Are women who use online dating sites tainted?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2012
Reaction score
Calgary, Canada
Jaylan said:
Dont talk to me about supply and demand when you sit and make sh!t up. If we were in China or India, you may have a point. But we arent. Plus I live in a suburb of NYC. And NYC is known for having more single ladies than single men. So much so that women frequently b!tch about having to compete for the desirable men and how many guys dont settle down because of their options.
Well lucky you then...some of us live in cities where men significantly outnumber women (according to local stats) its just ridiculous. It might balance out globally but that's an irrelevant statistic. Does me no good to know that there's more poon in NYC and I live here.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
Why the fvk do I care if you believe me or not? You are just some random jerkoff from an internet forum. Im not gonna display personal information or pics from my life for the likes of you. Dont believe what Im saying? Cool bro, I dont care dude.
And you're the random jerk off on this forum that makes extraordinarily claims and constantly defends women and criticizes men, neg reps posters, and acts as a contrarian. I'm not the only one who thinks you're not what you claim.

Actually the ratio is pretty even in Western nations. Hell actually women outnumber men. in reality the total worldwide ratio is quite even, but gets skewed by places like India or China where male children are favored.

Dont talk to me about supply and demand when you sit and make sh!t up. If we were in China or India, you may have a point. But we arent. Plus I live in a suburb of NYC. And NYC is known for having more single ladies than single men. So much so that women frequently b!tch about having to compete for the desirable men and how many guys dont settle down because of their options.
Of course there are equal numbers of men and women. But there's not equal numbers of desirable women for every decent man. Also it's about sexual availability. Research has shown that 80% of men will accept a sexual request from a woman, while women will accept a sexual request from men at near 0% rate.

Men don't settle on one woman unless she's at least looks matched to him or better and easy to get along with. The problem is every plain jane with a crap personality thinks she should be able to get a 7+ male with a good income.

Men have this choice just like how some men have the choice of deciding which women they want. Did you miss BeginningDJs recent thread? He nexted an attractive girl because of bad breath. And if you follow his threads and posts, he doesnt seem to be hard up for vagina. Hes just like my friend I mentioned before. Hes a desirable guy with options, thus he has choice.
Did I say I get my dates from OLD? No I didnt. I dont waste much of my time on OLD anymore because I get much better fruit by meeting girls in real life. OLD is a mere occasional supplement.
I never said many guys don't have choice of girls to hook up with. But just how attractive and desirable they are and how much effort it takes is another story.

And again, I couldn't give a damn if you think Im a troll blowing hot air. I could make the same accusation against anyone on this forum if I was like you; trying to make a pathetic attempt at discrediting someone who disagrees with me.
OLD shouldnt be ANYONES main game anyways. Not a mans or womans. Because even as a guy Ive noticed OLD makes me a hell of a lot more picky about women than I am in real life.

As you said, no one should talk OLD seriously. And if a girl doesnt bite, move on to the next one. The next one could be another online chick, or some girl you see at the gym or on the street.
I can't think of one other poster on the forum that says the cap'n save a ho stuff you do. Even the guys that say they are happy with the girls that they are picking up and every thing is great, don't white knight like you do. You discredit yourself.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Stagger Lee said:
And you're the random jerk off on this forum that makes extraordinarily claims and constantly defends women and criticizes men, neg reps posters, and acts as a contrarian. I'm not the only one who thinks you're not what you claim.
Lmao...and you never neg rep anyone? The rep sh!t is there so people can neg and give positive rep. Who really gives a fvk. Cry some more plz.

And what extraordinary claims do I make? I never say I sleep with a boat load of women, and I never call myself some ebony Adonis. I simply say I do ok with women, that Im not a bad looking dude, that Im in good shape, and that I dont date unattractive women. Whats extraordinary about that? Its pretty damn average actually.

Not everyone on this forum feels the same way about things. If Im a contrarian for not parroting folks all the time, then so be it. Plenty of posters here dont swallow all of the SS koolaid and kowtow to some of the groupthink here. I couldnt give a fvck if you or anyone else here thinks Im not who I claim to be. Its the internet, anyone of us could be fakes. Think as you wish buddy.
Of course there are equal numbers of men and women. But there's not equal numbers of desirable women for every decent man. Also it's about sexual availability. Research has shown that 80% of men will accept a sexual request from a woman, while women will accept a sexual request from men at near 0% rate.
You sound like whiny women on female forums who b!tch about there not being enough desirable men for the decent women of the world. Everyone cant get what they want. Its a competition for both sides. And please back up your research claim.

