Originally posted by Kineti[C]harm
What? I always talk with girls I fvck about earlier stuff. Countless times I've been in bed with girls and we've discussed earlier sex adventures, coolest places, best positions, best lays etc. I love it =) I have a tendency to get just about anyone to tell me anything I want too so that is nice too =)
Kineti[c]harm has a point. Like I said, it depends on the time and place...
Restaurant with a first date: Probably not the time or place.... you're in public, it's semi-classy, you don't know the person yet, you don't know if it's going to "scare" them or not.
In bed with a bootycall: sure. It's private, you've already gotten "intimate" and if it's the type of "relationship" where you can discuss that sort of thing, then it's ok.
I think it's good to follow two main rules when you ARE discussing it:
1.You know that person won't be offended, jealous, hurt, turned-off by whatever you say... you have to know them well enough or get the vibe from them that they would be cool (or if they already started talking like that, then its ok)
2.Whatever you say, be sure to say it in a way that doesn't make the person feel threatened, jealous, intimidated, etc... (that is, watch the details... it's ok to mention "yeah I've had done that before" or "No I don't enjoy that, this one time...." it's not ok to mention "he had the biggest **** I've ever seen" or "that was the best orgasm I ever had"... because the last 2 statements are going to make the guy think he has to compete... and no guy is going to want to compete, so their egos are going to label you as S LUT and leave.
Works in reverse of the sexes too. You can tell a girl what you've done or what you like, but really, very few ladies want to know if the other women were better or hotter (unless they weren't, in which case, TELL THEM).