Are asians more prone to being AFC?

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Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2004
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Brisbane, Australia
i have a few asian friends and compared to most of my white friends, OMG asians are AFC
for instance, of my two best asisn buddies, one has a girlfriend and he's the most unmanyl -pvssy i've ever knwon, and the other guy CONSTANTLY showers attention on the girl he's after, and never eases up on the attention. neither has any life outside of the girl they're pursuing, and yet it appears they have solid chances with the girls

i constantly read this DJ stuff, and believe it like a gospel, yet they're having far more success than me

edit: there ya go jake ;)
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Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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As an Asian I can ABSOLUTELY say with confidence that YES, many, many Asian men are AFC. A lot of white men are AFC too, but the proportion of Asian ones are higher.

I think it's because Asian cultures DEMAND obidience - it stems from the Confucian Order in which superiors DEMANDED total deference from subordinates, and this system of submission filtered down from the level of 'king/emperor-subject' aaaaall the way down to that of parent/child. In such a rigidly status-entrenched society, risk-taking and rebellion were strongly, strongly suppressed, and thus after centuries of psychological castration, you have a peoples that aren't as prone to free and open expressions of aggression/insubordination/risk-taking, etc. This is why many Asian men are TERRIFIED of taking a risk with women. They are terrified of treating them like crap, to make mistakes, to be free and stupid/make mistakes & learn, etc.


Master Don Juan
Nov 13, 2001
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By the way, your title is somewhat offensive, as if you insinutate that we are somehow BIOLOGICALLY prone to being wusses. Like it was written into your genetic code or something. :rolleyes:. I would call that a racist assertion, without any hesitation. I am however prepared to accept that Asian AFC-itis is the effect of historical/cultural causes.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2004
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Brisbane, Australia
sorry mate, no racism intended
i was just surpised at how when i talk to them everything they say contradicts the whole essence of being a DJ, yet they're still successful


Senior Don Juan
Jul 3, 2004
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stereotypes of asians are that they are weak and submissive = AFC.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
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Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Tread carefully on this thread. I'm keeping track... no racism.


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2004
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I know many confident asians , they almost have to be becuase of the stereotype.They need to prove they are not Afc , and once they do , all smooth sailing ,becuase the other asian stereotypes are quite complimenting (sweet,intelligent).

I'm black ,and I feel my stereotype is not be Afc at all , but I am quite Afc which suprises alot of people haha , but I'm slowly getting rid of that.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
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Jakethesnake - the title doesn't imply genetic proneness at all, it could just as easily be proneness due to cultural conditioning.

However, if AFCism has been culturally ingrained into most east and southeast asian cultures through thousands of years, through confucianism, and the encouragement of obedience, piety, social conformity and respect for authority, it suggests that a genetic tendency for it may have also been hardwired into the psychology. This is simple darwinism.

The people who studied hard, respected, obeyed and conformed would have proven the most successful in their society. These people would have bred more prolifically and passed their genes on, while the bold, risk taking, non conformers would be outcast and jailed/executed or at the very least, not married due to social stigma. Thus after 100 generations we may very well have a society which is both genetically and culturally conditioned to be prone to AFCism.

Remember that for thousands of years in Chinese culture women would not marry and breed because they were attracted to their partners, but because of
1. Financial reasons - they wanted a wealthy husband who could support them and their families
2. Familial pressure - marriages would be arranged by the family, not the individuals

Who were rich, socially desirable men who women were most pressured into marrying then? Why, the academically gifted, respectful and conformist men who were given status in society. These were the men who were promoted to the ranks of the Mandarin or scholar gentry, or the one with the largest and most influential families in the district.
In Chinese society Women had very little freedom to choose who to marry, and adulterous affairs were unlikely.
Chinese society would use methods like footbinding to control their women and restrict their mobility and freedom. Essentially, women would be FORCED to marry and breed with men whom in another society, would have genetic behavioural tendencies that would make them unattractive. These men may have been intelligent, but by no means bold, outspoken, or naturally assertive, the qualities which we ascribe to the 'alpha male' who gets all the women.

Please note that this is pure speculation, I have no statistical evidence of Asian genetic preconditioning, nor am I aware of any formal studies having taken place to this effect. But it does make logical sense.
As far as I know, due to genetic breeding tendencies and their culture/environment, certain nationalities of person will be physically larger in general, more even tempered in general, more intelligent in general etc. It follows that the same would apply to AFC tendencies.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 17, 2004
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
a few friends of mine (asians) are trying to hook up with some girls, i've never really met em before, just a hi here and there

should i refrain from giving them the DJ advice?
because so far it seems their afc tendancies are working for em


Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
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Wouldn't everything depend on the culture the Asian adopted? A lot of people think that Asians have some kind of homogenous cultural identity which is Confucianist or something, but many Asians do not live that way. Assuming an Asian guy was born in Europe, Australia and America where sex has been decriminalised, and assuming he is accepted in that culture, wouldn't his behavior be different?