College showed me that way more than 0% of women are open to sexual requests. And come on....0%? Do you read the lay reports on this forum? Plenty of women are out there giving up easy sex. Just so happens that a lot more desperate men are willing to take sex from just about anyone.

Go b!tch to those guys for fvking up the numbers.

Men don't settle on one woman unless she's at least looks matched to him or better and easy to get along with. The problem is every plain jane with a crap personality thinks she should be able to get a 7+ male with a good income.
Um....not true dude. You need to take a look at the real couples of the world. I know a few couples personally, where I think to myself "why is she with him?" So no, not every chick is trying to date up out of her league. Dont let online dating completely skew your perceptions.

And talk to some women you know, as plenty of women whine about similar behavior from men.
I never said many guys don't have choice of girls to hook up with. But just how attractive and desirable they are and how much effort it takes is another story.
Dating is a grind sometimes, what can I say? I can tell dudes to get off the computer as its a totally different animal than the real world.
I can't think of one other poster on the forum that says the cap'n save a ho stuff you do. Even the guys that say they are happy with the girls that they are picking up and every thing is great, don't white knight like you do. You discredit yourself.
Im white knighting because Im telling whiny b!tches like you to man up and keep trucking? Come the fvck on bro. Gimme a damn break. Whats white knight about telling dudes to not take this sh!t so seriously and move on to the next broad?

All im saying is that it makes no sense to sit and constantly complain about the same things the way women do. Its pointless. Like one poster just said, stop the nonsense, reread the DJ Bible and keep it moving.
yyc12 said:
Well lucky you then...some of us live in cities where men significantly outnumber women (according to local stats) its just ridiculous. It might balance out globally but that's an irrelevant statistic. Does me no good to know that there's more poon in NYC and I live here.
My actually city is pretty bad. As I said, Im in an NYC suburb. Things are fine when I travel to NYC, but I cant afford to do that every weekend. When Im home, it can suck, but I just dont focus on the downsides and whine. I try to stay positive and pump myself up. I dress well, stay in the gym, try to keep confident and talk to girls when I can. Thats all you can do really bro.

A positive attitude really helps to bear fruit. And always stay networking and going out. Meeting new people be they male or female, always opens up your potential dating opens.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
Jaylan said:
Lmao...and you never neg rep anyone? The rep sh!t is there so people can neg and give positive rep. Who really gives a fvk. Cry some more plz.
I've never negged anyone, but I'm going to start negging you whenever I get the chance. It's the principle of it. You negged me for posting I don't like tats on chicks. You're annoying and trifling.

And what extraordinary claims do I make? I never say I sleep with a boat load of women, and I never call myself some ebony Adonis. I simply say I do ok with women, that Im not a bad looking dude, that Im in good shape, and that I dont date unattractive women. Whats extraordinary about that? Its pretty damn average actually.
No you go way beyond that. In just about every post you make you are trying too hard to sound like a real heterosexual male to cover for all your white knighting and save a ho stuff you post. I don't buy it.

Not everyone on this forum feels the same way about things. If Im a contrarian for not parroting folks all the time, then so be it. Plenty of posters here dont swallow all of the SS koolaid and kowtow to some of the groupthink here. I couldnt give a fvck if you or anyone else here thinks Im not who I claim to be. Its the internet, anyone of us could be fakes. Think as you wish buddy.
Plenty of people here disagree to a point. But why are you on a pick up site if you constantly hold completely contrary beliefs and white knight and defend hos constantly? That's only something a troll would do.

You sound like whiny women on female forums who b!tch about there not being enough desirable men for the decent women of the world. Everyone cant get what they want. Its a competition for both sides. And please back up your research claim.
What women say holds no water and is irrelevent other than they are always complaining no matter how much things are in their advantage.

