one of the things i have learned through trail and error in my short time in the dating scene, if you treat a woman, normally and she does not give you a normal response, RUN LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW.
if you take a girl out to eat a few times and she is talking about being your soul mate or shacking up with you just because you have had sex a few times, RUN lol
If a woman just starts randomly popping up over your house, RUN
I took a woman out one nigght, long time ago, got plastered. damn red deaths. anyway, i had like 6 of them, she only had 1-2, but i think she got alcohol poisoning, i had to pull over the car and let her throw up. i let her sleep in my bed, ki mean, we were ****ing, no no big deal. next morning she mentioned she doesnt' know why I didn't try to have sex with her the previous (while she was laying in the bed shivering). that was the last time i spoke to her. that is not normal behavior.
in general, when you do X a normal woman is supposed to do Y. if i take you out to eat, have a great time, keven get laid, a normal woman, i might send a 2 line email the next day but if i don't really call you for 3 or so days, a normal woman, ldoesn't get bent out of shape. a woman "oh so you are going to hit it and quit it" RUN.
I HAVE LEARNED, that aot of my problems are avoidable just by screening women.
i will not even consider dating a woman who is a stripper anymore. dancing for men butt naked and giving men lap dances for money is not normal woman behavior.