Before the Race for Africa, and before Europeans ever set foot on the continent, there existed empires all across that continent. But they dont teach people that in history class.
People grow up thinking Africa was always some war torn land of tribalism and strife. That definitely wasnt always the case. European imperialism and exploitation of the continents resources has much to do with the state of the Africa today. Corrupt African leaders definitely have a share of the blame, but do consider who backs some of them.
Also, people need to look at agricultural protectionism in America and Europe, which basically makes it so that African agricultural industries are undercut in trade. Africa could definitely make a lot of money and feed a lot of people if it werent from those policies. Id say thats the biggest thing keeping Africa (both Northern and Sub-Saharan) from thriving economically.
Its really hypociritical when you think about it. Large Western companies have NO problem going into poor countries to produce things cheaply and sell them back in their home nations, all the while paying local workers like crap and exploiting the land. But god forbid farmers from poorer regions of the world get a fair shot at competing with our domestic farmers. Nope....lets undercut the poor foreign farmer, and use tariffs and quotas, so the our domestic farmers are greatly protected. All the while the foreign farmer cant make decent profits selling to the West, and the price of his food goes up because of it. But then guess whos able to undercut his prices in his own nation? Thats right, the western farmer can export and undercut him in the poor guys own home nation.
Im all for Americans protecting the interests of our farmers here at home....but when it becomes a detriment to poorer folks in other nations, thats just wrong. Nevermind the hypocrisy of exploiting those poor nations when we want cheap labor and resources, but then not allowing foreign farmers the same kind of benefits selling abroad.