Are we doing our part?


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score

All this talk about being Alpha Male's, Don Juan's, Fvcking girls, self improvement, and everything else got me thinking about a bunch of things.

One of the things I have noticed around here is constant bashing and degrating of women and how their actions reflect the opposite of what they say, they don't know who they are. And the scenerio of the classic double standards "They're *****'s if they sleep around, yet I'm not", "Not good enough to go out with, but good enough to fvck".

I think there are a lot of trashy women out there, I will not dispute that, but I also think there's a fair amount of decent one's out there too. I'm also starting to believe that their moral standards are slipping because we are letting them get away with it.

But be honest guys. Are you guys really doing your part? Are you being men of your words, honest, and respectful? Are you encouraging their behaviour??

It's funny how everyone on this board is obsessed with getting a lot of sex and becoming a DJ. And expecting to find a girl that matches "societies" idea of good moral standards. I don't know if I explained that clear enough, but basically we don't want to get married to a who*e, but we want women to be who*es in bad for our own convenience.

I be a lot of ppl in here don't even know the history of "Don Juan". DJ is a ficticious character who is a seducer, womanizer, murderer, and eventually brings on his own self destruction as a result of his actions"

That's a great thing to stive for :down: Personally, all I want to do, is become the best "I" can be in all areas of my life. Socially, physically, mentally, etc. I think this site is great togive you ideas of how to help your chances of finding a decent woman, how not to turn women off, and how not to be a disgrace in front of your peers. Humen are social creatures and it just makes life a hell of a lot better if you know how to act.

Basically what I'm trying to say who here agrees that we are bringing on our own problems (both men and women) with regards to dating success as a result of our poor values/morals? And also, if you disagree, what do you think is the whole problem in general?


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by golfguy

All this talk about being Alpha Male's, Don Juan's, Fvcking girls, self improvement, and everything else got me thinking about a bunch of things.

One of the things I have noticed around here is constant bashing and degrating of women and how their actions reflect the opposite of what they say, they don't know who they are. And the scenerio of the classic double standards "They're *****'s if they sleep around, yet I'm not", "Not good enough to go out with, but good enough to fvck".

I think there are a lot of trashy women out there, I will not dispute that, but I also think there's a fair amount of decent one's out there too. I'm also starting to believe that their moral standards are slipping because we are letting them get away with it.

But be honest guys. Are you guys really doing your part? Are you being men of your words, honest, and respectful? Are you encouraging their behaviour??

It's funny how everyone on this board is obsessed with getting a lot of sex and becoming a DJ. And expecting to find a girl that matches "societies" idea of good moral standards. I don't know if I explained that clear enough, but basically we don't want to get married to a who*e, but we want women to be who*es in bad for our own convenience.

I be a lot of ppl in here don't even know the history of "Don Juan". DJ is a ficticious character who is a seducer, womanizer, murderer, and eventually brings on his own self destruction as a result of his actions"

That's a great thing to stive for :down: Personally, all I want to do, is become the best "I" can be in all areas of my life. Socially, physically, mentally, etc. I think this site is great togive you ideas of how to help your chances of finding a decent woman, how not to turn women off, and how not to be a disgrace in front of your peers. Human are social creatures and it just makes life a hell of a lot better if you know how to act.

Basically what I'm trying to say who here agrees that we are bringing on our own problems (both men and women) with regards to dating success as a result of our poor values/morals? And also, if you disagree, what do you think is the whole problem in general?


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2005
Reaction score
****..I noticed some spelling mistakes and accidently quoted it. How do you delete this?


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2005
Reaction score
The Rillo, CA
There is a bit of truth to the words you speak. I've been noticing alot lately that both camps(guys & girls) have been pointing out each others "shortcomings." I had a talk with a female friend of mine tonight on this very subject as a matter of fact. The bottom line to all of this is that both camps have made the dating thing and the carefully played moves and gaming tips overly complicated.

I basically look at it like this...cavemen and women obviously mated. Flash forward 10,000yrs and I'm born. Yeah, the scene changed but the more things change, the more they stay the same. Keeping it simple worked. Knowing that men and women are different worked. The constant degrading has got to go. I'm sick of girls trying to be guys and guys starting to cross over. It's not supposed to be that way.

Flirting is simple and fun. Getting a girl is really easy because she wants you too. She likes the same things you like and believe it or not, to all of those on here that don't know or refuse to believe it, the women mirror us. Hard to believe I know but yeah, What we put out, we get back. We invite balance. If you're an overly nice guy trying to please everybody and their mom, you'll find a girl that's needy enough to run you thru the ringer. But if you're a nice guy that is nice because YOU want to be without a motive, then you'll find a girl that will respect that. I've been on both sides of the fence so I know how it all plays out.

I've been lurking on this board for sometime and I've read the post and there is great advice on here. There is also so-so advice and advice that teach men/boys to go for the throat of women. AFC's, DJ's and anybody inbetween, work to dump the image that women are bad news and they suck and blah, blah, blah. They are sitting at home doing the same thing we are doing. I work in a place with 80% female overhearing their problems with guys so it's true. Inner game is also communication and knowing that giving them an inch and they'll take a mile will stand true. Check them. They pop off, check them. But not like a dictator, but like someone who will listen to them and weigh the facts...and then check them. Resecpt earns respect. Period.

For those in the know...lead by example.


Don Juan
Dec 24, 2005
Reaction score
in your mind
I agree with both of you.

539 - I'm a girl and I overhear things other women/girls talk about as well and some of the BS that I hear them, stupid things like "get even with him. Just go out and do what he's doing back to him and show him." Sometimes I just want to yell at some of the most stupid things they come up with. It's no wonder most men are the way they are and it's because some girls play these stupid games as well. As my advice would be to anyone (male/female) put yourself in their shoes. If you don't want to be treated that way, then don't do it to them. Something as simple as just breaking up with the person because they did something wrong is a lot stronger and worth more than trying to hurt them back. Two wrongs don't make a right and if they think it does .. I hope they are ready to make a lot of wrongs to correctly "justify" what's right in the relationship. Sucks to be them.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
/agree with you

I treat women with playful respect. There's a big difference between fun teasing and being a jerk.

The Alpha Male isn't a jerk. He is radiant, strong, warm, and assertive.

He disciplines both males and females who cross the boundaries of respectful behaviour, but most of the time, he just lives and lets live.

Unfortunately, we men do have to have our guard up because a great many women out there will use sex to use you for whatever they want.

And what women say in the context of love/relationships/feelings/intentions is _not_ to be trusted.

You can go ahead and decide to trust what a woman says in any other area of life other than the above.

The fact of the matter is they aren't consciously lying most of the time... they might be rationalizing, but not lying directly.

Women will say "I love you" right up until the day they break up with you. They will feed you all sorts of B.S. You just have to ignore all of that.

"I love you" is in the way she looks at you and the way she loves you, not what she says.

Learn to read her actions, her facial expressions, her body language.

Anyway, most men are very straightforward. Women know there are millions upon millions of guys out there just looking for a committed relationship. Girls chose to go for the dangerous guys. If they get bitten by games, well, that's the risk they take.

Granted, we guys go for the 'dangerous' (beautiful) women, so it's all the same.

I could list off maybe 5-10 HB7s that I could have a straightforward relationship with right now if I wanted to, but the thought doesn't cross my mind because I'm too busy going after the hotter girls.