or a partner to share crap with?
I think a loner
chooses to be alone and does not second-guess his choice and does not regret it one bit.
Now a person who spends a majority of his time alone not by choice, a person who hates the fact they don't have a wide social circle, is
not a loner. This person is just a socially awkward ****-up. Someone here mentioned they don't see the virtue of being a loner...uh, once again, I think it depends on if the shoes fits....
I don't see the virtue of having 50 acquaintances for someone like me. I'm a bona-fide loner and I have absolutely no need to have a wide social circle. I have maybe a couple of good friends, that is all I need. I'm quite comfortable doing things alone, and in fact, I prefer it.
Greanted, this is the kind of lifestyle that is at odds with the aim of this website, but women are not a problem. Granted, I don't spin plates, but I do quite well for myself, I'm not a social outcast. In fact, if you ever met me, you would not know that I am this loner creature.
Bottom line, I am happy and at peace with my life. I've been down the marriage route, hated it for the demands it imposed on my solitary-seeking nature. I've been with quite a few chicks, had many friends, done a lot. Here I sit, alone, eating a small dinner I cooked for myself, all by myself in my apartment.
That's contentment buddy!