College showed me that way more than 0% of women are open to sexual requests. And come on....0%? Do you read the lay reports on this forum? Plenty of women are out there giving up easy sex. Just so happens that a lot more desperate men are willing to take sex from just about anyone.

Go b!tch to those guys for fvking up the numbers.
This why you can't be a guy or are just dense. Many men would have a demand for up to a few hundred different women a year, or 2 or 3 or more plates spinning at the same time. So no, female sex partners is not easy to get compared to the demand. Of course the better players can game and close maybe 5% or 10% of random approaches, but in research studies women could simply ask a guy if they want to have sex and get an 80% agreement, no gaming needed.

Um....not true dude. You need to take a look at the real couples of the world. I know a few couples personally, where I think to myself "why is she with him?" So no, not every chick is trying to date up out of her league. Dont let online dating completely skew your perceptions.

And talk to some women you know, as plenty of women whine about similar behavior from men.
Not to say it doesn't happen, but I never knew any guys who verifiable were dating up. Much more often it's the female dating up. If you see a couple, odds are the guy is at least matched to the girl even if you don't think so. Women have to lower their extravagant standards somewhat to obtain a monogamous relationship

Dating is a grind sometimes, what can I say? I can tell dudes to get off the computer as its a totally different animal than the real world.
That's essentially what I and others were saying?

Im white knighting because Im telling whiny b!tches like you to man up and keep trucking? Come the fvck on bro. Gimme a damn break. Whats white knight about telling dudes to not take this sh!t so seriously and move on to the next broad?
Everyone knows it's a fvcking number's game. Guys have legitimate complaints about the sexual market and it's not just whining. You know, a person can "whine" and play the game at the same time. Any guy that never has a complaint, I have to question if he's really out in the field dealing with how things are.

All im saying is that it makes no sense to sit and constantly complain about the same things the way women do. Its pointless. Like one poster just said, stop the nonsense, reread the DJ Bible and keep it moving.
My actually city is pretty bad. As I said, Im in an NYC suburb. Things are fine when I travel to NYC, but I cant afford to do that every weekend. When Im home, it can suck, but I just dont focus on the downsides and whine. I try to stay positive and pump myself up. I dress well, stay in the gym, try to keep confident and talk to girls when I can. Thats all you can do really bro.

A positive attitude really helps to bear fruit. And always stay networking and going out. Meeting new people be they male or female, always opens up your potential dating opens.
That would be one thing if that's all you did on here. I don't know what it is to you if people want to complain about how lousy most of the women are out there. You always come in and say, "men are the same way too" or MALTT. Or real men are this or that. It sure sounds like something a woman would say.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
Stagger Lee said:
I've never negged anyone, but I'm going to start negging you whenever I get the chance. It's the principle of it. You negged me for posting I don't like tats on chicks. You're annoying and trifling.

No you go way beyond that. In just about every post you make you are trying too hard to sound like a real heterosexual male to cover for all your white knighting and save a ho stuff you post. I don't buy it.
I very much remember you negging me before, but whatever you say bub.

I mean you could be original and actually debate with someone without trying to emasculate them by calling them female. But how is whining like a little kid and calling someone a woman whenever you disagree with them any different from negging someone?
Plenty of people here disagree to a point. But why are you on a pick up site if you constantly hold completely contrary beliefs and white knight and defend hos constantly? That's only something a troll would do.
Im here so dudes dont fall into the typical trend of whining incessantly and being too bitter to actually do well with women. This thread is an example of that. Why sit and ***** about online dating when a guy can remain more positive by talking to more women in real life? OLD is but a supplement.

The only troll here is the jock riding loser (you) whos actually arguing with me on the good point that men shouldnt sweat OLD and actually have more choice in dating when they go out in the real world.
What women say holds no water and is irrelevent other than they are always complaining no matter how much things are in their advantage.
And thats why guys like you are always complaining and failing just like the whiny women on other forums. You refuse to see that some folks of the opposite gender do say things worth merit. Yes women have many things in their advantage, but its not like men have nothing to our advantage. I dont see the point in constantly b!tching and complaining like some guys do here.

