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Are most women overconfident and arrogant?


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2010
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It seems to me, that everywhere I go, every women I meet (and note that I am not talking how women treat me particularly) women are always in a "unsatisfied state" so to speak, generally not in a good mood, not happy with the place they are in, there is always something to complain about. Most of them seem clearly overconfident and defensive, there is also a kind of agressiveness underneath and they can explode at any second if they hear something they don´t like. They are also loud and rude, and don't have any problems putting others down (the heatest discussions I had in life were always with women)

This kind of behavior which is pretty standard in women, puts guys who behave like this in the ******* zone. Most of my friends, at least, are not like that. Women also seem to get worse with age, as years pass by they become even more confident that they are a great prize, arrogant, and handle rejection in the worst possible way. You probably know that if you flake a woman as they do to us, it is not rare for them to talk **** about you, or perhaps they will never talk to you again as if you did something unforgivable.

What is also curious to me is that they seem to mimic the behavior they find attractive in men. If you take a look at some HB8+ with their boyfriend at facebook, you will see that the guy rarely smiles in the photos, it´s the typical "badboy", "alpha", a rude, overconfident and arrogant guy. These terms would better be translated into "sociopath" very often.

Women behavior also mimics the typical tv star, they do think they are stars. As male dating offers accumulate they typically start to think they are above the world, ignoring that every women who is not disgusting receives a similar amount of dating offers.

What's your view on women general attitude, not only regards dating but also on friendships, coworking etc.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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JdelaSilviera said:

It seems to me, that everywhere I go, every women I meet (and note that I am not talking how women treat me particularly) women are always in a "unsatisfied state" so to speak, generally not in a good mood, not happy with the place they are in, there is always something to complain about.
Women need someone to lead them through life if they're to be satisfied with it. When women are left to their own devices, progress in life is slow or stationary. They are generally frustrated because they're not getting anywhere, and they don't have the ability to more forward. That's what they need a man for. However...

Most of them seem clearly overconfident and defensive, there is also a kind of agressiveness underneath and they can explode at any second if they hear something they don´t like. They are also loud and rude, and don't have any problems putting others down (the heatest discussions I had in life were always with women)
Society has empowered women and made them believe that they can be independent and successful without a man. Women are led to believe that they can run the world if they really want to. Women take on this attitude, but they don't have any plans, ideas, or motivation to back it up. Again, women need a man to direct them on how to start the car, where to go, and when to turn. Without a man in their life, they'll sit in the car and bytch that the car's a piece of junk because they haven't reached their destination.

Women also seem to get worse with age, as years pass by they become even more confident that they are a great prize, arrogant, and handle rejection in the worst possible way.
That's because society has lied to them, but they haven't figured that out. "Where is the MAN that society promised me? I'm strong, independent, and deserve a man!" Men are turned on by someone feminine, not someone strong and independent.

What is also curious to me is that they seem to mimic the behavior they find attractive in men. If you take a look at some HB8+ with their boyfriend at facebook, you will see that the guy rarely smiles in the photos, it´s the typical "badboy", "alpha", a rude, overconfident and arrogant guy. These terms would better be translated into "sociopath" very often.
That's what attraction does. A person will take on certain traits of the one they're attracted to.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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Most women are insecure and there are certain words and actions you can use on them to nuke their ego from orbit. Once you understand that most women thrive on external validation based on their looks, it is very easy to find their soft spots.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 19, 2015
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OP, the women you have described I simply avoid - I do not waste my time or attention on them. If they want me around them, then they will need to alter their behavior - give me reason to be around them. To me, it is simple. Just don't put up with it. Think of it as a running back throwing out a stiff arm - like the Heisman trophy. If she is welcoming - cheery - nice - open - I will then engage with them. If she is not, she gets the proverbial stiff arm. I do not care if she likes me or not.

El Payaso said:
Most women are insecure and there are certain words and actions you can use on them to nuke their ego from orbit. Once you understand that most women thrive on external validation based on their looks, it is very easy to find their soft spots.
This is very true. Like a glass house, their structure is weak. They put up a front - a persona - but once they realize you see through their B.S. they then realize you are a man - unlike the others.


Don Juan
May 19, 2015
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Opposite actually. There are very FEW women who are at that level of eliteness and even they can be made insecure by the right guy.


Master Don Juan
Jul 15, 2013
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IME and opinion it's more or less a defensive (B*tch) shield that they use on guys of course, I'm pretty good at busting it down or for the most part just outright ignoring it and not even bother.

Deep down inside I find them to be really insecure and they tend to be lost for the most part.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 12, 2014
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Butterface tells me she's too good looking for me

sorry wrong post


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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hockeyfreak79 said:
IME and opinion it's more or less a defensive (B*tch) shield that they use on guys of course, I'm pretty good at busting it down or for the most part just outright ignoring it and not even bother.

Deep down inside I find them to be really insecure and they tend to be lost for the most part.
So true.

The ones who are actually confident don't need to be arrogant.

These bishes are probably unhappy inside and have dad issues.


