Like most have already mentioned it all comes with experience. I learned everything I needed to learn at 14 years old but some guys need to be divorced raped in their 40s until they see the light.
Some of the things I observed as a kid were:
-All girls are seducers
-Most chicks don’t really value their relationship enough not to cheat. If there is any validation in cheating with you, they would do it
-it’s all about validation from the highest valued guy in the social scene
-a chick will test you early on to see if you actually care about their frame. If you don’t care, they automatically revert back to feminine and submissive mode. If you react like you fear her devalidation, she will slip into manipulation and controlling mode for the rest of the relationship
-it’s all about frame. It doesn’t matter if you have a huge mole on your face, as long as you are not insecure about it and need validation and approval from others. You can possess all seemingly bad qualities known to humans like being short, ugly, bad fashion sense, no sense of humor, small penis, unintelligent, etc and still own who you are and she will see you in a positive light. It’s all about frame ladies and gents.
That’s pretty much it. That’s all you need to know about females to be able to navigate in the world of romance.