This why you can't be a guy or are just dense. Many men would have a demand for up to a few hundred different women a year, or 2 or 3 or more plates spinning at the same time. So no, female sex partners is not easy to get compared to the demand. Of course the better players can game and close maybe 5% or 10% of random approaches, but in research studies women could simply ask a guy if they want to have sex and get an 80% agreement, no gaming needed.
Again, SHOW ME THE STUDY. Getting sex is NOT as hard as dorks like you make it out to be. Wow, how terrible are some of you with women that you really think getting sex is as hard as you make it seem. If you keep in shape, network with people, and hang out with friends enough, getting sex isnt that hard. You should naturally meet some girls and just take it from there.

Im not saying men can get sex as easily as women. I never said that, especially since I know many guys are desperate and will shag almost anything. What Im saying is getting sex isnt as hard as folks like you make it seem to be.
Not to say it doesn't happen, but I never knew any guys who verifiable were dating up. Much more often it's the female dating up. If you see a couple, odds are the guy is at least matched to the girl even if you don't think so. Women have to lower their extravagant standards somewhat to obtain a monogamous relationship
You never see men dating up? Now I know you dont pay attention. Most guys here will tell you theyve seen a bunch of guys dating up, especially when it comes to looks.
That's essentially what I and others were saying?

Everyone knows it's a fvcking number's game. Guys have legitimate complaints about the sexual market and it's not just whining. You know, a person can "whine" and play the game at the same time. Any guy that never has a complaint, I have to question if he's really out in the field dealing with how things are.
I never said the complaints werent legitimate. I even agreed with the complaints in this thread. But its freaking pointless to constantly whine and b!tch about the same topics ALL the time here. I agreed with some of the points made in the thread, but I also said theres no reason to fixate on it as OLD should only be a supplement because of how it screws up everyones dating outlook.
That would be one thing if that's all you did on here. I don't know what it is to you if people want to complain about how lousy most of the women are out there. You always come in and say, "men are the same way too" or MALTT. Or real men are this or that. It sure sounds like something a woman would say.
You clearly dont see most of my posts then. Stop zeroing in on only the posts you wanna see. And dont be blind to the fact that almost all of the guys on this forum try to define what they think an alpha or a real man is all the time. Seems youre just upset because you dont agree with my own opinion of such a man.

Fact of the matter is, constantly b!tching and moaning about the opposite sex with the same damn topics doesnt accomplish anything. All I was telling dudes in this thread was that OLD sucks, and they shouldnt really focus on it. And here you come trying to fvking argue with me over it.

When women make stupid whiny generalizations about men on other forums I frequent, I tell them the same thing--Things are the way they are, and you can move on to the next guy, as its pointless to sit and b!tch about it constantly.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
El Paso, TX
You never see men dating up? Now I know you dont pay attention. Most guys here will tell you theyve seen a bunch of guys dating up, especially when it comes to looks.
I generally see it in regards to looks. In fact in the looks department is where I see it most often. Men date up in regards to looks. Women generally date up in regards to finances. Men and women place higher value on different things when it comes to dating. Most men will date a fry cook at McDonald's if she is hot. Doesn't matter if he is a construction worker, bank manager, or CEO. A man generally doesn't give a damn how much money a woman makes. The opposite doesn't generally hold true for women.
Like everything, there are exceptions, but in general women date up financially, men date up in looks.


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
Interesting thread...

There's a truth here.

Online: Women do often go after guys who are better looking than the guys they get in real life.

I don't believe in the # system, but it's convenient to use here, so...

Let's say a woman is a 6. And for the sake of this: Let's say her face is almost ugly, but she has an amazing body. She normally gets good looking guys, but not the hot guys that some of her friends get....

So, she sets up her profile.... She shows off this body in her profile, wears extra makeup in her pics, and makes herself presentable.

In the back of her mind - she's thinking of the guy who's going to come sweep her off her feet, and make all of her friends jealous of her.... And guess what? That guy is going to be as good looking as she can imagine...

So what happens? Guys who fit that bill begin messaging her.

She sets up some dates...

Get's excited about the prospect of finally having that hot guy...

Then she ends up fvcking the first one on the first date...

Then he ignores her after that...

She ends up texting him something like, "I guess you were just using me for sex."

She then updates her profile: "If you're just looking for sex - go somewhere else. I'm not that kind of girl!"

