Are high school girls too insecure?


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
Is it just me, or is my game not good enough, but are high school girls just really insecure?

I'm asking this because every time me and a girl have a fling, but then if i dont talk to her for one or two days, all of a sudden everything goes cold and she gets really insecure. Whenever i re-initiate contact she acts all surprised that im talking to her, and she doesn't think that I like her anymore.

Also, this did not only happen once, but it repeatedly happens with every girl, did this happen to anyone else?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
yes. high school girls are ridiculously insecure.

ever tried to use c+f on them? they flip if you say just one thing too many. "god you're so ****y."

you have to be careful when dealing with them, but whether they're insecure or not, you still do the same stuff as far as not talking to them every day, etc. the reason its so weird to her is because of all the other chodes she's ever talked to have constantly texted and tried to talk to her. keep with your game, dont fall into it.


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
How should I act when i re-initiate contact and shes cold all of a sudden because she thinks im not interested in her anymore?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
andy_4029 said:
Is it just me, or is my game not good enough, but are high school girls just really insecure?

I'm asking this because every time me and a girl have a fling, but then if i dont talk to her for one or two days, all of a sudden everything goes cold and she gets really insecure. Whenever i re-initiate contact she acts all surprised that im talking to her, and she doesn't think that I like her anymore.

Also, this did not only happen once, but it repeatedly happens with every girl, did this happen to anyone else?
be more specific than "fling." does that involve a single date? a sex session? give me some more background info.

if it is a "fling" that has created attraction and feelings in her, she shouldnt be necessarily cold. that surprise/feeling like you dont like her anymore should immediately turn into a happiness when she realizes you are giving her the gift of your attention again.


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
Well like I said this happens repeatedly with a lot of the girls I talk to.

I'll give you some examples though. I met a girl through my social circle one weekend and didnt do anything other then # close, texted her a bit the next day and planned to hangout the next weekend. Then she texts me on monday, we text a bit more then i end the convo. I text her on friday and she says "no way! ur actually talking to me now"

Another girl from my school gets my numbers from a friend and texts me to come hangout with her and her friends at lunch. I tell her im busy the next day, so she keeps asking me again for the next couple of days.
She then starts talking to me on facebook on sunday and says that if i dont go the next day she wont talk to me again.

I then finally go on monday, tuesday, and again on wednesday. Lots of ioi's, plenty of kino, it was really obvious she was really into me. She also invites me to her friends party on saturday. On wednesday I try to kiss close her after we were saying goodbye and hugged but i kept her into my arms longer then usual in the middle of the hallway after school when it was packed (i know dumb idea should have isolated) and she pulls back slightly and says "here?!" is pretty embarrased, and says we'll do it on saturday (talking about about the party) Later in the evening she texts me saying she was sorry about that. I reply and say "dont worry about it" she then says "so whats up" but I didnt really feel like talking to her so much since I already talked to her at school that day so i dont teply to her text.

Then i dont go to hangout with her on thursday or friday, but i text her on saturday since she was supposed to tell me the address of a party her friend was throwing. She is acting really cold, and doesnt even reply to my second text.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
andy_4029 said:
Well like I said this happens repeatedly with a lot of the girls I talk to.

I'll give you some examples though. I met a girl through my social circle one weekend and didnt do anything other then # close, texted her a bit the next day and planned to hangout the next weekend. Then she texts me on monday, we text a bit more then i end the convo. I text her on friday and she says "no way! ur actually talking to me now"
this one's easy. she was interested, you demonstrated you were a high value male who was busy and didnt have time to text her every day of the week. she was testing to see if you were gonna stick with that unapologetic story, which i hope you did. the proper response would have been something like "well i'm a busy guy baby. you're lucky i got around to you THIS early ;)" joke around with her.

andy_4029 said:
Another girl from my school gets my numbers from a friend and texts me to come hangout with her and her friends at lunch. I tell her im busy the next day, so she keeps asking me again for the next couple of days.
She then starts talking to me on facebook on sunday and says that if i dont go the next day she wont talk to me again.

I then finally go on monday, tuesday, and again on wednesday. Lots of ioi's, plenty of kino, it was really obvious she was really into me. She also invites me to her friends party on saturday. On wednesday I try to kiss close her after we were saying goodbye and hugged but i kept her into my arms longer then usual in the middle of the hallway after school when it was packed (i know dumb idea should have isolated) and she pulls back slightly and says "here?!" is pretty embarrased, and says we'll do it on saturday (talking about about the party) Later in the evening she texts me saying she was sorry about that. I reply and say "dont worry about it" she then says "so whats up" but I didnt really feel like talking to her so much since I already talked to her at school that day so i dont teply to her text.

Then i dont go to hangout with her on thursday or friday, but i text her on saturday since she was supposed to tell me the address of a party her friend was throwing. She is acting really cold, and doesnt even reply to my second text.
this one is a little trickier. you were doing good, but a first time kiss close shouldnt be at school, although i have to commend your ballsiness. haha i would never have been able to try that. but it may also have come across as socially awkward, which would have a negative impact on her interest level.

also, as much as i love to text, there's a certain inability to tell exactly what people are communicating since it is just text. you cant hear vocal tones, you can't see body language, etc. it's possible that she was just busy, or its possible her il has dropped. for the specific situation, i would just go to the party and see what you could make of it.

to answer your original question, this doesnt really seem to be about the insecurity of the girls, its just more like your understanding of the game just isnt quite there yet. ha. but you're definitely on the right track


Don Juan
Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
(JJ) said:
this one is a little trickier. you were doing good, but a first time kiss close shouldnt be at school, although i have to commend your ballsiness. haha i would never have been able to try that. but it may also have come across as socially awkward, which would have a negative impact on her interest level.

also, as much as i love to text, there's a certain inability to tell exactly what people are communicating since it is just text. you cant hear vocal tones, you can't see body language, etc. it's possible that she was just busy, or its possible her il has dropped. for the specific situation, i would just go to the party and see what you could make of it.
Well the party was this past saturday, and i couldnt go since i didnt know the address since she never replied to me haha.

Also, I havent talked to her at all since then, I was a bit pissed she never replied. Do you think I should just go talk to her at school and pretend like nothing happened?


Don Juan
Jul 9, 2002
Reaction score
She then starts talking to me on facebook on sunday and says that if i dont go the next day she wont talk to me again.
I then finally go on monday, tuesday, and again on wednesday.
Later in the evening she texts me saying she was sorry about that. I reply and say "dont worry about it"
but i text her on saturday since she was supposed to tell me the address of a party her friend was throwing
Dude. Lay off a bit man. Way to available.