Wolfie, your speculation may not be racist in intent but it certainly is in tone. For example, you project the feudal mentality on Asians without acknowledging that the feudal mentality has been a big part of history in other cultures, even white ones.

You talk as if white women have never been pressured or forced to marry rich powerful old men.

You talk as if Asian cuture has been unchainging throughout the thousands of years it existed, and is significant enough to effect evolutionary change within such a relatively short time span.

Would you say that the Church has had a similar effect on Western society, making white people GENETICALLY prone to AFCness?

"These men may have been intelligent, but by no means bold, outspoken, or naturally assertive, the qualities which we ascribe to the 'alpha male' who gets all the women."

Yet another stereotype.

Your assertion doesn't 'make logical sense'. It's just false cause and effect mirroring your own world view.


Don Juan
Sep 1, 2004
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Do these Asian threads always pop up like this regularly?


I'm Asian-American and agree that a lot of the brothas need to nut up and stop being afraid to express their sexuality. I cannot believe the # of Ivy League graduate doctors, lawyers, surgeons, investment bankers, etc. who just settle for the best available girlfriend LTR and get married.

Although I have slept with my share of women (of all races), I'm starting to realize that a lot of it was either from superior social proofing or stumbling by on instinct. So referring Asian guys to sites like this or Fastseduction would probably be the best thing for them.


New Member
Jun 3, 2004
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This type of post is such BS.

"Asian" is such a broad term it really has little meaning when you try to generalize like that. Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese, Laotians, Thais, sure they may be asian but are as different as italians and Swedes.

Being what you think is AFC behavior is often a sign of sincerity and respect that works fine in some cultures. Rather, your C&F techniques and hubris behavior will make you a laughing stock.

It all depends on the cultural background of your target.

I know of many korean dudes who were either born here or immigrated at an early age that have mastered social skills compatible with this society. They don't try to act "white" but are still very original and have no problems scoring chicks.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 27, 2003
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Originally posted by Sardaukar
Wouldn't everything depend on the culture the Asian adopted? A lot of people think that Asians have some kind of homogenous cultural identity which is Confucianist or something, but many Asians do not live that way. Assuming an Asian guy was born in Europe, Australia and America where sex has been decriminalised, and assuming he is accepted in that culture, wouldn't his behavior be different?

Wolfie, your speculation may not be racist in intent but it certainly is in tone. For example, you project the feudal mentality on Asians without acknowledging that the feudal mentality has been a big part of history in other cultures, even white ones.

You talk as if white women have never been pressured or forced to marry rich powerful old men.

You talk as if Asian cuture has been unchainging throughout the thousands of years it existed, and is significant enough to effect evolutionary change within such a relatively short time span.

Would you say that the Church has had a similar effect on Western society, making white people GENETICALLY prone to AFCness?

"These men may have been intelligent, but by no means bold, outspoken, or naturally assertive, the qualities which we ascribe to the 'alpha male' who gets all the women."

Yet another stereotype.

Your assertion doesn't 'make logical sense'. It's just false cause and effect mirroring your own world view.
Sardaukar, yes environment does have the greatest effect on behavioural tendencies, but remember that even though an Asian person might be born and grow up in a comparatively sexually liberated society i.e USA, their family is usually first or second generation Asian and will raise them according to their cultural norms and behaviours - in Chinese and southeast Asian cultures that is usually "Study hard, respect your elders and authority, and climb the professional ladder to financial and social status without making waves. When you're 40 and are married with a good job, the extended family will move in with you and you will support us."
There is little or no emphasis on women or social relations, apart from relatives trying to set you up to marry friends of the family of the opposite sex.

As for the confucianist identity being projected on to all asians, as far as I know confucianist ideology was most dominant in China, as well as southeast Asia and also spread to Korea and Japan.

My post indicated that there MIGHT be a possibility of genetic preconditioning based on cultural tendencies and breeding throughout time. Like I said - it is speculation. My point was to state that genetic tendency towards AFCism is not out of the question when it comes to a hundred generations of culture encouraging certain types of behaviour. This is in response to Jake's statement that AFC behaviour would ONLY be a result of cultural conditioning. IMO cultural conditioning will facilitate the procreation of people prone to those cultural traits and these will establish themselves genetically. By no means are these genetic traits the ultimate or even one of the most important determinants of ones personality, as I think that culture, environment and personal choice are the primary factors in establishing a persons identity.

You're also correct in saying that I didn't account for the feudal and authoritarian/misogynistic nature of many western societies as well. I should have supposed that certain societal tendencies in European society throughout history might also encourage or precondition AFC behaviour in ones genes.
In fact I agree with Senor Fingers who once stated that most of the worlds religious institutions, I.E the catholic church, judaism and islam have been perverted by intelligent yet unattractive men who use it as an social instrument to control and manipulate women who otherwise would be repulsed by them. EG - Can't get a girl? Introduce arranged marriages so they HAVE to fvck you.


Don Juan
Feb 21, 2004
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I'm asian. My parents raised me to be really nice, and I progressed into an AFC naturally due to their teachings.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
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*Reading* All I see is "blah blah blah close this thread blah blah blah."

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