Link said:
Men built pretty much every god damn thing from the ground we walk on to rocketships.
And women inspired almost every man who has made anything. From great Literature to the most modern technological advances that men make, there is always a woman behind it that has inspired the man in some way.
I believe Pook once said, "Men love the idea of robots. Women do not. Why? It is simple, women see men as their robots. Women love technology too but not as much as men. Men see technology as a salvation of sorts. Technology frees men from work. In the same way that men free women from work. When I saw two men babbling endlessly about a new piece of electronic, it hit me how identical it was when two women babble endlessly about a new man. Except, imagine a technological product that could adapt and shape itself and serve you for LIFE! Now you see why women are so man crazy."
Link said:
Men will **** rich or poor women. Most women are hypergamous devil *****s.
Women will also sleep with rich and poor men. Have you ever seen the beautiful chicks who live in near poverty with their baby daddy? I see it a lot (especially where i work). While it is true that most women will consider what you can offer them (whether that is money, status, good sex, etc.) before who you are as a person, you are responsible for what happens with your relationship with any woman. If you can't see that she wants you for x,y, or z instead of for who you are then it is your fault for staying with the woman and not weeding her out with all the other "bad" women.
At my job the women there make fun of a man behind his back because one of their friends, a co-worker, has been mooching off of him for over three years (!) Yet he claims he loves her and would do anything for her and remains blind to her true intentions. The women see it as a game. They don't look at relationships the same way you and I do. They look at men in the same way Alexander the Great looked upon foreign lands. Remember "Men conquer worlds,
Women conquer men."
Link said:
Men will risk his ****ing life to save a stranger. Women just aren't programmed to do **** unless it's her child.
Let's just say women have a talent for survival. They are naturally passive while men are the opposite. How can you hate something for doing what is in its nature to do?
You seem to be in denial of a simple fact: Women are smarter than men
Link:"What that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard Mr. Fantastic!"
Mr. Fantastic: "Is it really? Let us look at this for a second. From a mans view, women have these characteristics: 1. They show no interest in technical things such as math, engineering, philosophy, spirituality, etc. 2.They show interest in celebrities, gossip, etc. 3.They constantly fluctuate in mood and seem very emotional 4.They are physically weaker 5.They turn down nice guys and sleep with thugs. Would you say this is an accurate summary of women?"
Link: "Why yes that seems like an accurate summation of women, but I don't see how this makes them smarter."
Mr. Fantastic: "Now let's compare that to a woman's perspective. Let's say you are a pretty woman. You don't have to work, all you have to do is get some one else to work for you (a man) and Tada! you're done. After all it is smarter to have someone working for you rather than doing the work yourself."
Link: "Ah, that is very true, but all that other stuff seems like sheer stupidity to me Mr. Fantastic."
Mr. Fantastic: "Very Well. Let us take this one step at a time shall we? Number one, women aren't interested interested in technical things or higher spirituality. Instead they are interested in gossip and celebrities."
Link: "Exactly! So by definition wouldn't that make them stupid?"
Mr. Fantastic: "No it only makes them ignorant which is different than stupidity."
Link: "How could celebrity worship be smart at all Mr. Fantastic? I don't see where you are going with this."
Mr. Fantastic: "Women look at celebrities as models. Celebrities have wealth, power, own the media, etc. Most celebrities are morons (which puts them in the same boat as most women). But could they really be that stupid and still be able to acquire all that they have? Women want what celebrities have so they look at them as models to get those things. I mean look at most women's facebooks and twitters. They already think they are celebrities with all their friends as their fan club (!)"
Link: "Ah I see your point on celebrity worship, but aren't men smarter for seeking higher spirituality and truth?"
Mr. Fantastic: "No, a beggar can achieve high spirituality, but few can gain massive wealth."
Link: "I see, let us move on to your next point."
Mr. Fantastic: "To men women seem to constantly fluctuate in mood, being angry then sad, happy and loud then quiet and passive. They seem very emotional, but in reality men are the emotional ones."
Link: "What? How is that? I thought it was well known that women are the emotional gender."
Mr. Fantastic: "Alas Link, women are not the emotional ones. They see love in a very calculated manner. It is men who are the emotional ones. It is men who kill themselves over a girl or get emotional in some way. It is men who are the saps, who write bad poetry and spend large amounts of money on women. The bottom line is when it comes to romance, women use men more than the other way around. Even the men who think they are 'using her' really it is the other way around. How do I know this? Compare the work a player does to the average hot girl. The average hot girl just puts on some hot clothes and that is it. The player, meanwhile, spends agonizing amount of time working his game."
Link: "I never saw it that way before..."
Mr. Fantastic: "Indeed most men never realize this and end up enslaved to a woman. Women, like royalty, can order men about at their will. This is why women are smarter than men. "
Link: "I see your point but what of the single mother who lives in poverty? Isn't she stupid?"
Mr. Fantastic: "She seems stupid at a quick glance but actually she is just clumsy. Clumsy, like ignorance, is not the same as being stupid. Women aim at the stress free fun life with bubble bathes and such, while many men aim for the more-stress, responsible career life. Women want to live life to the fullest and be in 'the moment'. She will screw a guy in the heat of the moment, but she ended up in poverty because she was clumsy in not applying birth control."
Link: "Hmm..."
As far as Alex Delarge's reply goes, I think we are limiting ourselves if we don't move beyond the idea of Darwinism explaining men/women (It doesn't take into account many things in human nature i.e. envy, imagination, anxiety). How can that married couple be happy for decades? Why is the hot chick choosing the artist over the Alpha male? Why do people fall for traits they are similar with (where there is no advantage of 'spreading one's genes')? So there's obviously more mystery than evolution at work.