Master Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
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JdelaSilviera said:
What is also curious to me is that they seem to mimic the behavior they find attractive in men.
Yes they mimic the behaviors, comments and hamester-overheating reations they recieve from bad guys. Example:
ME: Hi, glad we met each other, HB. - Suspens
Girl: Hi, sorry I don't remember you.
We just had an ultra-friendly chat a few days before that text and I'm quite sure she could remember me, also I saw her saving my name and number on her phone. Most of these chicks hear those words right after they have had sex with a cold sociopath who Pumped&dumped them. Then they go on a revenge rampage and reuse the same pharses on AFC/Beta boys.

Those guys are not alpha though. Some bitter damaged goods scums.


Oct 20, 2006
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Two days after my post "Revenge of the Ugly Women", which commented on how rude, ugly women are butting into every facet of life these days, this article appeared on LewRockwell "March of the Feminist Bullies":

"Of the stupid, pampered, spoilt women who have nothing better to do with their lives than whinge and whine about utterly trivial items of entirely innocuous cack-handedness by slightly inept men who have no intention whatsoever of offending the Sisterhood, but who, entirely by accident, end up getting it in the neck.

Girls, ladies, women — or whatever it is you’re calling yourselves these days: I hope you’re proud of yourselves.

After all, it’s not as if there are any other injustices towards women to worry about. No Islamic state militants raping 12-year-old girls in Syria, no sex slavery in India, no female genital mutilation here. Oh no. Nothing like that to busy ourselves with.

All that stuff pales into insignificance when you consider the crimes of Professor Hunt.

Which, when you boil it down amount to the following:

1. He made a joke.

2. There were some women in it.

3. It was actually a bit funny and self-deprecating.

I know, I know. For a clever man, that was a spectacularly stupid thing to do.

‘Let me tell you about my trouble with girls,’ said Sir Tim, who’d been invited to address his female South Korean hosts over lunch. ‘Three things happen when girls are in the lab — you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them, they cry.’"



Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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Arrogant , most of them.
Overconfident ................nahhhh.
Matter of fact is hard to find a real confident one.

Poon King

Nov 30, 2014
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Women are rude, arrogant and overconfident because men worship the ground they walk on. What do you expect? :crackup:

You have a small percentage of men who actually "get it" and don't treat women like anything special. Nore do these men need female approval or validation. These are the men getting the most sex from the most women.

All the rest are, eggshell walkers, white knights, beta b!tch losers and co-dependent clowns. And THESE are the men MOST women interact with regularly and see every day. Its RARE for women to meet a man who "gets it"... which is why... when she does... she doesn't know how to act.

Women are used to testing, manipulating and intimidating all the men around them.

Wake up men.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
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JdelaSilviera said:

It seems to me, that everywhere I go, every women I meet (and note that I am not talking how women treat me particularly) women are always in a "unsatisfied state" so to speak, generally not in a good mood, not happy with the place they are in, there is always something to complain about. Most of them seem clearly overconfident and defensive, there is also a kind of agressiveness underneath and they can explode at any second if they hear something they don´t like. They are also loud and rude, and don't have any problems putting others down (the heatest discussions I had in life were always with women)

This kind of behavior which is pretty standard in women, puts guys who behave like this in the ******* zone. Most of my friends, at least, are not like that. Women also seem to get worse with age, as years pass by they become even more confident that they are a great prize, arrogant, and handle rejection in the worst possible way. You probably know that if you flake a woman as they do to us, it is not rare for them to talk **** about you, or perhaps they will never talk to you again as if you did something unforgivable.

What is also curious to me is that they seem to mimic the behavior they find attractive in men. If you take a look at some HB8+ with their boyfriend at facebook, you will see that the guy rarely smiles in the photos, it´s the typical "badboy", "alpha", a rude, overconfident and arrogant guy. These terms would better be translated into "sociopath" very often.

Women behavior also mimics the typical tv star, they do think they are stars. As male dating offers accumulate they typically start to think they are above the world, ignoring that every women who is not disgusting receives a similar amount of dating offers.

What's your view on women general attitude, not only regards dating but also on friendships, coworking etc.

I feel like this and the "How to treat women like trash" thread go hand in hand :crackup: Women act arrogant, so treat them like trash!

I don't know. I screen hard, and the ones I associate with are on good behavior around me. I don't act super desperate around them, I just have a conversation. The problem is that guys pedestalize the puss so much that women think they are the best thing since sliced bread. If you just treat everyone the same, this attitude thing won't happen.

I had a date today with this girl, and we just talked normally. I wasn't trying to push anything, and just acted like myself. She had a great attitude and seemed pretty interested in me. Of course I know that a woman's interest can fluctuate a lot, so I'm not expecting anything, but I'm glad that I didn't allow her to act like she was too good for me. In the conversation I subtly talked about my other options and she said "you're such a player". To me that was a compliment.
Apr 23, 2015
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Ruler said:
I think if you come off as easy going, but subtly very confident and comfortable with yourself the woman will revert into quiet good girl mode. I never have this issue with girls I interact with. Actually it's kind of annoying because I don't capitalize on it more. I'll see them with other dudes being somewhat like you described, but I'll talk to them and they get all sheepish and nervous.

Plates I've had said they always got nervous before seeing me but liked that feeling, and once I saw them it all vanished into just feel good emotions.

But I mean, I guess there has been some women like this but all ones who are older than me (21-35). Obviously they arent usually looking to date a high school senior. It's annoying and i lose all respect for them. So there's that.
Is "quiet good girl mode" even a good thing if you need sexual heat?