Now guys are messaging her differently. But the smart guys know that that's nonsense....

Another guy (out of her league) comes along... And they hit it off well.

She tells him most guys on the site are creeps (guys she's not attracted to hitting on her), and somewhere in their conversation she asks the guy if he's looking for a relationship.

He's a good looking guy, and naturally a player.... He tells her, "of course... with the right girl."

So she accepts that answer and they go out on a date and he fvcks her...

She asks him if he wants her to cook him breakfast in the morning, he says he has to go help a friend move (at 8am).

Then doesn't completely ignore her follow up texts, but shows no interest in seeing her again.


This cycle will repeat over and over....

She will also fvck guys who are not on the "hot" level (but at least meeting her standards for looks.... aka: not ugly). Guys she could relate too. Guys who were interesting and caught her when she was bored. Guys with "game". Guys who she had crushes on at a place she used to go to school/work. Guys who have connections in something she's trying to get into.

And with these guys: SHE is the one who's not returning their calls after they fvck. She is the one back on POF at 3am the same night...

And what's she doing? "Looking for Mr. Right, Not Mr. Right now" :crackup:


What's funny is - this same thing happens when the guy dates up.

I've fvcked a handful of very good looking women online (at least 8's on the scale thing). Wild, passionate, kinky, hours of hardcore sex.... One even told me "I've never been this sore immediately after sex" (which i considered a good thing)....

And then... The ignore happens...

[This is why I preach to fvck on the 1st date...]


Are ALL women who use online dating tainted though?


But anyone who's been there for a significant period of time is...

I see LOTS of women who have been there for years (because i have too)...

And no matter how much their profile says: "I am not the type of girl who..."

You better believe she is: The type of girl who...

Wolfgang D

Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2011
Reaction score
Social_Leper said:
I have back to back dates on Wednesday and Thursday with two legit HB8s and yet I get absolutely no play online. I take good care of myself and I've been told I'm good looking, even by guys on this site. That should tell you something.
I am having a real busy summer and cutting down on internet time, only rarely checking this forum for example. But I felt like giving some kudos to Social Leper here.

I should do Field Reports, but I am lazy that way. Suffice to say I have had some successful cold opens (among the many failures, natch) .. and one success I am proud of, with a girl in a social group, where I did everything perfectly.

Meanwhile I am on a dating site. And because I wear glasses and my hair is slightly thinning, I guess, I get nexted immediately by almost any woman on there. I know for a fact glasses is one of the criteria they set up. (I tried lenses for a while, but I just couldn't be bothered.) My physique is perfectly fine, weightlifting and the right diet, and the PMs I send are no one-line PMs, no rambling walls of text, but something funny in just the right length. And still I only met two girls after all those messages.

However, I still think online dating has its place. And not all women online are low quality. Consider this: not all women have friends to hang out in bars with, and many don't want to hang out in bars in the first place. So where is the "natural place to meet someone" for them? Work? Okay, five people there of the opposite sex, three in relationships, two not on the same level. Then what?

More people meet a partner online than in night clubs these days. That's from research from ten years ago, so I imagine it is even more true today. As a guy you have to send a lot of messages. Well, the time it takes to spend half a Sunday with one girl is the same time it takes to send maybe a hundred messages. It's a different game.

It is too bad, though. Online dating would be a lot better without the trolls on both sides. On the one hand, there are tons of guys who are complete losers, who lie in the hope of getting sex, and who just creep women out and jam their inboxes. On the other hand, there are tons of women who just want the excitement of getting male attention, with no intention of ever meeting anyone.

And yet there are many high-quality people of both sexes online. I met a girlfriend on a dating site a long time ago who was definitely high quality. I know of another very desirable woman who met a boyfriend online. Many work full-time jobs that exhaust them, and so it is easier to find a date online than ... exposing yourself to the club scene, sign up for a social activity and hope one of the nine or ten people of the opposite sex there will be a good match and will be single, or walking down the street and hoping for a successful match through a cold open.

As usual, there are a lot of losers online. But also some normal people. It is not either/or, as this endless discussion about internet dating always makes it out to be.

But if you have glasses you'll have a lot more success in real life. Women are dumb, I accept that. :D